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Well known farang monk accused of inappropriate behaviour


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15 hours ago, Date Masamune said:

No Thai would sell a lottery ticket to a Monk.

It's happened a few times over the years where monks have won the big one. 2016 this one.




A 41-year-old monk in the Bangkok outskirts made headlines this morning when he announced that he won first prize in the lottery. But he has raised some controversy as well.

Being a monk is supposed to mean refraining from desire…and money. However, Phra Prawit Techapalo, of Cheepakhao Temple in Samut Sakhon, said he bought multiple lottery tickets every month.

Phra Prawit, who has been a monk for 10 years, interpreted a lucky number from the textures of a teak tree at his temple. This time, his number was 84.


Phra Prawit bought ticket number 638684 and five other tickets at Mahachai Market. It turns out, he won the first prize and received THB6 million cash.

He said he would use the money to buy a house for his mother and save the rest to pay for his child’s tuition. He will also donate money to hold a funeral for the temple’s abbot who passed away.





Edited by IvorBiggun2
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14 hours ago, bluesofa said:

We read about instances similar to this on a very regular basis.

From what I can see, Phra Farang seems to have assimilated into existing Thai Buddhist culture perfectly.

In reality, cases similar to this one are reported very infrequently but, Bluesofa, you've assimilated into the Thaivisa culture perfectly.

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15 hours ago, Farangwithaplan said:

where can I send my recent photo of a monk smoking a cigarette whilst buying a lottery ticket in the temple grounds during a funeral?

smoking for monks is tolerated aswell buying lotery nothing to be disrobed

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Notice how all of the focus is on a foreign monk, while the local ones retain their sainthood status. Always about deflection, and the utter and complete refusal to take responsibility for their own very dirty laundry. This total inability to look within for the source of any problem, makes Thailand a much weaker nation. 

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

After being ordained a monk in 2000, he resided in Sop Moei where villagers built a small monastery for him in the Phutha Kareni village in tambon Mae Sam Laeb. He lived modestly, eating fruit and vegetables and would collect alms twice a week because he did not wish to burden the poor villagers who already faced hardship.


Sounds more than a bit like a beg-packer...


I wonder who paid for his "honeymoon" trip with the Swiss woman?


On the other hand, some might argue he was simply living in the style of his local Thai peers.... When in Thailand, do as the Thais do...


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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This case is justification for clergy being allowed to marry  - for the same reason that I would gladly condone Catholic Priests being allowed to marry .... we are biologically programmed to procreate.

And better to do so with a consenting woman than with a child !


BTW - did I misread this story ... the consenting woman later decided to report his behavior as inappropriate ? What ???

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15 hours ago, CharlieH said:

This guy was the subject of an episode of "Ben Fogle - lives in the wild" series on channel 5 UK.


Maybe his choice of lady doesn't like the Brazillian look and let's it all grow out. An unkempt thatch could be construed as 'wild'. 

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Two nuns cycling down a cobbled street.  The first one says "I've never come
this way before"; the second one replies "Must be the cobbles"



Q: How do you get a nun pregnant?
   A: Dress her up as an altar boy.



A priest asks a nun if he can walk her back to the convent.  She says,
"Just this once."  Upon arriving, he asks if he can kiss her.
She replies, "Well, alright, as long as you don't get into the habit."



A sobbing Ms Murphy approaches Fr O’Grady after mass.

He says: “So what’s bothering you?”

She replies: “Oh, Father, I’ve terrible news. My husband passed away last night.”

The priest says: “Oh, Mary, that’s terrible. Did he have any last requests?”

"Certainly father," she replied. “He said: “Please Mary, put down that damn gun.”

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Putting on saffron or white robes does not make one perfect. They are still human, with human weaknesses and will still do wrong. But putting on those robes simply means you should be trying your utmost each day to not do wrong. 

    Same with Christian pastors and priests etc. 

    I became Buddhist, taking Refuge in the Triple Gem and Five Precepts at a Khmer Krom Theravada Buddhist Temple. I did not immediately become perfect, but I have become a better person than I was. 

     I still fail to do some things I should do, and I still do some things I should not do. 

    But Buddhism has certainly helped me to improve, and I strive to be better.

     That monk...(if he is a sincere monk), simply gave into his human weakness of attraction to the opposite sex. 

  Doing things we should not do, and not doing things we should do...can and has happened to many of us.

    Just keep working to improve and be good. 

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15 hours ago, fishtank said:

A man having sex with women? Terrible.


How about Thai monks having sex with kids? That ok?

No that's no OK and if they are caught they to would be defrocked and prosecuted.

Nobody is perfect mate. Perhaps if he makes an honest repentance he can reordain. History is full of false prophets, yogis, and monks, and even "Christians" who use their position to influence women and indulge in sexual depravity. Hell even my friends' Yoga teacher in the states got sued for sexual assault, pushing some Tantra nonsense that was just an excuse to get his rocks off !


Edited by Date Masamune
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17 hours ago, leeneeds said:

Just wearing a white or orange robe does not stop , thoughts and eyes looking, 

some then find their will eroded  and give in to the normal urges that are triggered either from memory or anticipation,

it is not natural to not use the plumbing,

old mate should use more discretion.

One of the vows being a Buddhist monk is celibacy and cannot be touched by women let alone doing serious plumbing. If you want to be ordained as a monk, then you live by the principles or else repercussions from karma is one way ticket to hell... 

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