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Annoying, disgusting neighbor


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I have the same issue with a neighbour in the UK. Total weirdo who will shout out "f@@king c@@t" as loud as he can at any time of the day. He is reclusive and hardly ever leaves the flat but after a few heated exchanges I realised there wasn't anything I could do...except buy  a pair of these



Not cheap but they are effective at allowing me to get a decent nights sleep


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Fully understand and simplify with your situation.

Don't reckon he is ill, this is normal for Chinese. 

Try get condo management to get immigration onto him, might get lucky, as he may be working from home or have a dodgy visa.

You are lucky in the sense that you are renting, just hang in until his year lease is up, if he renews, just move.


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Lucky he hasnt emulated the Chinese thing! - poo poo on your doormat ???? 


Record & payback endless loop of the Taiwan National Anthem  


Tru to get as many recordings of his (farmer's hankie) snorts... and playing that back might keep yourself out of the other neighbours' sights. 


Edited by tifino
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17 hours ago, Rael007 said:

I appreciate all the advice. I've thought about the loud music thing, but I don't want to annoy others on my floor.  I've thought about more underhanded things, as well, but I'm generally not the kind of person who will "stoop to others' levels".  Also, I don't want to get into a war with him over this.  Could end badly for me.


My major peeve is that I - and some of my other neighbors - have lived here in harmony for quite some time.  Then this new tenant moves in, instantly becomes a nuisance, and refuses to see how he's annoying those around him.  So now, the resident whose been here for five years (me) has to change his lifestyle (wearing Bluetooth headphones or simply moving) instead of the new resident, who is a disgusting pig, changing his.  It would be different if I moved in next to him


one commenter asked if I'd actually spoken with the neighbor.  Yes, once.  He did not speak much English, or at least feigned ignorance.  Same for when the condo management came up to speak with him.  From what they told me, he said he was sick.  BS - he is not sick every day - literally every day - for the last 9 months.  If so, he should be confined to the hospital as a health hazard or deported.   (There is a part of me who thinks he might have TB; if so, how do I report that?)

see the whole episode as a way to develop tolerance .... the best solution all round.

Edited by geronimo
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There has to be a clause in the Condo's Covenants and Restrictions or By-Laws addressing nuisance issues.  If the Condo's Management or Management Committee are satisfied this tenants actions are in violation of the applicable section of aforementioned, they should inform both the tenant and condo owner in writing.  Might not change his behavior or curtail his current lease but may be sufficient for the condo owner to deny him an extension, citing the nuisance concerns from management or creating some other reason as justification (remodeling is often used).  Appears you otherwise really like your place so might be worth a shot.  Recommend you approach a friend or someone you know on the management committee for help with this.  Good luck.

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you are describing a typical Chinese person.

Disgusting people.

you will have to leave, and go rent either a detached house, or a long term rental in an apart hotel.

In an apart hotel, you would be able to move rooms easily if disturbed by such an animal in the future

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On 8/7/2019 at 7:36 AM, Hank Gunn said:

I kind of like the loud stereo/music idea. But you have to play the right music. For example, in some cases Led Zeppelin might work; some freaky John McGlaughlin can also be quite intense. However, in this case, I think some classic Black Sabbath would fit the bill. More specifically, "Sweat Leaf". ????



Good choice.  Maybe have it on replay ...  ad nauseum

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This thread highlights one of the issues I had in every condo I stayed in Bangkok - very poor sound insulation between different condo units. I started in a 12,000 baht / month unit and was eventually paying 30,000 baht / month. Not high-end I know, but not bottom end either. But in every building I stayed you could hear what was happening next door. Eventually I figured out the best way to go was a corner unit and I got lucky as the unit next door was unoccupied. Being disturbed by the neighbours really wore me down as I like my abode to be my sanctuary.

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Doubt it's a health issue. I had a Chinese- Thai neighbour who built a toilet-tile mansion next to me. He hoicked and spat for years. Disgusting sound and a Pig of a man in every respect I can think of.


Maybe OP can try the Pavlov's dog approach. Get chunks of concrete, place against wall, and hit with a hammer drill every time the bog peasant (my name for my ex-neighbour) hoicks. Maybe he will come to associate this terrible noise with his own anti-social behaviour and cease and desist. I joke, of course. Or maybe not.

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Doubt it's a health issue. I had a Chinese- Thai neighbour who built a toilet-tile mansion next to me. He hoicked and spat for years. Disgusting sound and a Pig of a man in every respect I can think of.


Maybe OP can try the Pavlov's dog approach. Get chunks of concrete, place against wall, and hit with a hammer drill every time the bog peasant (my name for my ex-neighbour) hoicks. Maybe he will come to associate this terrible noise with his own anti-social behaviour and cease and desist. I joke, of course. Or maybe not.

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Doubt it's a health issue. I had a Chinese- Thai neighbour who built a toilet-tile mansion next to me. He hoicked and spat for years. Disgusting sound and a Pig of a man in every respect I can think of.


Maybe OP can try the Pavlov's dog approach. Get chunks of concrete, place against wall, and hit with a hammer drill every time the bog peasant (my name for my ex-neighbour) hoicks. Maybe he will come to associate this terrible noise with his own anti-social behaviour and cease and desist. I joke, of course. Or maybe not.

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Doubt it's a health issue. I had a Chinese- Thai neighbour who built a toilet-tile mansion next to me. He hoicked and spat for years. Disgusting sound and a Pig of a man in every respect I can think of.


Maybe OP can try the Pavlov's dog approach. Get chunks of concrete, place against wall, and hit with a hammer drill every time the bog peasant (my name for my ex-neighbour) hoicks. Maybe he will come to associate this terrible noise with his own anti-social behaviour and cease and desist. I joke, of course. Or maybe not.

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On 8/7/2019 at 1:19 PM, Rael007 said:

Do you have any advice for how to deal with such a neighbor who refuses to leave, refuses to acknowledge there's a problem, and refuses to recognize what a disgusting human being he is?


I pity the poor man who has to live next you! Your land lord won't do a thing because he's probably a reasonable man who doesn't also believe that the world revolves around you!


Do you think he woke up one day and thought, 'Hmm, I'd like to cough and splutter all day long. I choose to be in ill health and constantly be coughing up my ring piece, cause its just great fun being sick'


Take a look at yourself, empathy, compassion lack so just move

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Download some farting sound effects from the internet, then every time you're out play them on a loop at max volume. Of course, he may find this soothing and it could bring back fond memories of his home, but it might be worth a try!

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One time I had a vehicle with a rattle. A friend suggested, "just turn the music up a bit louder and you won't hear it"

The same theory applies to the OP.

(I know, similar has already been suggested)

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You could look into sound absorbing material or wall panels and cover the wall that adjoins his wall. Maybe even do a number of layers. Had to do a sound blocking wall/room for a guy whose son had drums and a band. Took a lot of work, but it worked. Usually looks like those cardboard things eggs come sitting in, but there is fancier stuff. If the wall is hollow you can inject expanding foam that solidifies in there, then do the outside wall stuff. Worth a try.

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7 minutes ago, HerDad said:


I pity the poor man who has to live next you! Your land lord won't do a thing because he's probably a reasonable man who doesn't also believe that the world revolves around you!


Do you think he woke up one day and thought, 'Hmm, I'd like to cough and splutter all day long. I choose to be in ill health and constantly be coughing up my ring piece, cause its just great fun being sick'


Take a look at yourself, empathy, compassion lack so just move

You do realize that throat clearing and phlegm spitting is very common among mainland Chinese. They still use spittoons in many restaurants in provincial cities and towns. They are not doing it because they are ill. It is a habit like biting nails and picking your nose, albeit a very common habit among the Chinese.  Often, after having a very hot cup of tea after the main meal they will clear their throats. Now while many of the other Chinese customers don't even notice it because they are too busy doing it themselves or are inured to this wonderful custom of coughing the world up after a meal (and at other times), it certainly puts the other customers off their filet mignon, or deep fried soybean curd with Szechuan sauce.     

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If you're not prepared to move, and why should you then why not just go round there and confront him - that's what I would do.  


They are disgusting pigs, I saw a Chinese guy stopping at a litter bin in a Bangkok up market mall and empty his throat at the top of an escalator so he had a near permanent audience - so I stood there and shouted 'Really' into his face before the Mrs dragged me off, but the startled look on his face told me he was completely oblivious to the fact he was a pig. I then looked back and his mother, presume it was his mother, looked like a quaint little 90 year old waited for him to finish so she could do exactly the same !! Utterly disgusting !


Move or knock the <deleted> out !

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