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Minister's speed proposal stuns Thailand: Collision at 120 kmph same as falling 19 stories, says media


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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Thai Rath said he also wants to stop and fine people for only going 80 kmph in the right outside lane. 

But supposing they are overtaking motorists in the other lanes that are only doing 70 Kph? Not everyone is a lane hogger. 


He just hasn't thought this through. 


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20 minutes ago, Worldplus said:

I really wish we could ride motor bikes of 400 CC up on motorways...  Cannot work out why this is not applied..

it's probably a blessing in disguise, think of the money you are saving.... instead of lane swapping, tailgating, phone calling, text reading idiots trying to wipe you out at 120kph,  you can get wiped out by, lane swapping, tailgating, phone calling, text reading idiots for free on any general road.....????????????

Edited by sn1per
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1 hour ago, Chelseafan said:

Speed doesn't kill. Idiotic driving does.



I think it is time for Thailand to have adverts such as these from the UK about 25 years ago regarding speed. Such an add is so shocking that it might have the desired effect in Thailand. Viewer discretion is advised....


The Thai people need to be badgered and shocked into changing their ways, not encouraged to go faster. 



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50 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

...and who exactly is ThaiRath the new arbiter of Thailand and who exactly are the Thai society who have been or should be stunned.


What a complete load of tosh.

I take it you don't know what Thai Rath is then?

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5 minutes ago, Jane Dough said:

I think it is time for Thailand to have adverts such as these from the UK about 25 years ago regarding speed. Such an add is so shocking that it might have the desired effect in Thailand. Viewer discretion is advised....


The Thai people need to be badgered and shocked into changing their ways, not encouraged to go faster. 




Thais don't like being told what to do - none of us do, but they might be open to persuasion. The public information films we used to run in UK helped educate drivers - plus the quality of driving instructors and a real driving test...

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1 hour ago, Dmaxdan said:

But supposing they are overtaking motorists in the other lanes that are only doing 70 Kph? Not everyone is a lane hogger. 


He just hasn't thought this through. 


If they are overtaking then they wouldnt be hogging the lane.

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50 minutes ago, Lungstib said:

For those of us around Chiang Mai and Rai it makes no difference because we don't have that type of road. I imagine much of the country is the same, 3 lanes but one hard shoulder, 2 real lanes and U-turns, parked cars and crossing people to deal with. In these conditions even 90kph is dangerous most of the time. Especially when drivers are playing with phones, watching movies and holding kids in their laps. But it all makes no difference, since when did speed limits actually limit speeds here in Thailand.


(A four lane road is only 2 lanes going in each direction)


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its fine, but only after the practice of cutting others have been

culled. i no longer venture on big roads,

the odds of suddenly get cut off by someone deciding to cut all lines there is while doing a U-turn is just too great,

i cant handle the stress and unpredictability any longer

Edited by brokenbone
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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Saksayam Chidchob - whose family run a Moto GP racetrack in Buriram - thinks higher speeds will help traffic flow. 


Thai Rath said he also wants to stop and fine people for only going 80 kmph in the right outside lane. 


1 hour ago, Gumballl said:

What Thai moron decided it was safe to put a U-turn on a highway?


Great idea. Should have them in the West.

Again, used with discretion.

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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Idiots driving at higher speeds kills even more.

The only sensible part of the whole proposal is the one to fine drivers who hog the right hand lane at slow speeds, causing people to overtake on the inside lane. The rest is just madness for a country with such appalling road statistics.

overtake on the left side of a vehicle IS CALLED UNDERTAKING....which IS ILLIGAL HERE......but is done every hour of every day of every week and months.......

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