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Tourism Minister Phiphat plans foreign trip to study last calls extension


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Not that long ago the bars stayed open until the wee hours, I came in 1998 bars open until 4am no problem. Then Taksin put a do gooder incharge of interior bam bars closed at 12 am good night all. Things have loosened up since then. What is the difference between 2am and 4 am opening 2 hours. There was a lot of moaning and groaning when the cut the hours. But everyone lived to squawk another day

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4 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Should he not be going to Beijing, Shanghai, Delhi and Mumbai as they were his brainwave tourist targets most recently, or is the shopping in Italy more to his liking?

...do not forget the many tourists coming from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Emirates etc....he should at least visit Dubai

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What he forgets ios that most countries have a fairly clean Police Service therefore the CORRUPTION  operated currently in Thailand relating to Bars and opening is never an issue, Pluis most Bar owners obey the law and there are POLICE outside on PATROL every night, alas here seeing a Police officer at night is like looking for a 4 leaf clover.  

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5 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Sounds like a nice jolly.


While he's there, he should check out how advanced countries track suspicious "Aliens" as they take holidays around the country, what forms they have to fill in when they leave the province for 24 hours, stay at a friends house for the night etc.


You mean the Immigration Minister, wrong bloke, but maybe he should take him with him, wouldn't hurt, or could he lose face ?

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

He said he would discuss and seek opinions from foreign officials on the pros and cons of allowing entertainment places to remain open late.


Foreign official:  “You flew all the way over here to ask me this?”

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35 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

Lot of variables involved with this decision, maybe a "cost benefit analysis" is in order.

What will the COST be in additional police, hospital, and first responder services, and property damage, to assist drunken tourists involved traffic accidents, lady-boy thefts, bar fights with security guards, and the related bad press in the foreign media, etc., etc. compared to the BENEFIT of additional incomes received by hotels, transportation, and businesses in the areas? Who Pays the Difference?

For heaven's sake!

Save us the variables and cost benefit analysis.

After all, the guy is only going on an all inclusive holiday with his friends.



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3 hours ago, tukadadoll said:

Is there anything on this forum people don't criticise. This gentleman is a breath of fresh air he is actually going to learn from other successful counties. Would be good if immigration, commerce, agriculture and a host of other ministers would do the same. 

Italy is hardly a good example of successful anything.

a really beautiful country, however financially a disaster.

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He should go to Cambodia for some beers in those bars that are open 24/7.


How sad that they think the bars should be able to stay open because they are not targeted at Thais. Because they want 2 things (i) Control Thais (ii) Get money from foreigners. 


Just let the people run their own lives and do what they want. 


Chanocha....   you are the representative of the people... not their boss.

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5 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

I see another utter disaster in the making. Is Mr. Phiphat planning on having all locals barred from entertainment venues altogether? Or perhaps force all local guests Loff the premises at 2 a.m. while foreign tourists are allowed to remain? Or does he intend to designate venues that exclusively permit foreign tourists while all locals are denied entry?


As he surely would be able to observe if he goes ahead with this potentially extraordinarily expensive "Italy entertainment study tour" courtesy of the Thai tax payer, Italian venues are categorically open to EVERYBODY, foreigners and locals alike.


So why not simply introduce extended opening hours for ALL entertainment without cherry-picking who can and cannot enjoy these longer hours and save yourself that superfluous trip, Mr. Phiphat?   

However long the extension for opening, with the state of the foreign currency against the Baht their will  be no more money spent.

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2 hours ago, Cadbury said:

His wife is the the filthy rich MP Natee Ratchakitprakarn who received a one month suspended jail sentence for not correctly declaring her assets to the NACC.

She is Thailand's richest MP with 4.675 billion baht in assets. So greed and being an MP will mean that she automatically qualifies for a free trip.


Poor thing looks half starved, let's hope she can tuck into a few good pasta dishes starting with Spaghetti & Meatballs followed by Lasagna Frittas

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I wonder how many friends of politicians and high ranking police with their fingers in bars will be the ones to get the extension =- Hope this impresses his Chinese high end tourists!!


Its a shame they don’t look at London to see how other countries give passports, equal opportunities in employment and housing and business ownership rights - what works for us (or doesn’t) should work for them!!


Well and truly "The Italian Job" Thai style!!

Edited by bizboi
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7 hours ago, webfact said:

“Several countries stimulate tourism by opening entertainment places in tourist destinations to encourage foreign tourists to spend. But the country whose policy interests me the most is Italy, where entertainment venues stay open until dawn. I want our entertainment venues to remain open until 4 am because our target group is not local residents but foreign tourists,” Phiphat said.

This is because Thai bars normally close much later than 04:00hrs.....

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