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How is your daily routine as expat looks like?


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Up at the sound of the animals moving about.  Tea, two eggs, 4 strips of bacon, 2 slices of wheat toast.  Move the bowels.


The M therapist confirms appointment for the afternoon.  Driver informs me the JUKE needs an old change, thus make arrangement at the shop for a Oil Change and Lube Job.


Check the NSE for values... the Pharmaceutical stock is rising.  Open the balcony windows, take in the fresh ocean air.   The mayaban tells me the weekly shopping list has been prepared and ready for review; I add another bottles of Kahlua, and two more cans of whipped cream. 


M session takes a little longer than expected, as my back needs more care.  Must really stop working so hard in the garden.  


My lovely personal assistant, has prepared my monthly document reviews.  Later, we shall meet the Plant Manager for the monthly update and requests.  


Time for a siesta...








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20 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Play golf, swim, read books, listen to music. Alternate between city and village life. Massage twice a week. Read and respond to posts on TV. Manage my investments in Oz. Search out restaurants for lunch. Play cards with my GF. Bonk her when either of us feel horny. Stray about once a month for variety.

No time to be bored. Every day is an adventure.

at last --- somebody that has a bit of exciting variety... i cant believe how boring most of these expats lives are... most sound like 85yr olds , just waiting to die...how very sad ... no wonder we read so much waffle on TV.. too many guys with not enough to do....

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2 hours ago, khunPer said:

Up at 8am and straight to the PC to check Thaivisa, but do find time for coffee and a bit of bread while checking the news section at until lunch time – however, sometimes I skip lunch if there's a lot of Thaivisa-news to read, which also keep my BMI reasonable – during afternoon I post in the Thaivisa forum, but might take a short nap after dinner if nothing important comes up, but I check all forums of interest before bed time about 1am, so I can be up fresh at 8am for a new day's duties. That's about all of the daily routines when being both Thaivisa forum-member, and retired in Thailand...????


Luckily I'm not that addicted – yet...:unsure: – so in the more serious part of life, the routines depend a bit of week-days; however Thaivisa E-mail newsletter gives me an excellent selection of important national news, and if some posters have inputs for expat life in Thailand, or something I perhaps could help with an answer.


I've always been a B-human – i.e. prefers to be awake late, and therefore normally will sleep longer in the mornings – so I'm not up at 8am checking any forums. And when I finally get out of bed, and shower, I do a little program of stretching exercises before some small house jobs, and coffee and cheese; I brought an espresso machine from home so I can enjoy fresh coffee instead of instant coffee, which I had the first number of years, until I got a house build, and unpacked my 20-feet container from home, including the coffee machine...????


Often I do check the news, first International, then Thaivisa newsletter, and often I then check the stock market. I might also have E-mails to reply, or stuff to write for my home country.


I normally skip lunch – only eat a small light breakfast and dinner – and will often be out shopping before it's too late afternoon, due to rush hour traffic. Having a house in Thailand it's amazing how many small things that need to be taken care of, or upgraded, and too often left for one self to do, as it's difficult to find a craftsman for tiny jobs, at least where I live.


In afternoon at school days I pick-up my daughter from school, and then check the European stock market; not that I'm very active, but to keep me updated with my long-term portfolio that sometimes need little care at the right time; it's my main source of income, so kind of necessary duty (at least let me believe so)...????


At sunset I will walk the dogs, even I never bought any, they seem to come free – a next door neighbors dog that refuse to go home; a beach dog that came up to the house as hungry looking puppy, got a bite, and never left; a male dog from to a resort down the beach, but he seem to stick to the two female dogs now glued to the house – and if the dogs don't want a walk, then I walk alone; however rarely happens, but none of us wish to walk in heavy rain, or during a monsoon storm. A couple of kilometers walk in sand is good healthy excise. In fall and winter I love the feeling of walking barefoot in 27° water, thinking about my freezing friends at home in utterly cold Scandinavia...????


I enjoy a well prepared dinner, and I can also enjoy a (small) glass of wine – or two – or a wine cooler, or an apple cider. We are three in the house, but sometimes the girls skip dinner – their BMI – but that don't stop me from making a gourmet dish for me only, and dine at a set table on the beach terrasse, making me enjoy my expat-life like a never ending vacation.


Sunday is fixed movie day – like my childhoods Sunday 4 pm afternoon movies – which apart from entertainment is also part of my daughter's education, as any film based on some level of real facts would be a first priority selection, and also talking about it. Occasionally there is no movie of interest, so we skip a trip to cinema – might find something else to do – and other weeks there might be two movies, so we extend with a weekday evening.


Tuesday is normally my "spa evening" with a selected masseuse coming and giving me two hours coconut oil massage, and foot massage. I will have some Gregorian monks canting as relaxing ambience, however recorded on a CD.


Thursday evening is "walking street market" in the local china town that I live in, and even it's almost the same every week, I enjoy my walk there, saying hallo to people I know, and return wai to people I might not remember – they might know my girlfriend, and know that I'm her boyfriend – but they kindly wai me, and some even say »Sawadee khun Per«. Some street artists normally performs – a farang singing old rock-songs; a couple of Thai musicians playing guitars and drums; sometimes a school-kid orchestra, or some traditional Thai dance; a magician show – and stopping and looking a bit is part of the "same-same but different" Thursday experience. Thursday dinner will be from the overwhelming market selection.


Any local activities might be attended, which could be an evening/night market in a temple; or a ceremony in a temple with children attending monkshood; or a temple-ceremony where donations are given – with an amazing amount of money trees, so understandable many an Isaan lady believes in that money grows on trees...???? – or my daughter playing a football match; or... It's all also a part of mingling with locals, saying "sawadee" to anybody known, and not being a too strange farang.


At least twice, but preferable three nights a week I'll head out in the vibrant nightlife for some dance – you might call it tech-dance – but I enjoy new dance-music, and not the least being a very active dancer for a couple of hours; if nothing else, it's good exercise, and the girls in the discos are still young and beautiful...???? It's said by science that dance and music keeps one's brain fresh in older age; however, I'm not old yet so it's just a preventive act...????


Whenever I find time for it, I like to snap photos, and I often write small stories, and share them with my home country friends – I even wrote a book when living here in LoS, and is about to write one more – so whatever spare time I have, I always have something to do.


The biggest problem when "retiring" in LoS is time; I cannot understand how I in the past ever found free time to work...????
–but of course, I was not retired then, nor member of Thaivisa forum...????

Another TV addict who struggles with his addiction .....

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18 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

No wonder any dummy could be a secret agent now. In the era of Facebook and ThaiVisa, there's no more sneaking into someone's house and installing microphones and cameras, monitoring them around the clock, sending people to gather intelligence... Now you just read Facebook timeline and post questions on ThaiVisa and you have all information that took spy agencies months to collect

So you found out how we check if our girlfriends have a secret life...:whistling:

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2 minutes ago, khunPer said:

So you found out how we check if our girlfriends have a secret life...:whistling:

I never bother what my gf does when she's out, she won't be doing it for free, so it'll just relieve the pressure on me.

If she's not back by the 9pm curfew, I reduce her monthly wage.

Edited by BritManToo
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Wake at 6am, toss the kettle on then shit shower and shave.... make coffee and drink with some toast then in te car by 6.45 and head to work......


leave work at 5pm and get home at 6.30pm.... a big leo whislt doing a some internet surfing then shower and out for dinner... home by 8.30pm and go to bed.

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3 hours ago, madmen said:

Fire up the pmdg 777 Boeing simulator. Choose a real world flight and then go set it up from cold and dark whilst online with vatsim ATC controllers making the flight as real as the real thing and then go fly. It's not a game and you really need to know how to fly a 777

Keeps me out of the bars till 5

Mate, put it on auto pilot and to the bar ????

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12 hours ago, davidst01 said:

waking up at 430am must be torture to do the work thing. Im not a morning person. I feel sorry for the life that you have

I imagine you aren't very successful in life. Perhaps one of those boomers who been able to slip out the back door of US with a fat pension, social security at 65. No great skill, accumen, education. But great.


By and large successful people wake up early. It's balanced by going to bed early. My hunch is you're doing nothing important or productive during those later hours.


I've returned to work. Enjoyed it immensely, built an amazing career and trajectory (especially at my age). I wake up in the morning with ambition and purpose. I'm making 4-5 times what the Thai working class does and came in with the attitude of just trying it and seeing what happens. I'm working toward a position to increase that another 30% and cut my hours.


I wake up at 4-430-5am so as to slip into the day. Not be rushed, relax with a good cup of coffee and read what's going on in the world.


Even the decade plus I wasn't working I was still waking up at dawn. Sleeping is just a waste if a life. People, kids aside that sleep more than 8 hours a day just losers. Sleeping in...


Even when I was a teen I was up early.


I look at life as living it in blocks. This is my married and return to second career block. The job has problems and stress, but this changes. 


At 62 I'll go back to not working, traveling, maybe move back to States. This will begin a new journey. But surely journeys never happen in bed unless they are just dreams.


If I hated my life I would change it tomorrow. Quit my job and sleep till 10. I've had plenty of those days and in five years will be doing too much of that. Right now I'm building something I can be really proud of. That takes effort and waking up at 5am - without the coffee.


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7 hours ago, Number 6 said:

I imagine you aren't very successful in life. Perhaps one of those boomers who been able to slip out the back door of US with a fat pension, social security at 65. No great skill, accumen, education. But great.


By and large successful people wake up early. It's balanced by going to bed early. My hunch is you're doing nothing important or productive during those later hours.


I've returned to work. Enjoyed it immensely, built an amazing career and trajectory (especially at my age). I wake up in the morning with ambition and purpose. I'm making 4-5 times what the Thai working class does and came in with the attitude of just trying it and seeing what happens. I'm working toward a position to increase that another 30% and cut my hours.


I wake up at 4-430-5am so as to slip into the day. Not be rushed, relax with a good cup of coffee and read what's going on in the world.


Even the decade plus I wasn't working I was still waking up at dawn. Sleeping is just a waste if a life. People, kids aside that sleep more than 8 hours a day just losers. Sleeping in...


Even when I was a teen I was up early.


I look at life as living it in blocks. This is my married and return to second career block. The job has problems and stress, but this changes. 


At 62 I'll go back to not working, traveling, maybe move back to States. This will begin a new journey. But surely journeys never happen in bed unless they are just dreams.


If I hated my life I would change it tomorrow. Quit my job and sleep till 10. I've had plenty of those days and in five years will be doing too much of that. Right now I'm building something I can be really proud of. That takes effort and waking up at 5am - without the coffee.


A truly productive person, What are you building I wonder?

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7 hours ago, Number 6 said:



I've returned to work. Enjoyed it immensely, built an amazing career and trajectory (especially at my age). I wake up in the morning with ambition and purpose. I'm making 4-5 times what the Thai working class does 


You are certainly a legend making more than the Thai “working class”. My bet is it at there expense!

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15 hours ago, madmen said:

Fire up the pmdg 777 Boeing simulator. Choose a real world flight and then go set it up from cold and dark whilst online with vatsim ATC controllers making the flight as real as the real thing and then go fly. It's not a game and you really need to know how to fly a 777

Keeps me out of the bars till 5

Can you not simulate a 737 MAX, you could get to the bar earlier then!    LOL

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On 7/16/2019 at 9:50 AM, mike787 said:

My routine is very simple:  beer, cigarets, and as much sex as they body can handle until the next chapter for the after life begins.  They don't call this place the land of smiles (happy endings) for nothing.


nice looking chap.  Where is he? 

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On ‎7‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 1:53 PM, Puchaiyank said:

Wake up 4 AM with the local Wat banging a hugh log into a bell that can be heard for at least 1 kilometer.  Followed by every dog in the neighborhood howling for 10 minutes.  Coffee, news, walking for 30 minutes...


Emails, TVF, Immigration changes, baht to USD conversion direction, paying bills and going to market...


Food is great, people are sometimes friendly...sometimes despise your presence...


Weather is hot or rainy...or hot and rainy...


All things from western countries are very expensive...must try to blend into Thai culture or pay the price to try living as you did in your home country...


Neighbors can be a blessing or demon possessed...problem is...you will not know which until you move in...


Motorcycle noise, large trucks, local monk or village elder on a microphone blasting their views many mornings...loud music until wee hours of the morning...


Dogs run amuk...defecate anywhere and everywhere...sometimes can bite.  Snakes may prowl your property at night looking for food...cats climb into property to hunt and relieve themselves.


Afternoons spent...planning escape...????


Hope this helps!

Haha.  Great post.  I am not an expat but after 14 visits, some as long as two months I echo many of his comments.  Fun is fun, food is great, Indian Ocean water side of Thailand is good for swimming, some of my hotels had nice pools for swimming and lounging, but I get bored.  One trip every morning I would go to the mall to eat about 11 am.  Then after that would sit on the bench and do a sudoku puzzle.  I literally get bored and head back to the states.  Now at 62 and coasting into semi-retirement, not sure how much time I will spend in Thailand.  Obviously if I hook up with a Thai lady, my time will be taken up with more domestic things, going out with the lady, visiting etc.  Time will tell.

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