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have choice of marriage or retirement. Does it matter?

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1 minute ago, Just Looking said:

Sorry it is not.

I was told that whatever I produced would not be accepted as ONLY the 800,000tb in the bank OR a letter from the Embassy would be accepted .


I have transferred 1800GBP Every month for the past several years from my HSBC account.


I have posted this to warn BM that was my encounter its not a big deal for me as can go the 800,000tb route.

so it maybe prudent for anyone thinking they can go the 65,000tb a month into the bank for the last 12 months go check as apposed to relying  on comments on a forum and getting a shock on the day of renewal.



Read my post again.


It is down to what your local immigration office deem to be 'proof of income'.  The option exists under immigration rules - it is a question of interpretation by I/O's.


Bangkok Bank letters have been accepted at some offices - fact!

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9 minutes ago, Pumpuynarak said:

What about the bank letter confirming transfers came from abroad ?

Not all offices are requiring that. Many will accept a standard letter from the bank confirming you account.

A bank statement can confirm that it if they arrived at the bank from abroad.

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2 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



Read my post again.


It is down to what your local immigration office deem to be 'proof of income'.  The option exists under immigration rules - it is a question of interpretation by I/O's.


Bangkok Bank letters have been accepted at some offices - fact!

So you say.

Can any BM confirm that this has been done by THEM.

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7 minutes ago, Just Looking said:

So you say.

Can any BM confirm that this has been done by THEM.



What is a BM ?


I submitted a standard bank letter and 12m statements as per Ubonjoe's post #33.


That is irrelevant; if your local office won't accept them. you are stuffed.

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24 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

Not all offices are requiring that. Many will accept a standard letter from the bank confirming you account.

A bank statement can confirm that it if they arrived at the bank from abroad.

I appreciate that UJ but it looks like everything was supplied by way of bank statements but JL was still declined, i can only think of the bank letter that was missing, i wonder did JL ask why it was declined ?

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4 minutes ago, Pumpuynarak said:

I appreciate that UJ but it looks like everything was supplied by way of bank statements but the OP was still declined, i can only think of the bank letter that was missing, i wonder did the OP ask why it was declined ?

He was not even given the chance to show anything.

The officer was saying only a letter from his embassy or 800k baht in the bank was accepted.

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3 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

He was not even given the chance to show anything.

The officer was saying only a letter from his embassy or 800k baht in the bank was accepted.

Well the police order quite clearly states that 65k monthly income is acceptable for qualification, how bizarre !!!

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32 minutes ago, Just Looking said:

So you say.

Can any BM confirm that this has been done by THEM.

In your initial post (#22) you indicated you had shown the IO your HSBC statements. Did you also show the IO copies of your Kasikorn Bank statements confirming receipt of transfers from overseas? Your post is not clear in that respect.

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I've had an OA Long-stay for over ten years and have got extensions using both methods. Of course, as you know, things seemed to be changing every day, but here is my assessment of each:
- A retirement extension requires more money in the bank but less paperwork.

- A marriage extension requires less money in the bank, but more paperwork -- but, you can get a work permit, or at least you used to be able to. I'd check on that to be sure if this is a deciding factor for you.


That's about all I can think of...

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36 minutes ago, billsmart said:

I've had an OA Long-stay for over ten years and have got extensions using both methods. Of course, as you know, things seemed to be changing every day, but here is my assessment of each:
- A retirement extension requires more money in the bank but less paperwork.

- A marriage extension requires less money in the bank, but more paperwork -- but, you can get a work permit, or at least you used to be able to. I'd check on that to be sure if this is a deciding factor for you.


That's about all I can think of...

Agree. The OP is over 50 but for others another advantage of a 1 year extension based on marriage is that it is available the those under 50 years old.

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Marriage extension with 400.000 TH on a bank account is the cheapest and easier way now to stay in Thailand. Not my case at 70 and happily married, but I have a 40 years old friend who lives alone having a fun and single life for the last 5 years keeping a younger and very beautiful Thai wife just for immigration purpose, paying her 7000 THB a month.

She now speak a good English. Very convenient arrangement in every way. TIT! 

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4 hours ago, Jip99 said:

That is irrelevant; if your local office won't accept them. you are stuffed.

Not necessarily.  A friend of mine was having problems with Korat Immigration - not on a retirement visa but still a case of them interpreting the rules as they see fit.


This year his lawyer submitted the application for him. They didn't go in claiming the I.O. was wrong, they just submitted the application - visa granted without a problem.


As far as I know, and I.O. can request additional documents, I don't think they can go against the rules - yes I understand they do. I think its a matter of how you deal with it if they do make requirements that are incorrect - all guns blazing is unlikely to work.


I've just heard of another guy who, after hearing that others were having problems such as the above, got his evidence together and stapled a print out (in Thai) of the relevant regulation with each piece. He got his visa - that could be because of how he did it or it could just be a more 'friendly officer'.

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12 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

To spend as his wife pleases, surely?

Can some1 explain why a falang on there own needs 800.000 bt but a married 1 only needs 400 000..there.s  2 of them but need half the money.

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2 minutes ago, Gilltom said:

Can some1 explain why a falang on there own needs 800.000 bt but a married 1 only needs 400 000..there.s  2 of them but need half the money.


Your wife won't let you spend so much money on beer and hookers entertainment.

Edited by BritManToo
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2 hours ago, Gilltom said:

Can some1 explain why a falang on there own needs 800.000 bt but a married 1 only needs 400 000..there.s  2 of them but need half the money.

The 800K is a way of controlling numbers. The higher the amount, the fewer the expats. 


The 400K for a husband is the minimum the authorities feel is required for him to fund his 1 year stay. The money is not to support the wife.

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9 hours ago, Gilltom said:

Can some1 explain why a falang on there own needs 800.000 bt but a married 1 only needs 400 000..there.s  2 of them but need half the money.

You think maybe wifey is capable of providing additional income. Me thinks, their reckoning is that single farangs will not be as secure, stable as a married guy. Single guy is likely to have higher expenses-needs to that of a married guy.

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19 hours ago, GalaxyMan said:

Isn't the 2 months before, 3 months after only for the initial application? Isn't it 3 months before and 3 months after for the extensions? Referring to the 800k in the bank method.

Did I miss the answer cos friends were discussing the same recently and could not agree 

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6 minutes ago, superal said:

Did I miss the answer cos friends were discussing the same recently and could not agree 

 I have answered the same question many times.

The rules that went into effect on March 1st states it is 2 months for every extension application.

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22 hours ago, Martyp said:

First of all if you come on an O-A visa then you can stay up to 2 years on that visa. You report to Immigration for 90 day reports.


I just got married and intend to stay on my retirement extension of stay because I think it is easier. I leave 800,000 in the bank to meet the financial requirement. When I go for my extension it requires some documents and a half day at the Bangkok Immigration office but I leave with my extension and passport that day.


I believe that for a marriage extension you leave your passport and it is under consideration for 30 and very likely requires a home visit by Immigration during that time.  




ps as you were told ,you dont leave your passport ,home visit ,oh God ,will they want coffee or tea.?

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22 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Unfortunately, most marriages do not last.

I would stick with the retirement to avoid future hassles.

Just a thought.


They dont? well i have been married over 20 years and i know at least 10 couples that have been married for as long or nearly as long .mind you they didnt marry the first bar girl they met on a summer holiday who told them how hansom they were and that they loved men in shorts ,singlet and smelt of sweat .

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21 hours ago, Just Looking said:

...I will need to show evidence of my monthly transfers from the UK HSBC to my Thailand account Kasikorn.  I printed out all the monthly Advice of debit statements from my UK HSBC account That show all ref and both bank codes and full details of the transfer also stating reason for transfer ( living fees ) from May 2018 in order to check all would be ok in Dec.

I met with an immigration officer in Pattaya and showed him the statements the immigration office told me that the statements would not be accepted and I would need to have 800.000tb in the bank or a letter from my Embassy confirming my pension.


The fact that he told you about needing a letter from the UK Embassy leads me to think he didn't know what he was talking.  That boat sank already.
Also, the wording could have been totally lost in translation to him.

The fact that each immigration office and sometimes each person within that office has the ability to interpret this issue about if it's the correct bank coding coming in could possibly create a lot of headache for those using this method for the first time as a result of this no more embassy letters.

Checking with your immigration office far in advance of the 2 month 800k seasoning (for plan B) would be highly advised.  
Now that the 6 month period of embassy letters has passed, reports about 65k/mo methods should be rolling in.  Hope immigration is using a lot of discretion/leeway in allowing the banks letter indicating the 65k simply came in from abroad.  IF not... yeeeooooww.



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1 hour ago, bert bloggs said:


ps as you were told ,you dont leave your passport ,home visit ,oh God ,will they want coffee or tea.?

And as I've said twice already - I've been corrected. Sorry. I understand. If I could delete the post I would

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2 hours ago, superal said:

Did I miss the answer cos friends were discussing the same recently and could not agree 

I am not concerned with the money stuff as I can show proof of more than enough income. I was thinking that since my wife and I have been together for nine years and married for five that the 90 day BS might not be necessary?:)9

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4 minutes ago, Balance said:

I am not concerned with the money stuff as I can show proof of more than enough income. I was thinking that since my wife and I have been together for nine years and married for five that the 90 day BS might not be necessary?:)9

The 90 day reports are for all staying more than that time without a departure.  Add the new TM30 reports of a foreigner staying overnight and in some locations TM28 report by foreigner of any change in location and it does indeed become a full time job (without a work permit) just to keep up paperwork for anyone traveling often.  

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1 hour ago, Balance said:

I am not concerned with the money stuff as I can show proof of more than enough income. I was thinking that since my wife and I have been together for nine years and married for five that the 90 day BS might not be necessary?:)9

Stop being so sensible , it does not work here 

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