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Almost denied at Suvarnabhumi airport

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5 hours ago, Tayaout said:

There was a successful appeal but can't remember the thread. I think they let him in before they officially started the procedure. There is also a thread not long ago from a guy whose lawyer convinced immigration to let him in after he already signed the paper and was in detention. 

Cripes a  lawyer, wonder how  much that cost him but thanks for the info, impossible to follow every thread here so  miss  some things.

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2 hours ago, Martyp said:

Regarding the other point. Tourist visas are for tourists. I’m suggesting that it is going to be harder to convince someone you are a tourist if you’ve been coming here for nine years already and are renting a place. And that you have a landlord that knows all about you. You may be a legit tourist but you are going to look suspicious anyway.

So guilty until proven innocent eh? Do you consult for the IO or something?


I've been doing it for 40 years, not 9 years, but lately gone retirement way - have always travelled here for 'home' leave and never gone back to my own country. Always rented rooms as cheaper than hotels. Sometimes 6-9 months a year when work was slack. Worked like heck the other 3 months in other countries. Wasn't working here, so I must have been a tourist? I travelled and sight seed like a tourist, I wasn't presumed guilty or suspicious as I was an innocent holiday maker.

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11 hours ago, donnacha said:

Given the situation we are discussing - in which real people are having their real lives and real relationships disrupted by completely unnecessary bureaucracy that is damaging real Thai incomes all over the country - your smug, self-satisfied contribution is both irrelevant and vicious.

You are also incorrect. They are increasingly rejecting visitors with valid tourist visas and passports too.

You may be in the fortunate position of having a retirement or marriage visa, but don't get too complacent, don't presume that your status is protected by Thai self-interest. This government has shown itself to be entirely willing to cut off its own nose.


Nonsense, how is me asking someone to clarify their point being smug, irrelevant and vicious?


I am planning to leave Thailand myself if you must know.


I'm guessing you are reading all the anti-tourist visa responses on this thread and holding me accountable for all of them because you are unable to control your emotions.


I asked a simple question about the poster withholding important information. I suggest that you read my post again and get your facts right before you begin throwing around accusations. 



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3 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

but calling the IO "proper rude" is the sort of thing you hear in the East End of London all the time. Almost no chance of hearing it from a non Brit. 

Ever heard a Thai talk with "mate"?


I have.

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19 minutes ago, aqua4 said:

Brazil, Korea and Peru get 90 day visa exempt. You are embarrassing. 

Do keep up we have already discovered and discussed that,,,,,the short answer was thailand don’t want you living in the country on repeated visa exempt entries and if you keep trying to do it will continually have problems as people are finding out.

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8 hours ago, lkv said:

That what, people get rejected entry?


It's not a hot topic, happens in any country, and once you sign the expulsion paper, you have admitted you don't have the money (12.2). One also has the right to appeal, in the case of tourist visa entries and others (except visa exempt = no visa), but "people choose not exercise that right".


TM30 is already on BBC, Asian Nikkei review etc.


I have also attached a link earlier today from the Human Rights Watch, that make TM30's and visa extensions look like peanuts, in comparisson to arrests and arbitrary detention of their own citizens, controlling the media, using lese majeste, sedition and computer crime laws to limit freedom of speech, and treatment of migrants.


this is true, and remember... we are here through choice and if we want we can leave anytime we like, the locals, apart from the rich and the poor who have netted a farang, dont have that choice and have to put up with the continual erosion of their basic human rights that many of us take for granted in our home countries.






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3 hours ago, Farangland said:

have passed a very bad situation. Almost thinking on reporting it to my embassy, and on media back in my country.

I can´t get what are you adding on what you are posting.

My country and other countries, we have 3 months visa exempt entry. Not necessary to get a tourist visa.

Speaking about me being drunk without knowing me.

What you are writting down speaks more about you than about me.

Thank you  for reporting your experience and your English is just fine.


I personally know a few people who have had to be 'helped'  in similar situations so there is no doubt it exists.  In fact, if I listed al the agencies and enterprises in Thailand where one needs to help to push the situation forward to completion- it would  take several pages.


For the uninformed and those who refuse to do research- there are a few South American countries that allow 90 day Exempt Entry  in line with reciprocal agreements with Thailand.


I find it rather amazing that  people who are tourists and come to Thailand frequently , carry the proper funds and do not overstay and then leave are hassled  , however when someone purchases an Elite Visa- which is nothing more than a high priced tourist visa- they can enter and leave at will; never questioned or suspected of working and treated as honored guests.   In Thailand money talks and the OP found that out directly.

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You never actually said how old you are did you ?

You are not a normal tourist as you obviously rent an apartment full time & been away for 10 weeks. You made a plan to stay 2 months ? It may help if you get the correct visa before travelling next time if in fact your post is factual & not a wind up

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1 hour ago, lkv said:

Ever heard a Thai talk with "mate"?


I have.

Many nationalities use mate, and the Aussies far more than the Brits. But you won't find "proper" misused as an adverb in this way anywhere except as local UK slang. Think of Ray Winstone or Michael Caine:

The gaff was proper posh, the guv'nor done us proud, he did. 

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15 minutes ago, lamyai3 said:

Many nationalities use mate, and the Aussies far more than the Brits. But you won't find "proper" misused as an adverb in this way anywhere except as local UK slang. Think of Ray Winstone or Michael Caine:

The gaff was proper posh, the guv'nor done us proud, he did. 

Ok, we will not have that concern anymore, it was an oversight from the Committee.


The new one clearly states it's his first post, he's from central Europe and not native in English. ????????????


Just saved us many pages of arguing, we can now just focus on the accuracy of what he is claiming. ???? Raised the bar a bit.

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I would love revive that brit comedian character harry enfield Loadsa Money for a sketch at swampy airport 555

See if his wad thick enough 555

swampy and dmk currently pretty rough going for big national airports, they need precise rules and educated trained staff, current debacle p1551ng everyone off including the chinese.

chinese spent big on property and now tenant contract rules, tm30 and lack of ease entering country even annoying them and if they do get in they scared to death of boats mini vans and toilet attendants ????

Edited by BuckBee
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9 hours ago, taninthai said:

This is the killer line,,,,they don’t want you living here on tourist or visa exempt,they are suspicious about these people working here,,a lot of them are working here,,,,,,this government is all about collecting more taxes ,they want you to open company ,get work ,permit ,pay tax for four Thai employees or spend 500,000 on the elite visa,,,,it’s all about getting the money in for this government.

we all know the visa system has been abused for years ,it’s coming to end now.


OR ....they don’t care about any of that and just want some bribes??

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7 hours ago, Martyp said:

What Immigration sees is that 10’s of millions of tourists come here every year for a couple of weeks, maybe a month. They come once maybe twice in their lifetimes. Everyone else is an outlier. Yes you, in my western eyes, were a tourist but a tourist outlier. I have a work history too. I got about 3 weeks vacation every year. I couldn’t possibly have spent 2-3 months on vacation. I’ve never visited any country more than 3x (England, France) and some of those trips were for business. It is just not that crazy to question the motives of people with unusual travel histories. Since Thailand has chosen to more strictly enforced their laws your past experience is just that - the past. A lot of people, with histories like yours and the OP’s, will now be viewed with suspicion. It’s still a tiny fraction of the people that come here every year.

Of all those millions of tourists that visit Thailand, how many read TVF?  Maybe less than 1%?  The problems readers of this forum have, concerning visa issues tourists don’t face, are unique and not typical vacationers issues. 

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22 minutes ago, amykat said:

Not correct. Immigration forced the call to his landlord, twice, so that they would have a Thai person to suggest the extortion/bribe to ....you know, because Thai people understand these things.  Then she probably explained to him how and what to do, also keeping immigration’s hands cleaner.  


They probably want us to spread this all around our networks so that other so-called stupid farangs who are not getting it, will have put the money in the passport already, to start with.  So I guess if you are worried about not getting let in, stick $100 bill inside.

I go to India quite often. I’ve been shaken down at the airport before, and just acted stupid when he made me take my wallet out, open it up and smiled at me. The friend I was traveling with a Tibetan who has US passport was also shaken down. He threatened them he would get their badge # and report them to the proper authorities. He let us through no problem. 


I don’t suppose this tactic works at Thai immigration?  Or are there cases where IO have been caught taking bribes?  I know India has tried to clean up their repution on this as well as theft. It seems logical Thailand would want to do the same 

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11 hours ago, Caldera said:

This. I also wouldn't rule out that some well-known, long-term posters use a throwaway account to post about such an experience. Maybe they don't want it to be linked with their main account, but still want to get the story out. Who knows.

I agree. 

Also because there are a number of louts looking for a fight, hidden behind a keyboard. 

Never understood the warped enjoyment they seem to gain. Perhaps because they don,t actually have to answer, in person, for their gratuitious agressiveness.


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Of all those millions of tourists that visit Thailand, how many read TVF?  Maybe less than 1%?  The problems readers of this forum have, concerning visa issues tourists don’t face, are unique and not typical vacationers issues. 

What a crazy argument ! So the fact that others may, possibly or likely to have problems with immigration but aren’t on Thaivisa means that the only ones who do have issues are on TV!!... so funny

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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16 hours ago, Sticky Wicket said:

The number of Westerners working illegally in Thailand must be minuscule . It's just pure hatred and xenophobia

Absolutely minuscule compared to those from Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar no doubt. If there are 5 figures worth of Westerners working illegally in Thailand I would be surprised.

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17 hours ago, dcnx said:
  23 hours ago, La Migra said:

So you paid a bribe to a government official?

17 hours ago, dcnx said:

New here?

Ha Ha, To TV ? Yes!

I only pass through for business or on shorter visits. So never a problem.  Considering Thailand for part time retirement.

I would be more afraid of being arrested for the bribe offer


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23 hours ago, Tayaout said:

I won't give details but they do offer "worry free" entry at some BKK airport now. It's disgusting but not surprising. 


22 hours ago, Tayaout said:

It's 3500 if you know who to ask. 

Thanks for succumbing!  I mean, it helps readers become better informed. I'd say that's why most folks check out ThaiVisa. It's great for that! Confused

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