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Banks seek deadline delay on switch of ATM cards


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16 hours ago, Scot123 said:

 Let me tell you Thailand banking is decades behind the UK {I can only compare Thailand to the UK as now living back in the UK). Even the 8 years we were away living in Thailand the changes are amazing. I have not had cash in my wallet for 4 months and my wife only keeps a few £ in here's. We do all our finances on line. My wife is Thai and has zero restrictions as to the type of card or account. Even a teller in the bank is capable of answering and doing most thing but then again a phone call or a smart phone dose everything. Since I opened my bank account in Thailand 16 years ago I have seen no progress as a customer. It is shocking how they treat loyal farang customers. I could not get a credit card unless I gave them the money first then have it lent back to you at interest of course. 

"Let me tell you Thailand banking is decades behind the UK..."

Go on, then, tell us, in areas such as what?


"My wife is Thai and has zero restrictions as to the type of card or account".

Your wife does have restrictions about credit cards if she has one in her own name.  She has to meet the credit requirements of the issuer or she won't get one.  Foreigners in Thailand have no card restrictions specific to them, that doesn't apply to Thais, either.


" I could not get a credit card unless I gave them the money first then have it lent back to you at interest of course". 

That's because you couldn't meet the credit requirements of the Thai bank!  Many foreigners who meet the banks' requirements do have unsecured credit cards here.

Edited by Just Weird
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6 minutes ago, djayz said:

So, does this mean between now and the end of the year/mid January next year, I have to go the bank to get a new card? 

If you still have an old card with no chip then yes, I had to replace mine too. But if you had looked at the ATM you use you would have seen messages too (in English) about it.

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16 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

Precisely my point - in modern economies the move is to contactless payments - no magnetic strip, no chip (although there is one there for more primitive countries). It's even possible to use the ATM of some banks by contactless means although the PIN is still required

You won't get far if you want to spend more than about $30 contactless, and Thailand is exactly the same for Thai banks/cards' contactless payments.  Even your "modern economies" still require chips.


"It's even possible to use the ATM of some banks by contactless means although the PIN is still required"

In Thailand, too, Krungsri, for example.

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16 hours ago, Scot123 said:

In the UK you have contact less without pin of upto £30 even my watch can do it. Buy a coffee flash and there you go buy a beer flash and there you go. It took me a while to get my head around but after being back for a month I noticed hardly anyone using cash for anything. 

You can get that service in Thailand also!

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2 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

Just to be clear, Singapore is at the same level as the UK or the Netherlands. If one ASEAN nation can do it, so could Thailand

Just to be clear, what is it exactly that Singapore banks can do that Thai banks, that all operate internationally and have to be able to fit into the international banking system, cannot?

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1 hour ago, geoffbezoz said:

I actually lost my BBL Union pay debit card last week so had to get a replacement. I was offered either the Union Pay card again or a Mastercard debit cards. I choose the latter owing to so many places not accepting payment with a Union Pay card. Of course the Mastercard is chip and Pin but it appears the big bundle of Union Pay cards they brought out appeared to me not to have the chip which seems strange.

Union Pay cards are chipped, and six-digit, exactly the same as Master Card, I've got both.

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2 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Union Pay cards are chipped, and six-digit, exactly the same as Master Card, I've got both.

I am happy that finally they need an pin code for the transactions in my kasikorn debit card. It was just unsafe without it i feel its a major improvement. I was not too happy with 6 digit code but I can live with it.

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20 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

Just shows how backward Thailand is - the rest of the world (USA excepted) has moved on from chip-and-pin to contactless paywave/paypass for debit and credit cards

All US  debit and credit cards are chip and pin, and contactless payment terminals, ApplePay and SamsungPay are pretty ubiquitous at this point.


You clearly haven't been in the US for many years!

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Guys Guys Guys you are all arguing over who's got the cleanest shirt in the laundry basket.....you are missing the bigger picture ????


Great to throw a cat amongst the pigeons 555555



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20 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Why do they not think Óh we have from now until 31st Dec to change our card, only 3.5 months' ? Because TIT.

The screen advising customers making any ATM transaction that the new chip-and-pin card will replace the old ones for has been popping up on Bangkok Bank ATM machines for maybe that last 18 months already? The screen even makes you have to acknowledge that before it allows one to proceed. It was so mind-numbingly repetitive that even I, the consummate procrastinator, went and got the new card.


Not sure if the other banks were this proactive in advising customers of the change or not.

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15 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

The screen advising customers making any ATM transaction that the new chip-and-pin card will replace the old ones for has been popping up on Bangkok Bank ATM machines for maybe that last 18 months already? The screen even makes you have to acknowledge that before it allows one to proceed. It was so mind-numbingly repetitive that even I, the consummate procrastinator, went and got the new card.


Not sure if the other banks were this proactive in advising customers of the change or not.

Not sure what bank you are with but my Kasikorn bank has been displaying this message for a real long time not sure if its 18 months. I was well aware I had to replace my card. I don't know if all banks did this but for people with a Kasikorn account if they missed it they really were not paying any attention at all. 

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I am not keen on contactless ……. if stolen (physically or virtually) their is nothing to stop a spending spree by the criminal. Ok, in the western world you should get your money back, but if a Thai bank, do you think they would refund you?


I was surprised when earlier this year both BigC and Tesco stopped asking for a PIN or a signature when I use my UK credit card. My card is not contactless (and I intend to keep it that way).

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After the change you might have a lot of fun if you want to use your not chip card to withdraw money abroad. Happened to me with Metro Bank on the Philippines. They changed to chip cards without informing me. When I called them from Thailand they said no problem. Just come to our branch and we will give you the new card. No way to send it to you. So I am still thinking how I can access my money there without flying to the Philippines. Online transfers are only possible within Metro Bank. I am grateful for any ideas...

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13 minutes ago, rickudon said:

I was surprised when earlier this year both BigC and Tesco stopped asking for a PIN or a signature when I use my UK credit card. My card is not contactless (and I intend to keep it that way).

Might be connected to the amount paid?

A threshold at a certain limit?


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2 hours ago, robblok said:

But if you had looked at the ATM you use you would have seen messages too (in English) about it.

Kasikorn displayed a respecting messages since many months.

I know from a friend who I had to urge to get his .... off the couch.


I have Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn and SCB.

All chip equipped since long.

Bangkok Bank's card was the first and at the time still 4-digit pin.

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I opened a Krung Thai Bank (KTB) debit card account 3 years ago when I arrived here, of the only 3 banks near me they were the only one who would talk to me. I can say I have had no issues with them since (except I get no interest!) but It is chipped, 4 digit PIN and their internet banking is as good (if not better) then my Santander UK access. I use it occasionally to buy online from Lazada etc with no problems.


However I would say it's the Thai retailers who need to catch up. BigC dont ask me for the pin, just a scrawl on the touch pad, and even when I bought a fairly expensive item at Home Pro no PIN was needed. Kind of defeats the purpose. Makro don't even take card payment (unless they have their own - not sure).


I look forward to having a 6 digit PIN which will likely never be asked for either.



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13 minutes ago, Saltire said:

I opened a Krung Thai Bank (KTB) debit card account 3 years ago when I arrived here, of the only 3 banks near me they were the only one who would talk to me. I can say I have had no issues with them since (except I get no interest!) but It is chipped, 4 digit PIN and their internet banking is as good (if not better) then my Santander UK access. I use it occasionally to buy online from Lazada etc with no problems.


However I would say it's the Thai retailers who need to catch up. BigC dont ask me for the pin, just a scrawl on the touch pad, and even when I bought a fairly expensive item at Home Pro no PIN was needed. Kind of defeats the purpose. Makro don't even take card payment (unless they have their own - not sure).


I look forward to having a 6 digit PIN which will likely never be asked for either.



I bought something 3000 bt or so at central and got asked to put in the pin. I bought stuff at Tops was asked to put in the pin. So it is being implemented. 


As for Makro its a discount shop they don't want the costs of cards that is why its cash only this is widely known by almost anyone. 

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While they're at it, they should: make it possible for customers to get a new passbook and or ATM card and update their details at any branch in Thailand. In my case, I have to go to Korat to get one from KTB and Hua Hin for SCB. Absolutely ridiculous! 


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23 hours ago, samsensam said:


banking here may be progressive compared to where you come from but banking in thailand is years behind banking where i come from; just look at the huge number of different card machines in shops because the banks cant get together and agree a common platform, contactless payment is the norm in many countries while thailand is just getting into chip and PIN(!) online banking web pages here look like they were designed for an IT project by a school student, staff in banks have to call HO in order to answer the most basic of enquiries/make a decision, bank staff dont seem to have any detailed knowledge about, er , banking! could go on... and i'm not putting thailand down i'm just stating some facts in response to your (rose tinted?) opinion of thai banking.

And let’s not forget that you need to go to the branch you opened the account at to get anything done. You can’t just pop into any of their other branches if you have an issue.


But hey, at least they have banks.

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57 minutes ago, djayz said:

While they're at it, they should: make it possible for customers to get a new passbook and or ATM card and update their details at any branch in Thailand. In my case, I have to go to Korat to get one from KTB and Hua Hin for SCB. Absolutely ridiculous! 


Also scrap the need for the pass book. I never use it, that’s the whole idea of digital banking. I shouldn’t have to provide by bank book if I need to do something at the bank considering I have my bank card and ID.


To get a new one you have to file a police report!

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I am not keen on contactless ……. if stolen (physically or virtually) their is nothing to stop a spending spree by the criminal. Ok, in the western world you should get your money back, but if a Thai bank, do you think they would refund you?
I was surprised when earlier this year both BigC and Tesco stopped asking for a PIN or a signature when I use my UK credit card. My card is not contactless (and I intend to keep it that way).
I like that Big C stopped requiring signature for amounts less than ฿1500 for Mastercard. And if it is over ฿1500 just sign on the small screen with a stylus. Nice improvement over always have to sign on a paper slip.

With regard to contactless payments, when that was introduced in my home country, the amount of fraud actually was reduced due to less exposure of PINs, which meant that fewer criminals where going on a spending spree.
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10 hours ago, Number 6 said:

And you, wife's habits are tracked, noted, logged and sold.


Countless times I've left my goods in the queue and walked out waiting while person in front of me fussing about with card drama. People charging a coffee, top up 300b of transit cards absolutely ridiculous. Many are living on their credit cards I'm certain.


I am no fan of debt either.


I'll stick with cash thanks

If in a country that's a bit more advanced with effecient staff, cards really don't much longer than cash.  And so it's old farts and tin-foil hatters avoiding the NSA's satellites and black helicopters, digging around for cash and coins, holding up the queue.  And then you're "that guy" who comes up short, and have to run to a bacteria encrusted ATM and use YOUR CARD to get more bacteria encrusted Monopoly money..... rather than simply using that card at the pay point 10 minutes before.    


And then universal Thai transaction procedure, engrained in their DNA, handing back various bills, receipt on top, and then some random coins on top of all that - all at the same time!  And so you fiddle fart around with that mess for a few extra seconds while she's trying to hand you a plastic straw for your liter of milk, and a plastic bag for a pack of chewing gum.  ????

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On 9/6/2019 at 2:58 PM, Scot123 said:

In the UK you have contact less without pin of upto £30 even my watch can do it. Buy a coffee flash and there you go buy a beer flash and there you go. It took me a while to get my head around but after being back for a month I noticed hardly anyone using cash for anything. 

What kind of security is there if it gets stolen?

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26 minutes ago, Fred white said:

What kind of security is there if it gets stolen?

In most countries if the customer files a complaint about the transaction the merchant has to provide proof that it was the customer who used the card. If he can't proof this the customer will get the money back. If it would work like this in Thailand ...

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1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

If in a country that's a bit more advanced with effecient staff, cards really don't much longer than cash.  And so it's old farts and tin-foil hatters avoiding the NSA's satellites and black helicopters, digging around for cash and coins, holding up the queue.  And then you're "that guy" who comes up short, and have to run to a bacteria encrusted ATM and use YOUR CARD to get more bacteria encrusted Monopoly money..... rather than simply using that card at the pay point 10 minutes before.    


And then universal Thai transaction procedure, engrained in their DNA, handing back various bills, receipt on top, and then some random coins on top of all that - all at the same time!  And so you fiddle fart around with that mess for a few extra seconds while she's trying to hand you a plastic straw for your liter of milk, and a plastic bag for a pack of chewing gum.  ????

Monopoly money. It's the same as yours genius. One is paper the other plastic.


Money is dirty but for the life of me I'm never sick. Maybe once in five years a cold. Perhaps it builds my immune system.


I make a pull once a month but I stand in line behind people with card problems seemingly forever. It's so hapless I won't go to the BTS MRT queue to top up if even one person is in the line.


A few days ago some loser charged his food court card in fortune town.

Edited by Number 6
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5 hours ago, dcnx said:

And let’s not forget that you need to go to the branch you opened the account at to get anything done. You can’t just pop into any of their other branches if you have an issue.


But hey, at least they have banks.

You can use other branches ,but you get get stung  a service charge ,that is the case with Kasikorn.

Once I got a bank statement letter for  immigration  from another branch,then the following year they would not do it, and I had to go to my own branch. 

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