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Video: "You're in the wrong lane - now I'll make you famous"


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52 minutes ago, webfact said:

"You're in the wrong lane - now I'll make you famous"

suicidal type maybe... if should do it at a different place, alone,  without putting other people's life in danger

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

The reality here, is that the average Thai driver, is grossly lacking in driving skills, does not possess enough spatial awareness, have enough caution, or vision, or fear of law enforcement, and hours of driving experience. It creates a very dangerous environment. 

You forgot to include lack of eye-hand coordination partnered with lack of speed, time, and distance understanding and braking distances in different weather conditions.  Glad that few Thais drive in Canada in the winter because that would prove disasterous for one and all.

'nuf sed.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I was on a major highway yesterday, and some fool came rushing toward me, in the fast lane, going the wrong direction! We were each going at least 100khp. I guess he made the wrong turn, and did not even look to see which side of the highway he was on. Only a split second reaction saved us from a certain death. 


The reality here, is that the average Thai driver, is grossly lacking in driving skills, does not possess enough spatial awareness, have enough caution, or vision, or fear of law enforcement, and hours of driving experience. It creates a very dangerous environment. 

And no common sense

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Driving one night from Bangkok to Surat Thani in one of those annoying drizzles I suddenly realised there were two sets of headlights approaching me. One to my left. Another to my right. It suddenly seemed I was driving down the motorway in the wrong direction. I decided to maintain my course and the headlights passed to my left and right. The headlights on my left were a pick up driving on the wrong side of the motorway. 


Yesterday in Hua Hin three foreigners and a Thai man began walking across the zebra crossing I had stopped at (inside lane) Luckily for them I noticed a grey Fortuner in the outside lane approaching at great speed I blasted my booming car horn. The Fortuner of course raced straight over the Zebra crossing and people on the crossing stopped and glared annoyingly at me. I was left shaking imagining what could have happened. I guess the Fortuner passed me at c 50mph.

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23 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

people are getting so uptight. what is the problem?

The whole country is uptight now. It's not the Thailand of 20 years ago, before social media.  Everyone has a cellphone now; everyone is connected.  The world of western values is at their fingertips 24/7. Thais have been connected to a world where everyone is defined by what they own, not by who they are.  They've been brainwashed into joining the rest of the world on the hamster wheel of mindless consumption, having been sold on the deception of having more stuff equates to having more happiness.  So now, the chase is on in pursuit of the trappings of Hi-So life: a big truck, a big house, and a big mortgage.  The smiles and wais have all but disappeared as the wheels of capitalism spin ever-faster as Thais struggle to make monthly payments on first-world debt with a third-world paycheck. 

Edited by Uptooyoo
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57 years driving in the UK, no problem. here its an adventure every bloody day. they are ALL total clowns, like yesterday coming down beach road Jomtien, glanced in my mirrors, nothing behind as far as the eye can see, (a long way) but some idiot in a fortuner decides to pull right out in front of me, dont know how i missed not hitting him. only had to wait , 2 seconds, but no that was not good enough for this prick. 

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23 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I was on a major highway yesterday, and some fool came rushing toward me, in the fast lane, going the wrong direction! We were each going at least 100khp. I guess he made the wrong turn, and did not even look to see which side of the highway he was on. Only a split second reaction saved us from a certain death. 


The reality here, is that the average Thai driver, is grossly lacking in driving skills, does not possess enough spatial awareness, have enough caution, or vision, or fear of law enforcement, and hours of driving experience. It creates a very dangerous environment. 

I used to think Thai driving was down to lack of training , unawareness and apathy but when I tried to join a main road from a side road what did they do ? they accelerate to close any gap and drive bumper to bumper to stop me from merging to their lane . ( not know I am a falang cos of tinted windows ) .

I have been driving here for 8 years and every day when I drive there will be several stupid moves by Thai drivers . Latest one at traffic lights , 3 lanes with outside 2 lanes marked to turn right , I am in the middle lane and indicating when just as I am about to turn this car on the outside lane comes speeding through to go straight on  and lucky I am using my wing mirrors to see him and avoid a crash . 

Thailand desperately need traffic police and active highway patrols instead of annoying road blocks . 

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7 minutes ago, superal said:

I used to think Thai driving was down to lack of training , unawareness and apathy but when I tried to join a main road from a side road what did they do ? they accelerate to close any gap and drive bumper to bumper to stop me from merging to their lane . ( not know I am a falang cos of tinted windows ) .

I have been driving here for 8 years and every day when I drive there will be several stupid moves by Thai drivers . Latest one at traffic lights , 3 lanes with outside 2 lanes marked to turn right , I am in the middle lane and indicating when just as I am about to turn this car on the outside lane comes speeding through to go straight on  and lucky I am using my wing mirrors to see him and avoid a crash . 

Thailand desperately need traffic police and active highway patrols instead of annoying road blocks . 


You are correct. Bizarre driving habits. When I was learning to drive, I remember my wonderful mother mentioning to me that it was important to be a courteous driver, show respect to others, and be polite. In other words give other drivers a break. To this day, I remember her words of kindness, and tend to let other people merge into lanes, and cut other drivers some slack. It surprises people, and makes them feel good. It makes me feel good. More courtesy is needed in this world. I find alot of Thai people to be courteous and kind. Until they get behind a wheel. There is a real Jeckyl and Hyde thing going on with Thai drivers! Thais seem to get very competitive once behind the wheel of a car. 

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2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


You are correct. Bizarre driving habits. When I was learning to drive, I remember my wonderful mother mentioning to me that it was important to be a courteous driver, show respect to others, and be polite. In other words give other drivers a break. To this day, I remember her words of kindness, and tend to let other people merge into lanes, and cut other drivers some slack. It surprises people, and makes them feel good. It makes me feel good. More courtesy is needed in this world. I find alot of Thai people to be courteous and kind. Until they get behind a wheel. There is a real Jeckyl and Hyde thing going on with Thai drivers! Thais seem to get very competitive once behind the wheel of a car. 

Lets not forget , there is no way of signalling to another driver in Thailand to invite them to proceed in front of you ( bar a hand signal I guess ) . The gesture in the UK is a flash of headlights but here it is get out of my way I am coming through . 

Also as you say courtesy hardly seen here which is alien to many westerners .  Driving without due care and attention , plus driving without consideration to other road users is a penalty by way of a fine and points on your licence in the UK which can also have an effect on your insurance premium . Last week driving from Bangkok to Pattaya on the multi lane highway with 120 kph speed limit , well not easy to do 120 kph as there were so many slow drivers in all lanes , what a joke and then the tolls with the "Easy Pass " were often blocked cos someone had entered them without toll subscription .  Could go on and on but we are all in the same club and have are own driving in Thailand stories , can never assume anything here when driving .

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20 hours ago, mercman24 said:

57 years driving in the UK, no problem. here its an adventure every bloody day. they are ALL total clowns, like yesterday coming down beach road Jomtien, glanced in my mirrors, nothing behind as far as the eye can see, (a long way) but some idiot in a fortuner decides to pull right out in front of me, dont know how i missed not hitting him. only had to wait , 2 seconds, but no that was not good enough for this prick. 

Happens all the time , so annoying . Also same scenario when a truck pulls out to overtake another truck and both at slow speeds . Nothing behind me and the truck pulls out first, then signals after and taking a minute to pass . I am engulfed by black diesel fumes from a wreck of a truck . Even worse is when the truck stays in the outside lane cos he doesn't like the bumpy inside lane that have been caused by over laden trucks .  To compound my frustration , my pressure relief valve clicks in and my richest swearing is shouted out , my lady says " why you get angry ?" and I say <deleted> is that cxxx of an axxxxxx on the fxxxxxx road for and she says "You crazy " .  I  cannot win .

After 8 years of driving here I try to go with the flow and remain calm and smile but inside I am fuming at Thais inconsiderate driving which is predictable most of the time ,  e.g  indicate to turn left and they mean turn right ,  overtake you in town and as soon as they pass you they turn left causing you to stop , undertake you on a U turn so you cannot see oncoming traffic etc etc  

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I just don't know what to say. Each of us has experienced the same or similar incidents to the other replies here on a daily basis.


It isn't possible to drive 5km here without encountering absurdly dangerous behavior from Thai drivers. I say Thai drivers because to my personal knowledge I have never seen infractions from any farang drivers.


My sense is that it's getting worse too, and that's saying a lot. There are multiple reasons suggested here for that fact, and they are all probably correct. There is absolutely no reason to believe that it will get any better either.


While many here call for greater presence of traffic police and and stricter penalties, I don't believe that's the answer. Thai drivers simply don't care whether they, their families, or anybody else dies because of their behavior on the roads. This is a question of consciousness, and that can't be changed by laws. This is a cultural thing that requires an evolution of awareness, thus unlikely to occur in our lifetimes; however long that may be.


I can only say that we choose every day to stay or leave, fully understanding that our decision is discretionary and may be fatal.


This is the only aspect of life in Thailand that could force me to leave for good and that truly saddens me.


These forums serve a purpose and we should all continue to post and to vent our fears and frustrations. It serves to keep us wary of the constant danger and the need for perpetual awareness in order to survive. Loss of such vigilance can, and almost certainly will, lead to eventual calamity. Perhaps in the end there is little we can do to protect ourselves.


I stated at the beginning that I didn't know what to say. What I said is pointless as it is all so self-evident. As another reply said : Nothing to see here, move along.

Until you just can't anymore for a variety of reasons.


Stay frosty, stay vigilant, stay alive.





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