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Smoking ban at home comes into effect today - call 1300 for violations

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It won’t bother me. More than ten years ago, I gave up a forty year one to two pack a day smoking habit. So damn hard to quit. But today I don’t miss them at all. I lost my smoker’s cough, haven’t had bronchitis since I quit, and I don’t run out of breath anymore. 

   The extra cash goes towards buying silver, and traveling....and spending months at a time in Southeast Asia and India and Sri Lanka.

   Just wishing I had never started smoking in the first place. 

   What a waste of money and health. Horrible.

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Frankly I don't smoke inside the house, but, will the government come round and paint a red line round my house so I know where five meters is? Next it will be a fine if you don't satisfy the women during sex. I really think a doctor should examine this fools who come up with these laws. They can't stop illegal driving, no crash helmets etc., now they want families to grass up members. what about wive's who smoke? They already have a law to accuse anybody they don't like saying things about royal family, and it took the new king to put a stop to that. Perhaps if someone high up sparks a ciggie indoors then this could also be swept under the carpet? Perhaps the PM should make sure these law makers go and take a long rest at home and replace them with people who have common sense.

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9 minutes ago, wombat said:

didn't Singapore have something similar where the kids rang a govt number if their parents were smoking in the home ?

The old communist Soviet Union had children turning their parents in if they caught their parents listening to western short wave radio broadcasts, or if they heard their parents criticizing communism. 


Shoot the Mrs 500 baht fine, do it while smoking 5.500 fine.....laughing stock of the world.....oh and uf smoking a vapour will be an exrra 30k


So I can sit outside the front of my house, 5 metres from my driveway with my wife and kid next to me and that would be ok but if I sit down on my front porch next to the closed door with my family inside or out the back or visa versa that's a Bt5000 fine? When I smoke at home I always smoke away from my familiy and never inside. This is pure madness. Dob in a smoker! How can it be proven if you're not caught in the act and who is going to enforce it. Once again the cavernous vacuums between these idiots ears is well and truly on show.

25 minutes ago, stevemac said:

My mother died from lung cancer, she didn't smoke. My father even smoked in bed.


Sent from my SM-G965F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


And that’s proof of....what? 


    What’s your point? That smoking is harmless??  

    Your father elevator appears to not have gone all the way to the top floor.  And it appears to run in the family. 


    There have been vehicle accidents where a passenger wearing a seat belt died, and a person not wearing a seat belt survived. 

    Or a person with no helmet on a motorbike survived a crash, and their passenger died even though wearing a helmet.?

    Is that proof that we are safer when not wearing seat belts in a vehicle, and safer if not wearing a helmet on a motorbike? 

2 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

Well, now they do as u have to be 5 metres away from a building and can't smoke inside...

It's like removing trashcans so people can't litter - has the opposite effect of what is is meant to have.

Stop people smoking outiside of an irish pub and make them go away on the middle of the sidewalk where other people are walking is just so brainless.....

They can't smoke indoors, go on the balcony now, guess where the smoke goes, yeah to the neighbours above them... well done.

Every bar and restaurant in my vicinity allows smoking. Except 2 new bars, who have banned smoking inside. To facilitate smokers they have set up outside smoking areas.....both right next to the front door.


I've never smoked in a hotel room only on the balcony, except for one well known hotel in Bangkok, which has a whole floor dedicated to smokers, ashtrays in the rooms and next to the lift.


Although I'm quite a heavy smoker, I have never smoked in the house, either here or in my home country, out of respect for other non smokers who live in the house, primarily my kids. I kinda get this law but should be common sense really, out of respect for non smokers. However I can see it doing more harm than good, if a wife informs on her husband, it could well end in divorce. In Thailand, a trip to hospital for the wife.


This just further confirms the intellect/education level of Thai's that hold senior governmental office here


It's just as cringeworthy as listening to that head from immigration on the Richard Barrow video trying to explain why people needed to fill in TM30's   

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5 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Next up, government security cameras installed in every home. Nothing like a good crusade with a sprinkling of paranoia.

They have it already with 'smartphones' , 'smart tv' etc.. and the gullibles can't wait to join the circus.

  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, edwinchester said:

Lot of lung cancer in Thailand caused by all the burning going on here. It is a known problem where we live, Kanchanaburi.

it's called air quality and Thailand must be right at the top of world listings along with road deaths - then the brains in the machine come up with this nonsense   

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5 hours ago, wgdanson said:


Here we go, maths again. These figures mean that 16% of the worldwide deaths are in Thailand. I think not.

Those second hand smoke studies were contrived speculations in pursuit of political control goals. Since the 70s doctors routinely put down to smoking causes of death about which they knew not to puff up the claims. Marxist docs serving Marxist media serving Marxist pols, and themselves.

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34 minutes ago, Catoni said:

It won’t bother me. More than ten years ago, I gave up a forty year one to two pack a day smoking habit. So damn hard to quit. But today I don’t miss them at all. I lost my smoker’s cough, haven’t had bronchitis since I quit, and I don’t run out of breath anymore. 

   The extra cash goes towards buying silver, and traveling....and spending months at a time in Southeast Asia and India and Sri Lanka.

   Just wishing I had never started smoking in the first place. 

   What a waste of money and health. Horrible.

I used to not smoke but picked it for a counterweight to all these busybodies.

  • Haha 1

I was looking for nicotine patches the other day and no one had them only gum. 

I went to 2 Boots Pharmacy and 3 Bangkok Pharmacy. The last bangkok Pharmacy said they don't have anymore after checking on the computer. She suggested the hospital. 

Just now, keithet said:

I was looking for nicotine patches the other day and no one had them only gum. 

I went to 2 Boots Pharmacy and 3 Bangkok Pharmacy. The last bangkok Pharmacy said they don't have anymore after checking on the computer. She suggested the hospital. 

Because that stuff doesn't work and no one uses it, many companies stopped producing them... https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/jan/16/vaping-dents-glaxosmithkline-sales-nicotine-patches-gum

7 minutes ago, tonysilly said:

Pretty soon they will band Hot Lady boys from coming to my room unless I have a permit. 

You can smoke all the lady boys you want no permit required ????

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5 hours ago, mania said:


I don't smoke but what an adult does in their own home should be their business....No?


Also I have to admit I smile a little thinking of all the folks who always say....I would never go back to my country...They are a Nanny State


Yet Thailand now with laws like these & the infamous TM30 555 ????


in theory i agree with you but law is very handy when living in a place with porous walls and floors where you are forced to breathe 2nd hand smoke of neighbors.


was living in a unit of a 2 family house and other tenants smoked like crazy indoors and lots of smoke entered my unit. unhelthy and smell sickening not to mention a fire hazard danger.


when new lease term came up the owner gave "no smoking indoors" with penalties to other tenants. at first they were fuming and cursing but once they read about second hand smokes effects on their dog and pet bird they were ok.



a good friend liked to ride a motorbike in thailand as he could largely avoid nanny state and drink and drive until he crashed and died.

52 minutes ago, phetpeter said:

Frankly I don't smoke inside the house, but, will the government come round and paint a red line round my house so I know where five meters is? Next it will be a fine if you don't satisfy the women during sex. I really think a doctor should examine this fools who come up with these laws. They can't stop illegal driving, no crash helmets etc., now they want families to grass up members. what about wive's who smoke? They already have a law to accuse anybody they don't like saying things about royal family, and it took the new king to put a stop to that. Perhaps if someone high up sparks a ciggie indoors then this could also be swept under the carpet? Perhaps the PM should make sure these law makers go and take a long rest at home and replace them with people who have common sense.

I haven't seen anything where the la majest laws was done away with


Cigarette smokers should be allowed to smoke.  No question about that.

But I don't want to smoke, not even second hand. I shouldn't be forced to do so. Thankfully, laws have now passed in almost all First World countries making smoking in public buildings, and often in many public spaces illegal. That's a start. I no longer have to deal with smoke while I'm eating. No longer have to put up with it while I'm drinking. In many cities, smoking on public streets is not against the law. A smoker is still allowed to smoke in designated areas away from the general population. Cigarette smokers should be allowed to smoke.  But they should not be allowed to force others to do so, even second hand.


Some people actually have to put up with it in their own homes because their significant other refuses to smoke outside. He/she says "It's my house too, and I'll do what I want, so screw you!" He/she doesn't care that it puts others a health risk. He/she doesn't care that it smells so badly to others. He/she can't smell it. And He/she is addicted to it. So screw everyone else.

Thankfully, there is now a legal alternative to being force to endure the health risk and the smell, an alternative for those who need this protection. If cigarette smokers weren't so selfish about their habit, there wouldn't have been a need for this law, a law to protect others from their smoking.

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When I moved here I didn't know I was moving into a communist country they'll prosacute you for smoking in your house but only 3 points for drunk driving
Kill some one while drunk and your in a world of financial pain and or jail.
Kill you're non smoking wife or kid and nothing happens.

You get that right ?
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2 hours ago, madmen said:

ermmm you've lost the plot. ..this is about SECOND hand smoke in you're home. Drinking   a beer at home didn't kill anyone around me


comprehension skills much? 

But driving after drinking does how many do that

5 minutes ago, madmen said:

Kill some one while drunk and your in a world of financial pain and or jail.
Kill you're non smoking wife or kid and nothing happens.

You get that right ?

No, then you are the heir of Red Bull.



When they subsequently discovered the car had actually been driven by Mr Vorayuth, then 27 years old, he was tested and found to have excessive alcohol in his blood - but, he said, this was from drinking at home after the accident.


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I am disappointed to see so many negative, nay, cynical comments about some good the Thai Government is trying to do - save many unnecessary deaths and countless suffering from bronchial problems caused by secondhand smoke spewed out from what I consider as irresponsible smokers, especially as it relates to their own family.
If it is scientifically proven to be true that passive smoking is a real threat to innocent people, and you know, then there shouldn't be a need for a law to protect them.
It seems to me therefore, that smokers, their advocates and some Members on this Forum, feel the right to think that harming the health of their own family is collateral damage in favour of their unconcerned freedom of choice.
I will get some metaphorical flak for this but it is better than secondhand smoke that has two lots of bad in it!
Yes but every single poster on TV claims never to have smoked around their family yet I see faring in open air resteraunts smoking like a chimney at the tables Right in front of them !

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