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New laws target people in Thailand who smoke at home


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I wonder what happens when the wife smokes and the husband doesn't? I don't see women mentioned as smokers anywhere in the OP.


To nip this in the bud it would be good to see the first complaint against the mother rather than the male spouse; that might get them out of their ivory towers and face the reality that it is not just men that smoke.


But, for clarity, as a smoker I agree that nobody should be smoking near children, from infants to teenagers.

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6 minutes ago, shaurene said:

Their brains work with their ideas but the brains shut down when it comes to implementing and working out the after effects. Ban smoking in vehicles, in public areas, and especially where children are. 

Brains ???????

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15 hours ago, sharpjwe said:

This to protect the children 

how can parents poison their own offspring 

good law for sure 

How can parents let their 9 year old offsprings ride a  motobike (without helmets of course)?

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24 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

But, for clarity, as a smoker I agree that nobody should be smoking near children, from infants to teenagers.

It's time to pack the children up and send them to live with the inlaws. The choice is a smooth, relaxing, satisfying Camel with the JW after work or a demanding kid who won't let you relax.:drunk:

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I don't think it is violence but it IS a violation to expose dirty used smoke from cigarettes to innocents living in the home with a smoker. it is a violation as it relates to all individuals that have the right to breathe in fresh air. Oh, I know about the pollution but the smoking aspect adds to the problem and to some extent, people saying that staying indoors maybe escape the pollution outside - but can't stay inside for three months, no!.


It is never right to state that its (perceived) importance is at the expense of greater needs and therefore do nothing. Many thousands die everywhere in the world from the effects of smoking - what's wrong with doing something really positive? Will it work? I don't know - wait and see!


When I discovered in 1980 the irrefutable proof that passive smoking is harmful to my family, I immediately gave up - it just seemed to be the caring and responsible thing to do. I do not expect to be criticised for it or being thought of as "holier than Thou".


I have some (not much) sympathy with those who believe this measure by the Government is a violation of their human rights and another nail in the coffin of freedom to choose.


It's a bit like wearing a crash helmet or your safety belt. Not because it's the law but because it affords protection from more serious effects in the event of accidents - caring and being responsible!

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

If it can be proved that the health problems of family members stems from second- or third-hand smoke at home, it can lead to two court trials: one in Criminal Court for ‘domestic assault’ via smoke and the other at the Central Juvenile and Family Court. This could lead to a court injunction to protect the health of family members, with the smoker being sent to a rehabilitation centre to kick the habit,” Lertpanya said

Like many government plans from countries around the globe it has been made with good intentions but is completely unworkable.The definition of the offence is not fact based but based on opinion, resulting in poor people being found guilty unlike the rich who will buy, oops meant employ, a medical expert who will prove that cigarette smoke was not the cause.

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2 hours ago, smedly said:

I agree that no one should smoke in enclosed spaces especially in the presence of children but this law is unenforceable, especially since general air quality in Thailand is as bad as it is, cigarette smoke is way down the list when it comes to air pollution in Thailand

How the law will be enforced is when you go to the doctor/hospital with a lung ailment and the first thing they will ask is, "Does anyone smoke at your home?"

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14 minutes ago, shaurene said:

Their brains work with their ideas but the brains shut down when it comes to implementing and working out the after effects. Ban smoking in vehicles, in public areas, and especially where children are. 

"especially where children are" such as in the house they live in?

Smokers generally think they have a right to smoke wherever they want regardless of how it affects other people or the litter left behind. 

Just see how many comments there are about how they will do as they please in their own homes. Not a problem unless a non smoker lives there or visits. A mate of mine who has done litter picking on roadsides said 90% of the rubbish was from smokers. 

Speaking as a non smoker who had to endure people's smoke for many years, even on planes, I think this is an excellent idea but as you say very hard to enforce and also open to abuse. A disgruntled neighbor could take a photo of you nipping inside to answer the phone with a fag in your hand from smoking outside. Passive smoking increases health risks but is impossible to say for certain that it caused an individual any harm. My godson has asthma which was likely caused by his chain smoking parents but he may have had it anyway.


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2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Thank you for kicking us off with a positive note. It's a breath of fresh air from the usual negative comments from the "knocking everything Thai" quarter.

Sadly with Pollution rampant in Thailand especially in the Cities and large towns, your

comments are baseless, more liable to catch something horrible from the pollution that smokers. grow a set 

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9 minutes ago, chang1 said:

A mate of mine who has done litter picking on roadsides said 90% of the rubbish was from smokers.

How did he know the person that had dumped the plastic bags, fast food containers, drink bottles, cans etc. was a smoker?

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