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China condemns violent Hong Kong protests as 'undisguised challenge' to its rule


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China condemns violent Hong Kong protests as 'undisguised challenge' to its rule

by Anne Marie Roantree



Broken glass and graffiti are seen at the Legislative Council, a day after protesters broke into the building in Hong Kong, China July 2, 2019. REUTERS/Jorge Silva


BEIJING/HONG KONG (Reuters) - China on Tuesday condemned violent protests in Hong Kong as an “undisguised challenge” to the formula under which the city is ruled, hours after police fired tear gas to disperse hundreds of protesters who stormed and trashed the legislature.


A representative of China’s Hong Kong affairs office denounced the demonstrators, who are furious about proposed legislation allowing extraditions to China, and said Beijing supports holding criminals responsible, state media said.


The former British colony of Hong Kong returned to China in 1997 under a “one country, two systems” formula that allows freedoms not enjoyed in mainland China, including freedom to protest and an independent judiciary.


Monday was the 22nd anniversary of the handover.


Beijing denies interfering, but for many Hong Kong residents, the extradition bill is the latest step in a relentless march towards mainland control.


“Seriously violating the law, the act tramples the rule of law in Hong Kong, undermines social order and the fundamental interests of Hong Kong, and is an undisguised challenge to the bottom line of ‘one country, two systems’, Xinhua news agency quoted a Hong Kong affairs office spokesman as saying. “We strongly condemn this act.”


Debris including umbrellas, hard hats and water bottles was among the few signs left of the mayhem that had engulfed parts of the city on Monday and overnight after protesters stormed and ransacked the Legislative Council, or mini-parliament.


Police cleared roads near the heart of the financial centre, paving the way for business to return to normal.


However, government offices, where protesters smashed computers and spray-painted “anti-extradition” and slurs against the police and government on chamber walls, were closed.


The government’s executive council meeting was due to be held in Government House, officials said, while the legislature would remain closed for the next two weeks.


Millions of people have taken to the streets in the past few weeks to protest against the now-suspended extradition bill that would allow people to be sent to mainland China to face trial in courts controlled by the Communist Party.


Lawyers and rights groups say China’s justice system is marked by torture, forced confessions and arbitrary detention. China has been angered by Western criticism of the bill.


The bill triggered a backlash against Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam, taking in the business, diplomatic and legal communities that fear corrosion of the legal autonomy of Hong Kong and the difficulty of guaranteeing a fair trial in China.


She has suspended the bill and said it would lapse next year, but protesters want it scrapped altogether and have pressed her to step down.


Lam, Hong Kong’s self-styled Iron Lady, has created a fresh crisis for Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is already grappling with a trade war with Washington, a faltering economy and tension in the South China Sea.


Regina Ip, chairwoman of Hong Kong’s pro-China New People’s Party, said the protests had brought shame on Hong Kong.


“In the long term, (this) will impact Hong Kong’s business environment. I believe various negative consequences of damages in our economy and prosperity will soon emerge.”


Starry Lee, chairwoman of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, also condemned the violence.


“This is an insult to LegCo (Legislative Council), an insult to Hong Kong rule of law,” she said.


Chinese censors have worked hard to erase or block news of the Hong Kong protests, wary that any large public rallies could inspire protests on the mainland.


Screens went black on the BBC and CNN when they showed related reports in mainland China, as has happened during previous Hong Kong protests. Foreign news channels are only available in luxury hotels and a handful of high-end apartment complexes in China.


State news agency Xinhua wrote an upbeat Chinese-language report about a government-arranged concert in Hong Kong to celebrate the handover anniversary, complete with descriptions of the audience singing the national anthem and how the performers showed their “ardent love of the motherland”.


A state newspaper in China called for “zero tolerance” after the violence in Hong Kong.


“Out of blind arrogance and rage, protesters showed a complete disregard for law and order,” the Global Times, published by the Communist Party’s People’s Daily, said in an editorial.


The protests generated lively discussion on Chinese social media.


“Hong Kong shows that China cannot follow a Western political system. It’s too easy to be manipulated and to bring chaos,” wrote one user of the Twitter-like Weibo.


Another wrote, “When the children don’t listen, their mothers should give them a smacked bottom.”


Britain warned China that there would be serious consequences if the Sino-British agreement on Hong Kong was not honoured. China has dismissed Britain’s concerns in the past, saying it no longer had any say in what goes on in Hong Kong.


Beijing-backed Lam called a news conference at 4 a.m. (2000 GMT Monday) to condemn some of the most violent protests to rock the city in decades.



-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-07-02
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sorry mate but HK is part of China thus ( I do feel for you) it's China and soon you will loose any little piece of freedom that you were used to, the Chinese (the guy speaking on behalf of the foreign affairs in China) said the agreement signed with the UK is voided, null, non existent



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China condemns violent Hong Kong protests as 'undisguised challenge' to its rule

Ahhh ... the local fascists pipe up and break cover. Maybe Xi can tell them to roll out the tanks in true Chinese style.

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sorry mate but HK is part of China thus ( I do feel for you) it's China and soon you will loose any little piece of freedom that you were used to, the Chinese (the guy speaking on behalf of the foreign affairs in China) said the agreement signed with the UK is voided, null, non existent


Although China has stated the above it is a fact that China signed a legal treaty which is still valid until 2047

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2 hours ago, roquefort said:

This is just a taste of what's to come in 28 years time when the agreement expires. Hongkongers had better get used to it, China may even not wait that long.

Talk was this was fueled by "agent Provocateurs", this was what China wanted, the legislature council building is surplus to requirement as the Chinese will use this as an excuse for direct control from Beijing. 

Edited by Basil B
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It's a very difficult situation as HK had so much freedom for so long but it is part of China. Difficult to see how this can continue before China sends in the tanks. If I had the means and was in HK this is the time to plan to get out.

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this was supposed to be a non violent demonstration, if so why did the kids started to break windows, destroy furniture and so forth, what's the point to claim a peaceful marching demonstration and destroy public/community property, doing so they lost a lot of credibility

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2 hours ago, Basil B said:

Talk was this was fueled by "agent Provocateurs", this was what China wanted, the legislature council building is surplus to requirement as the Chinese will use this as an excuse for direct control from Beijing. 

Of course it was. Everyone knows that the NED are behind this. Where did all those crash barriers, goggles and hard hats come from? The students had a cash collection? Appointed a Purchasing Manager?


Foreign news channels are only available in luxury hotels and a handful of high-end apartment complexes in China.


This by the way is utter nonsense. As is much of what Reuters has written above. A faltering economy? Struggling in a trade war? Get real.


They'll quietly arrest the ring leaders, show the CCTV evidence, and jail them. There will be no tanks, drama queens, so relax.


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I pray (not sure to what) for people in HK to stay safe, but I also hope they will keep on fighting for their rights. China has to understand (even if they get their way in the end) that there are people all over the world who see these actions and see China as a bully in this situation. I liked how China Uncensored called this a day of un-independence in HK, I just wish this wasn't that at all. Source:  https://youtu.be/ICLseht5sS4

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6 minutes ago, Dracar said:

I pray (not sure to what) for people in HK to stay safe, but I also hope they will keep on fighting for their rights. China has to understand (even if they get their way in the end) that there are people all over the world who see these actions and see China as a bully in this situation. I liked how China Uncensored called this a day of un-independence in HK, I just wish this wasn't that at all. Source:  https://youtu.be/ICLseht5sS4

A bunch of tooled-up stooges wreck the Legislature and China is the bully?


Do explain how that works?

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3 hours ago, Traubert said:

A bunch of tooled-up stooges wreck the Legislature and China is the bully?


Do explain how that works?

defending China the way you do, you must be related to Georges Marchais, China government are no angels on the contrary and you know it unless you are one of them, it's not uncommon for government forces to get involved with mass protesters, not only in China but all around the world, look at Sudan, Iran, Venezuela, etc., nothing new about it, just have to be open mind and accept that may or may not be a fact in HK but living there for so many years and knowing how China works, wouldn't be surprised

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