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4 hours ago, Brer said:

You can always put them in the soup.

Seriously though my wife makes lines of chalk on the ground in places where she doesn’t want them to cross over, no chemicals involved only thing is they wash away quick this time of year.

Do you really believe that the chalk is not a chemical. Buy the ant chalk and it does work


Using powders, gels, bait boxes, etc that kill most household ants will not eliminate the OP's ant problem. Their diet consists of dead decaying animals, insects and fruits. You may initially kill some using the conventional methods listed, but they will learn to avoid future contact. You can use direct contact sprays to reduce their population, but it's highly unlikely you'll ever eliminate them unless you remove all the trees and bushes with leaves from your yard. I gave up using sprays to kill them. Now I reduce their numbers by spraying a high pressure water blast onto the nest, breaking it apart and let the chickens feast.  This info is my actual knowledge on the subject and not some old croc of s**t Google search.


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My pics in April, mot daeng on a construction project

I understood they were beneficial to have in the mango trees as kept other insect pests away





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Forget any ant killer.


Just hire this girl;




For those who have not yet seen it.    I don't think these guys sting but they may pinch so it feels like a sting.    I've brushed a lot of them off my legs while playing golf and accidentally standing near their colony in the rough.


Overall,  ants are incredibly beneficial to mankind.



3 hours ago, tweedledee2 said:

Now I reduce their numbers by spraying a high pressure water blast onto the nest, breaking it apart and let the chickens feast.  This info is my actual knowledge on the subject and not some old croc of s**t Google search.


Well done for sure!

A positive natural  approach.    Who knows they may get tired of your efforts and decide to move on.     ????


S-85. sprinkle it in the cleft of tree branches where the ants track and ants gone in the morning. I used to use this stuff but am now more concerned with what other wildlife it kills such as frogs, lizards and birds.


It is not clear whether you're talking about the little red ants also known as fire ants that live in holes in the ground and bite and sting. Or, the bigotry dance which live in trees and make Nest by sewing leaves together in the trees. They bite and the bite hurts but there is no Venom injected and the bite stops hurting as soon as I stop biting.

Big red ants Iare considered an asset in the garden as they destroy other pests and re soughtt after for the eggs which the north Thailand people like to eat. Little red ants are nothing but a pain and a the problem. I have been dealing with them successfully for 5 years. PM me and I'll give you full details. The simple answer is that Chaindrite liquid and powder s described by other posters works very well but is relatively expensive.


In short, Bayer Sevin 85 works nearly as well in powder form mixed into water at a rate of one gram or so per liter It is dead cheap to use.  Using my Homepro blue and yellow 8 litre sprayer I destroy ant nests and smaller paper wasp nests.  I can even kill wasps in the air with it.




  • Thanks 1

I've also got a natural treatment to get rid of those biting, little brownish red ants whose nests have loose soil on top with numerous entrances and crisscrossing tunnels. During my waking hours, every time I have to drain the main vein, I saturate the nest and as many ants as possible. After doing 3-4 treatments a day, they've usually moved on by day three. 


Terro liquid ant traps - Uses borax and a sweetener.

The ants love it, it will wipe out the nest.


These products don't mention what exactly "they take it back to the nest" means.

It means it kills the ant that ate it, the ant makes it back to the nest before dying, the other ants eat the dead ant.


No harmful spray or chemicals, won't damage anything except the ants (I'd put it somewhere where a hummingbird won't be tempted to stick its beak in there and take a taste).



26 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:

Terro liquid ant traps - Uses borax and a sweetener.

The ants love it, it will wipe out the nest.

Good luck. I tried Terro liquid on red Weaver ants and it doesn't work. They aren't sugar eaters other than fruit pectin.

36 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:

somewhere where a hummingbird won't be tempted to stick its beak in there and take a taste).

You don't have to worry about Hummingbirds consuming it as they are not native to Thailand.


I had red ants in our back yard, but they didn't normally bother us. When they made a nest in a tree inside the yard I used insect spray.

Amazing creatures- I killed a scorpion and hundreds of them worked together to lift it up to their nest about 15 feet high in a tree.

IMO, pave over any grass area so they can't hide in the undergrowth. I bought pavers for 8 baht each, so cheap enough.

On ‎6‎/‎20‎/‎2019 at 11:34 AM, tweedledee2 said:

You don't have to worry about Hummingbirds consuming it as they are not native to Thailand.

You are correct, but there are many other small birds here that feed on nectar, which are often found in gardens. 






19 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

When they made a nest in a tree inside the yard I used insect spray.

That's what I used to do, until I got an earful from the wife. She like to collect the ant eggs.


Today on the show Iron Chef one of the challenges was to prepare a dish with red ant eggs. It reminded me of this thread. Sorry, I have nothing else useful to add, except Fat Bottom Ants in Colombia are very tasty fried in bacon grease.

On 6/19/2019 at 9:59 PM, The Deerhunter said:

It is not clear whether you're talking about the little red ants also known as fire ants that live in holes in the ground and bite and sting. Or, the bigotry dance which live in trees and make Nest by sewing leaves together in the trees. They bite and the bite hurts but there is no Venom injected and the bite stops hurting as soon as I stop biting.

Big red ants Iare considered an asset in the garden as they destroy other pests and re soughtt after for the eggs which the north Thailand people like to eat. Little red ants are nothing but a pain and a the problem. I have been dealing with them successfully for 5 years. PM me and I'll give you full details. The simple answer is that Chaindrite liquid and powder s described by other posters works very well but is relatively expensive.


In short, Bayer Sevin 85 works nearly as well in powder form mixed into water at a rate of one gram or so per liter It is dead cheap to use.  Using my Homepro blue and yellow 8 litre sprayer I destroy ant nests and smaller paper wasp nests.  I can even kill wasps in the air with it.




When applying  Bayer Sevin 85 to little fire ant underground nests, do note that they usually have an area of up to a 1 metre radius of active surface space with numerous holes and trails leading off to satellite nests.  Turn the nozzle to power jet and poke it down the main visible hole, usuallly til it overflows.  But there are other entrances usually not so obvious and they are not all connected underground, so bombing just one hole does not work!!!  Instead poke around out to the perimeter and when the nozzle seems to find ground that yields a bit, press down, enter the hole and fill it too.  All of them.  You will get the idea. It takes a bit of experience to develop a technique but once you get it right you will only rarely have to do a re-kill on the undamaged parts of the colony.   Although the packet says 1 gram a litre it is hard to measure that small with my scales so I usually do between 16 & 20 or so grams for 8 litres. i.e 2-2.5g per L.   But is is very cheap to use so who cares?  Works well on termite nests at the base of fruit trees too.  Squirting directly underground you are not broadcasting spray into the air to kill bees or useful bugs.     Nor is a wind a problem while you do it.   Try and race the trails to satellite nests but it cab get difficult and I have trailed over 100m to satellite colonies.  Easier to just check in 5 to 14 days and keep an eye open nearby.  Here in North Chonburi we have prodigious amounts of pests; ants termites, scorpions, centipedes, millipedes (just annoyingly nosy) as well as snakes and millions of fruit flies and Malang mau (Drunk flies.)  Lots of hornets of various colours and mud wasps that plug every keyhole they can find.  And Mot Dang.   By comparison a friend in Phichit has a similar piece of land and almost none of any of the above pests.

On 6/19/2019 at 4:49 AM, jak2002003 said:

Red ants don't sting do they?  I thought they just pinch you really hard and not want to let go?


I have some black ants in the garden and if one stings you its like a wasp sting... really painful.


At my old place we had the big red ants.  I found them great for the garden as they killed all the other insects and protected the fruit trees.  The never came into the house, and if I was gardening and some pinched me they are easy to just pull them off.


This new place no red ants, but many kinds of nasty bugs, scorpions, stinging ants, tiny ants that get into the house, and other stuff.  I actually want the red ants to move in here and kill all the other things.


OP.  be careful with the insecticides... they are usually VERY toxic to water animals, fish etc, but they won't harm your vegetables or plants.  



They bite and sting some do both and they spray formic acid,I got bitten by tiny little red ants I  could hardly see them ,they came in with a plant on the balcony of the guest house in jomtien.I had a nasty reaction itching all over especially my scalp,sweats and mild shakes felt really weird some pills from the clinic sorted me out and some powder from the supermarket sorted out the ants.


On 6/20/2019 at 10:10 AM, tweedledee2 said:

I've also got a natural treatment to get rid of those biting, little brownish red ants whose nests have loose soil on top with numerous entrances and crisscrossing tunnels. During my waking hours, every time I have to drain the main vein, I saturate the nest and as many ants as possible. After doing 3-4 treatments a day, they've usually moved on by day three. 

One treatment with the right chemical, Chaidrite or sevin 85 and  the job is done

On 6/19/2019 at 8:41 AM, rwill said:

Bayer quantum works good.  Just place a big drop on the ant trails.  It takes a couple days to get rid of them.  Just like borax the idea is to get the workers to take the bait back to the nest where the queen eats it too and kills off the nest.  See the source image


Thanks for the tip!


I used this stuff to nuke the massive colony of tiny black bastards who were invading my kitchen.


Those mofos are toast!

On 6/18/2019 at 12:57 PM, transam said:

Tesco sell ARS ant killer...54bht.....You put the granules in the plastic box supplied and put the box near the ant run...They get in the box to take the yummy granules back home which kill off the ants there.

I bought a few and placed them at different locations....Really good..

now we know why Trans is POTY!

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