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Drunk driver who killed two given suspended sentence


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1 hour ago, Tom59 said:

I think you guys need a reality check! Getting all holier than thou over this.  The same thing happens in just about every country, it certainly does in the UK where if you can pay for a lawyer, particularly a barrister, you will do alright. And how many of you get on your motor scooters (without a crash helmet) and ride home from the beer bar after spending a few hours necking Chang!


Links to a story in the UK that's even remotely similar to this one, please? 

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I assume the families of those who perished were financially taken care of and that was part of the reason why this individual is a free man. In the western world regardless of wealth he would have been sent down for 10 years . RIP to the deceased ????????????????????

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He was drunk.....no leniency for this cretin.....does anybody really think he won't drink again? How pathetic being a policeman killed by a drunk driver and your judiciary does basically nothing to punish him.....sucks big time.

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19 hours ago, ezzra said:

"Wealthy Thai businessman" self explanatory, no need for more words as to why he got out with a slap on the wrist...

I don't know why the most people here write all the time something like this. If I google for "drunk driver killed suspended sentence" Google shows me exactly that the courts of the most countries sentenced also like this.

But THAI BASHING makes more fun!!!!

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19 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

I don´t know how rich he is but I guess he will feel the loss of 45 million Baht. For westeners it might sound strange but for the families they get money it´s a huge help. It doesn´t help the family if he would go to jail for many years but the kids lost their parents and the income what pays their school and life. Nothing can make the parents live again.  

Maybe someone said it earlier but I'll do it again. Nothing will bring the parents back but the guy should go AUTOMATICALLY to jail for minimum 20 years and everything he owns + every penny in bank account transferred to the kids. That would be some kind of justice. Of course, the "rule of law" in Thailand is what it is. In my personal opinion he deserves death penalty.

Even here in China they are getting really strict about drunk driving which is good.

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2 hours ago, BobBKK said:

When you shoot someone and go to jail it doesnt bring them back either. Going by that logic why jail anyone?

Ah, the blind "hand 'em high brigade" are back.

You guys think being soft is for gays and liberals.

Well check out the re-offending crime stats in places like Scandinavia with modern prisons.

Check out the crime and addiction rates in places like Portugal where they have legalized drugs.

It takes a brave and open mind to think forward.


Meanwhile the UK has comfortably the worst incarcaration and re-offending rates in W. Europe in the oldest, worst prisons, with the worst conditions, and some of the lowest staffing levels.

America has the highest prison population in the WORLD. Does'nt seem to be working over there either.

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8 minutes ago, Mansell said:

He was drunk.....no leniency for this cretin.....does anybody really think he won't drink again? How pathetic being a policeman killed by a drunk driver and your judiciary does basically nothing to punish him.....sucks big time.

If you going to comment, please read up on the case first.

1. The guy will not drink again. He is already teetotal. The affair has affected him deeply (and so it should) and he is genuinely remorseful.

2. Everyone, inc the police, and the victim's family, are satisfied with the outcome in trying circumstances.

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A combination of a feckless, weak, poorly managed and regulated judiciary, in the face of wealth, is a perfect storm, and one of the reasons why this nation has one of the least respected judiciary systems anywhere in the world, outside of Russia, China, and North Korea. 

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Bt45 million had nothing to do with it - I am sure about that.

Are Thais aware of the fact, that such news is making its (internet) way all over the planet? In most other countries public prosecutors would have thrown the Somchai Verojpipat into the slammer for a long time with much less than 260mg/dl booze in his blood. 

Wondering, how much of the Bt45 
million end up in the girls accounts and how much money evaporates on the way to the bank though .......... 

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The PM is wasting his time trying to promote Thailand as a great place to invest when this is allowed to continue on a daily basis.

i am well aware  we are not in the UK but this would have carried a 10 year custodial.

It may be that it has been wrongly reported but it states the Business man has been banned from drinking but it did not say he has been banned from driving.

The worrying thing for me is that this happened to one of there own and he still gets off, forget the compensation he could afford it

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20 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

I don´t know how rich he is but I guess he will feel the loss of 45 million Baht. For westeners it might sound strange but for the families they get money it´s a huge help. It doesn´t help the family if he would go to jail for many years but the kids lost their parents and the income what pays their school and life. Nothing can make the parents live again.  

Yes well said. After all its a matter of survival.

We are called social animals cause we have money in bank. If family accepted then why we should worry on teaching law to TH.

Only London 52 knief stabbing, how many caught so far and sentensed? I dont have exact figures!

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He's remorseful and offered to pay 45 million baht to the family....this goes a LONG way in my eyes. So many Thai drivers flee the scene, never admit they did anything, drag the case out as long as they can hoping it all goes away.....some even fleeing the country--you TV followers know who I mean, then go to the temple for a few months. At least this guy was willing to "man up", admit it was his fault and take responsibility for his actions, and do the right thing compensating the family. It doesn't bring back their family members but it sure does help the remaining family's future.

Edited by ross163103
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