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Trump to Putin - Please don't meddle in U.S. elections

Jonathan Fairfield

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35 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

45's behavior adjacent to Putin is a disgrace. Yes, he still behaves as if he is COMPROMISED by Russia. How else can it be explained?




Wow! You a quoting an opinion piece from The Washington Post? Lol! 

Not even one of their stories, but an opinion piece, and this is your proof Trump is compromised by Russia?

I think that particular post would have had more credibility if it had started out with the phrase, Once upon a time! 

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3 minutes ago, Becker said:

I can forgive President Carter a great many things but it's much, much harder to forgive those who still support the traitor in the WH.

Traitor in the WH? A fairly inflammatory statement which of course you can offer some actual proof backing up your statement?  Perhaps you too should be starting your posts with the phrase once upon a time.

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2 minutes ago, CaptRon2 said:

Traitor in the WH? A fairly inflammatory statement which of course you can offer some actual proof backing up your statement?  Perhaps you too should be starting your posts with the phrase once upon a time.

Trump is a traitor to the American people in so many ways and if you can't see that then there is no use in me trying to educate you. 


But since it's a slow day I will mention just one of the ways he's made himself into a traitor:


He publicly sided with the nutty dictator and murderer Kim when said dictator and murderer attacked one of Trump's own countrymen. And that's not even close to being the worst of his treachery.


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1 hour ago, CaptRon2 said:

Traitor in the WH? A fairly inflammatory statement which of course you can offer some actual proof backing up your statement?  Perhaps you too should be starting your posts with the phrase once upon a time.


About as "backed up" as your own "witch hunt" comments and such.

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48 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Obviously the Russians shouldn't do that. Like the Americans shouldn't do that, etc.

But how much did this Russian activity help Trump? 1% 5%

Even if only 10% of all Americans would have voted for such a maniac that would be way too much.

The problem are the American idiots who voted for him. Enormous amounts of problematic facts were exposed about Trump before he was elected. Smart people don't vote for such a person and hope to have a decent president.

Did they Russians meddle. Sure. Should it have made a difference? No - at least for non-idiot voters.


Guess some posters still don't believe advertising works. Except, of course, when it suits their narrative to claim the opposite.


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maybe slightly off topic,
but wonder if there is any parallel with current affairs. ????
happened to come across a predecessor of the National Anthem (appr. 1775):

To Anacreon in heaven where he sat in full glee,
A few sons of harmony sent a petition,
That he their inspirer and patron would be,
When this answer arrived from the jolly old Grecian:
Voice, fiddle aud flute, no longer be mute,
I'll lend you my name and inspire you to boot!
And besides I'll instruct you like me to entwine
The myrtle of Venus and Bacchus's vine.

The news through Olympus immediately flew,
When old Thunder pretended to give himself airs,
If these mortals are suffered their scheme to pursue,
The devil a goddess will stay above stairs,
Hark! already they cry, in transports of joy,
A fig for Parnassus, to Rowley's we'll fly,
And there my good fellows, we'll learn to entwine
The myrtle of Venus and Bacchus's vine.

The yellow-haired god, and his nine fusty maids,
To the hill of old Lud will incontinent flee,
Idalia will boast but of tenantless shades,
And the biforked hill a mere desert will be,
My thunder, no fear on't, will soon do its errand,
And, damn me I'll swinge the ringleaders, I warrant
I'll trim the young dogs, for thus daring to twine
The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine.

Apollo rose up and said, "Prythee ne'er quarrel,
Good king of the gods, with my votaries below
Your thunder is useless - then showing his laurel,
Cried, Sic evitabile fulmen, you know!
Then over each head my laurels I'll spread,
So my sons from your crackers no mischief shall dread
Whilst snug in their club-room, they jovially twine
The myrtle of Venus and Bacchus's vine.

Lyrics courtesy http://www.contemplator.com/america/anacreon.html
image: Wikipediaimage.thumb.png.452a48592862962273d7a3bbe8447316.png


Edited by KKr
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Forget the Russians. Trump has just folded to the Chinese. And it's worse than imagined. He is going back on the Huawei ban. He has completely undermined the US and those of its allies it convinced to ban Huawei. This man is weak. Spineless. Yes, we need to impeach and convict and remove him before he sells out the entire country.

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16 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

I'm not surprised. It just made the ridiculous collusion hoax and saga even more farcical. If that was possible.

There is nothing farcical about outside interference in US elections.  Especially interference as extensive and insidious as that practiced by Russia. 


Patriotic Americans know this.  Trump and his base don't.

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12 hours ago, jb61 said:

I keep reading many comments that contributors make with "absolute certainty" that Trump lost the popular vote by 2 million votes. Perhaps, instead of repeating the mush that high paid mockingbirds want us to repeat, it would behoove us to do a little research with open mindedness.


Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes:



Did Votes By Noncitizens Cost Trump The 2016 Popular Vote? Sure Looks That Way



Researchers stated that illegal aliens voted over 80% democrat.



The both articles are examples of "may have" piece of BS using a discredited poll. 


If there were millions, thousands, or even hundreds of illegal votes some of them would have been revealed by now.  Where is the evidence of actual illegal voting on a scale of any significance?  The only example I am aware of was orchestrated by a Republican in North Carolina.    https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/north-carolina-judge-declines-to-certify-9th-district-congressional-race-as-investigation-continues/2019/01/22/9adbea94-1e74-11e9-8b59-0a28f2191131_story.html?noredirect&utm_term=.5d2917219d90

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8 hours ago, usviphotography said:

Even if that were true (and as has been noted, we have no ideal how many illegals voted so we don't know if that is even true), it would be as legitimate as a Wimbledon Champion who won the final 1-6, 7-5, 2-6, 6-4, 7-5. The popular vote is not, nor has it ever been, of any relevance in deciding the US Presidency. There is pronounced correlation between popular vote and outcome, just as there is a pronounced correlation in tennis between games won and the outcome of a match, but that is the extent of it. Winning the most games in a match wins you nothing by itself, just as winning the popular vote wins you nothing in the US Presidential race. And if winning games or the popular vote did matter, then the strategy of the competitors would change dramatically. Trump and Hillary both would have run wildly different campaigns than the ones they did and who knows what the outcome of that would have been.  


Great interview of Putin in the FT the other day, for anybody who is interested. Really highlights how deep Putin's understanding of the modern political world really is:  https://www.ft.com/content/878d2344-98f0-11e9-9573-ee5cbb98ed36

Why am I not surprised that you are a Putin fan?


No one would argue that Putin is not knowledgeable about world affairs, or that he isn't a master manipulator.  That is why it is so dangerous for the US when the stubbornly ignorant Trump negotiates with Putin.


Regarding how many illegals may have voted--stop with the BS.  As already noted, if there had been a significant number, some of them would have been found.

Edited by heybruce
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11 hours ago, Morch said:


Guess some posters still don't believe advertising works. Except, of course, when it suits their narrative to claim the opposite.


How often did you buy something which you despise even if you saw advertisement about it all the time?

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And the US doesn't "provoke and amplify political and social discord around the world." LMAO

It has been hard at work for 70 years doing it but when the tables are turned on them they as a people react in typically hypocritical style . So enough of the BS 


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Just now, porphyry said:

And the US doesn't "provoke and amplify political and social discord around the world." LMAO

It has been hard at work for 70 years doing it but when the tables are turned on them they as a people react in typically hypocritical style . So enough of the BS 

They obviously only meddle to bring good to the people, maybe democracy in Iraq or "stability" to somewhere were they supported a dictator. It's like those evangelists who just know what is best for all the others.

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4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

They obviously only meddle to bring good to the people, maybe democracy in Iraq or "stability" to somewhere were they supported a dictator. It's like those evangelists who just know what is best for all the others.

That is one interpretation! The "good" term is as questionable as the evangelists and assorted bible thumpers

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5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Every country has a past.  I don't think the past of the US is exceptionally dirty,  However that is off-topic.


Nobody cares if you dislike the US.  Citizens of the US want a President who will stand up to thugs like Putin and will work to ensure fair elections.  Unfortunately we don't have such a President, we have Trump.

now why would I dislike myself???? 

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12 hours ago, Becker said:

Trump is a traitor to the American people in so many ways and if you can't see that then there is no use in me trying to educate you. 


But since it's a slow day I will mention just one of the ways he's made himself into a traitor:


He publicly sided with the nutty dictator and murderer Kim when said dictator and murderer attacked one of Trump's own countrymen. And that's not even close to being the worst of his treachery.


And still not a credible reference or citation, just a rather vague comment.

The content of your post reads like some thing one would expect to find in Aesop’s Fairytales, than a post meant to to provide useful information. 

You have the time to make false accusations about as you say, a traitor in the WH but no time to provide any supporting credible references, sounds like a weak argument.

I would have enjoyed reading your post if you had just opened it with Once Upon a Time!


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2 hours ago, CaptRon2 said:

And still not a credible reference or citation, just a rather vague comment.

The content of your post reads like some thing one would expect to find in Aesop’s Fairytales, than a post meant to to provide useful information. 

You have the time to make false accusations about as you say, a traitor in the WH but no time to provide any supporting credible references, sounds like a weak argument.

I would have enjoyed reading your post if you had just opened it with Once Upon a Time!


Vague comment? If you'd been more interested in the real world than the "fairy tales" you seem so preoccupied by maybe you wouldn't be so confused.



BTW, It's Aesop's Fables not "Aesop’s Fairytales".

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1 hour ago, Becker said:

Vague comment? If you'd been more interested in the real world than the "fairy tales" you seem so preoccupied by maybe you wouldn't be so confused.



BTW, It's Aesop's Fables not "Aesop’s Fairytales".

 Your post would be funny if it wasn’t so sad, you actually believe that The President of the United States is a traitor because he agreed with Kim’s opinion of Biden? You think because President Trump agreed that Biden is a low IQ individual and stated his record confirms the statement (a fact many of us agree on) that he committed an act of treason, an act punishable by death. 

Plus you you use an article from Vox, an anti-Trump, liberal heavily biased as your source? 

If indeed this is not even the worst of his acts of treachery why is this nothing-burger the only incident you have listed a reference for? Being such an expert on real world news, it would seem you could have produced an actual example of the treasonous behavior you have accused President Trump of being guilty of, if not let’s just stick with your opening statement being once upon a time!

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53 minutes ago, CaptRon2 said:


Plus you you use an article from Vox, an anti-Trump, liberal heavily biased as your source? 

Yet you don't dispute the fact (correctly reported by Vox which came up first in the Google search) that Trump sided with a foreign murderer and dictator against an American, right?

Oh, and let's not forget Otto Warmbier, whom the traitor in the WH has in no way held Kim responsible for.


PS. Did you get that about Aesop's Fables?

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