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"What about my brand new car!?" Thai lady fusses as Frenchman lies in pool of blood

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5 hours ago, Kerryd said:

If you actually knew where this place was, you'd know that almost everyone parks in the lane. Chokchai 4 is kind of segregated from the area around it and there is one way in/out of the village (https://www.google.co.th/maps/@12.9301691,100.9146122,3a,27.4y,195.56h,88.7t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1soN7Ukw3BEfUUf68QsaV6uw!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DoN7Ukw3BEfUUf68QsaV6uw%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D21.63312%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100?hl=en).

Even the Googlecar didn't go into there ! All of the lanes are very narrow, just like they are in many similar "villages". However, one can normally zip around easily on a scooter without problem. 

Assuming one is not "blind drunk" of course.

Looking at the photos, the woman's car is parked tight against the wall on one side of the lane. In most cases you would probably be able to get by that vehicle even with another car/small truck. The photo showing the ambulance in the lane shows you could go around either side it it (the ambulance) on a scooter with ease). 

Also, many of those villages are responsible for their own street lighting and it's up to the pooyai baan to replace the lights (and pay the electricity bill). Possibly there are some lights there that need replacing. Even still, it should not have been that hard to see the car and avoid it (assuming you can see and your lights were on and you were in control of your faculties).

Kind of wonder if they did a blood test at the hospital.

Pretty much accurate in all you say.

The main in/out road in fact is two lanes with a tree lined central reservation. The biker was in the IN lane. Large Lorries and dustcarts get around easily. The village is classed as private, but some strange quirk has the local council looking after lighting, trees and road surface(relaid a few years back). Something to do with originally being proposed as a thru road to Khao Noi which didnt materialise.

Thankfully that didnt happen, as the traffic volume would of been horrendous.


A much different story than I imagined from the headline.  First off, the Frenchman needs to have his vision corrected so that he can see clearly.  You also need to wear a proper helmet every time you step on a motorcycle or a bicycle.  I do hope that he has insurance.  She should park her car inside her house for a number of reasons.  Theft of car, minor accidents like this, or a larger truck or car hitting it and driving off.  I hope that the Frenchman can recover fully.

4 hours ago, maddox41 said:

Thais are a funny bunch the go on and in about respect and been polite but when push comes to shove they throw you out like dirty dish water. 

Its Thailand...  Park your car or bike anywhere at  your own risk maybe he was so blind he would of crashed through her garage and scratched her car??? If it wasn't on the street. 

Farangs are a funny bunch. Go around thinking they know best, then make totally dumb comments on incidents they werent present at, believing the dumb@$$ reporters hook line and sinker.


Character generalisation and assumption is the mother of all f♡ck♡ps.

  • Like 2

Why are you blaming the Thai woman? It

It's the idiot French man driving around without a helmet , and since this is Pattaya, probably half drunk , and blind as well. 
But don't worry lady, the insurance will pay for this.  

  • Like 1

hope he will recover, though he's old, french and a poor driver...

hope she will recover from the terrible scratch though she's a....


11 hours ago, stevenl said:

Can't see the lines there, but could easily be she was parked on the street, therefor illegally. If that is the case she is responsible.

Her house is in the private village with guard. Not illegal, sure. 

The blind and drunk Frenchman was her neighbor in the village. 

Read the link and post.

11 hours ago, BTB1958 said:

Some dumb@$$ who can't see a car.  I would be mad also.  How do you hit a parked car? 


How do you hit a parked car - poor eyesight, drunk, drugged, half asleep, not paying attention, texting, playing FB or Line, talking on your mobile, or just plain careless. Take your pick!

8 minutes ago, newnative said:

I'm totally with the lady on this one.  Too many old geezers who have no business being on a motorcycle, let alone attempting to drive one. 

Iv'e never heard so much crap, I wouldn't call 67 old geezer as you say, also there many more dangerous young idiots riding motorcycles,  

  • Confused 2
51 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


How do you hit a parked car - poor eyesight, drunk, drugged, half asleep, not paying attention, texting, playing FB or Line, talking on your mobile, or just plain careless. Take your pick!

I doubt any of the above you mentioned seeing as he was not Thai.

6 minutes ago, Hooliganzone said:

Iv'e never heard so much crap, I wouldn't call 67 old geezer as you say, also there many more dangerous young idiots riding motorcycles,  

Yes, too many idiots young and old on motorcycles.  


Get your facts right! Chokchai 4 village doesn't have security and the entrance road is poorly lit (I am not siding with the bloke with the bike) it had them for about the first few years after it was built, but as the norm here many Thais didn't pay the maintenance fees so the pool and bar was sold off and no more security guards, plus there are no lines anywhere in the village. 

7 minutes ago, Hooliganzone said:

Iv'e never heard so much crap, I wouldn't call 67 old geezer as you say, also there many more dangerous young idiots riding motorcycles,  

Very true...  but because there are young idiots on the roads (many of whom should rightly be policed and charged with their dangerous riding / driving) does not mean that those of age or others unable to ride within reasonable margins of safety because of their health (eyesight or other issues impacting their response to road / traffic conditions) should be free to ride around posing a risk to others... 


This isn't an issue of age, its an issue of being fit to drive / ride... Young idiots should be penalized to such a degree they are scared to ride / drive like idiots and for us older folk, once we approach ages where we can become a potential danger to others it would make sense to take a yearly medical to evaluate our driving fitness. 



  • Like 1
7 hours ago, Hooliganzone said:

Get your facts right! Chokchai 4 village doesn't have security and the entrance road is poorly lit (I am not siding with the bloke with the bike) it had them for about the first few years after it was built, but as the norm here many Thais didn't pay the maintenance fees so the pool and bar was sold off and no more security guards, plus there are no lines anywhere in the village. 

Close, but no cigar.


The pool area is still owned by the original landlord of the village and is leased as a franchise to help finance the village requirements.

The current franchisee, WAS the maintenance collector, but when she took over the pool, no one took up the task of collecting money and the security lapsed.

The accident is a long way from the entrance and was well lit as my previous photo shows. The entrance is NOT poorly lit at all.

  • Like 1
22 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

Well in her defense he is French and not wearing a helmet.

and can't see... Hope his injuries aren't too bad and he recovers quickly.

  • Thanks 1
17 hours ago, Crash999 said:

It’s a red plate, you can tell by the format of one letter followed by four numbers. 


It looks yellow because it’s reflective and there’s a bright yellow light shining on it. 



Hmm, why are the rear lights red then, shouldnt they also look yellow?




At first glance, I thought this was a head-on collision between the two of them.

But wait, this French idiot actually drove right into a parked car - and he was not wearing a helmet?


Old or not - some people have no business to be riding on motorcycles.
Does he have accident insurance? Wait, let me guess...


If he comes out of this alive and not too banged up,

he should re-think his life choices. 


17 hours ago, StGeorge said:
On 7/9/2019 at 11:48 AM, potless said:

Think it if you must. Just dont say it out loud. No class.

And its even less class commenting on something you dont know.

Okay. I will take that one on the chin. I should not have written  the last two words.

  • Like 1
On ‎7‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 8:34 PM, webfact said:

Witnesses at the Choke Chai 4 housing estate said that the Frenchman's sight was not what it was and that the area was badly lit

Still constantly amazed at the rationalization that some people come up with.  Bad eye sight?  Then should not be driving.  Night time and dimly lit areas, and bad eye sight?  Then should not be driving at night.  I am pretty sure that barring some highly improbable quantum mechanical jump transition, the car did not jump out in front of his motor bike. 

21 hours ago, StGeorge said:

She is just miffed the crash took the gloss off her present abit.



 ....and a bit of the undercoat too by the looks of it. 

On 7/9/2019 at 10:44 AM, mercman24 said:

totally agree with her, some silly old <deleted> blind as a bat riding a scooter, he is lucky he is not just a mangled heap in the road, its bad enough here and these sods can see. seems they all knew this guy cant see bugger all yet riding a scooter.

can not be BLIND he must have passed the ridiculous eyesight test to get a licence ....that IS IF he had one!!!


Troll post removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

On ‎7‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 3:39 PM, colinneil said:

Thats right lady get your priorities in the correct order... Sod the French man... What about my car.????

Normal behaviour. After my accident while I was lying bleeding on the road, the cop that turned up only cared about getting my driving licence. I could have bled to death and he wouldn't have done anything. He came before the ambulance.

16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Normal behaviour. After my accident while I was lying bleeding on the road, the cop that turned up only cared about getting my driving licence. I could have bled to death and he wouldn't have done anything. He came before the ambulance.

You were lucky after my accident, lying in the road with a shattered spine, only thing anybody did was steal my phone and 6.000 plus baht from my wallet.

  • Sad 2
On 7/9/2019 at 5:44 AM, RotMahKid said:

To lazy to put it inside? Don't park outside on the road, next time a drunk truck driver crashes it totally!

The Majority of the young men in my Extended Family are truck drivers or assistants and they do not drive Drunk. Like if they do they probably would get the sack,as they would be likely to write off the companies Trucks !!! Like Truck drivers might drink Cutting Dang or one of the alternatives, to stay awake, but they are not drunk I think. ... Try, Drunken rich A-Hole, in a late model Mercedes Benze ! ... 

On 7/9/2019 at 5:39 AM, colinneil said:

Thats right lady get your priorities in the correct order... Sod the French man... What about my car.????

Well, if some should not be on the road at night, ... Blind as a bat French Retiree, hit my car, when it was not even moving ! ... I probably would be upset also.


...  and I like most sensible people, always let the medics get on with their jobs ... and do not interfere ... ... Though when they found my Dead Brother in-law, on a Lonely part of a back track, and I tried to take his Pulse before the Body Snatchers turned up .... !!! .... and he was still with rigamortis already, ... ... 

1 minute ago, Mark mark said:

Well, if some should not be on the road at night, ... Blind as a bat French Retiree, hit my car, when it was not even moving ! ... I probably would be upset also.


...  and I like most sensible people, always let the medics get on with their jobs ... and do not interfere ... ... Though when they found my Dead Brother in-law, on a Lonely part of a back track, and I tried to take his Pulse before the Body Snatchers turned up .... !!! .... and he was still with rigamortis already, ... ... 

Though well, it was a Black Car wasn't it ! ... and people KNOW that Black cars are hard to see at night, ... and so a lot more dangerous then ! ... BUT they still keep on insisting on Buying them !!! ...


So maybe tell her he probably would not have hit it, ... if it was silver Grey like most sensible cars. 

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