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How is your daily routine as expat looks like?


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If you have a family day to day events are pretty much as they are in your home country. Shopping, dropping kids at school/social/ sports events, banking, keeping on top of immigration visits, paying bills, couple of nights out each week, and of course DIY around the house.

Get away for mini breaks more often sometimes overseas but sometimes locally. We live near the sea so do some good walking.

Living here is not as exciting as a three week holiday. Need to find your own expat activities. Darts, pool, golf, car clubs, reading etc.


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25 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

I simply clicked on QUOTE, as I did on your reply, and it does it automatically. How do I prevent the post I am replying to from being copied please?

Stick your cursor in the quote box and back space what you don't want.  

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Try to stay off the booze till after 4pm, had 4 years in Patts before moving to the jungle so it is a kind of rehab for me, it's mainly pottering around in the garden fixing one of the many things that need fixing, I have a go at exercise cycling walking and swimming but can't get into the routine and leaving my sanctuary, has anyone tried ( Battle Ropes ) for exercise, could tie the in-laws up if I get fed up with them   

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On 7/16/2019 at 7:56 AM, wgdanson said:

It all depends on where you live and what you personally want.

I live in 'my own' house in a a rural village but only 30km from Phitsanulok City where there are the usual Tesco, Big C, macro, Immigration, restaurants, etc. Go there twice a week. Also go to local vegetable markets twice a week

My day usually begins at 5.55 am, turn phone on for BBC midnight news. Check emails, currency, blood pressure, and have a pee. Take dog for walk/shit, back home to make a cuppa for me and coffee for gf. during which time I log onto TVisa to see who's dissed me !!!!! LOL

My day revolves around cooking, wine-making, watching catch-up telly or downloaded movies, listening to music, Popmaster, Countdown, playing Scrabble online. I used to be a professional musician so spend quite a bit of time recording on my PC, write some songs sometimes. Maybe mow my lawn and cut the hedge now & then. I am happy with my own company and my gf has so many friends I sometimes only see her morning and night....peaceful.

I would like to know a little more about the 'wine making'. Where do you get the yeast from?

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1 hour ago, Captain 776 said:

Not enough hours in the day.

Between Beekeeping, Baking, daily activities.........busy allllllll day



My dad used to be a beekeeper in his spare time and I too have thought of taking it up in my retirement. Not sure my wife will agree as she has an aversion to all six legged creatures. 


Is that artificial turf? Certainly save a lot of time cutting the grass.  

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Typical day was for me to get up by 5:30am and leave for work by 6:30am arriving at the office by 7:00am.  Spend a full day in the office.  Lunch sometime during the day but not always a set time.  Usually leave the office at 6:00pm, sometimes later, and have dinner.  In my earlier days that might involve an after dinner detour home by way of Cowboy or Nana.  Never really stayed out late during the work week and would try to be home by 9:00 or 9:30pm.  After a while I skipped those places and just went home after dinner.  

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17 hours ago, Number 6 said:

Wake up at 430. Read news. Leave for work at 600. Bust ass. Leave at 4-430. Return home. Have dinner. Have a scotch. Wife comes home. Chat. Fall asleep together. Rinse, repeat M-F. Make bank.




Wake up at 600. Have coffee. Read news. Work. Hang out with wife. Have a scotch. Go to restaurant. Bang the wife. Have a scotch. Watch a movie. Fall asleep.


Wake up at 600. Have coffee. Read news. Check real estate. Work. Hang out with wife. Have a go or two. Wife cooks big meal. Have a scotch. Relax. Watch a movie or two. Read. another scotch. Fall asleep together.


2 2 week holidays per year. One international, one local.


Focus on saving money for next 2-4 years. Life is good. Pay is good. Living is cheap.

waking up at 430am must be torture to do the work thing. Im not a morning person. I feel sorry for the life that you have

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45 minutes ago, ianezy0 said:

Wake at 8am with an erection.

wake one of the girls to help me.

wake the other girl to make brekky.

wake the last girl to do the housework.

9am we all shower.

9.30am we all have brekky.

10.30am girl 1 rolls me a cigar between her thighs.

Girl 2 lights it for me.

I tell girl 3 to not talk with her mouth full.

12.00pm girls go to shops while I go to bar to meet friends.

4.00pm girls collect me from bar and deposit me on sofa.

watch movies until 8pm.

Then, for some strange reason, I wake again and wonder if it was all a dream.


not a dream its called reality.......

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14 hours ago, DAN0 said:

do you actually enjoy teaching online those students abroad? what's so fun about it? wouldn't you prefer just be free of total commitments and just do whatever you feel for in the moment??

I'm sure the poster is not doing all that teaching online for the good of his health, it will be quite profitable, and the best of luck to him.

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5 hours ago, watcharacters said:


That's not a bad routine.




Thank you!  

And not in that order.  Sex is first 24/7...the other vices, cigs & and beer can wait.  The benefits of sex are enormous, psychologically I feel like I am on a prozac drip; my prostate is as fit as my heart...PSA levels are near zero!  Plus a huge selection of Thai ladies is like surfing porn or internet all day.  I'm the happiest guy in the world.  Plus if I die, likely I'll be having the time of my life.  ????

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4 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

Stick your cursor in the quote box and back space what you don't want.  

or just highlight a sentence or two  and  use that as quote

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