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Zimbabwe ex-President Robert Mugabe dies aged 95


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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Zimbabwe ex-President Robert Mugabe dies aged 95

30 years earlier would have been better.


He might have been remembered better then.


As it stands he will always be known as a brutal dictator who destroyed his country.


Not going to be missed.

Edited by Bluespunk
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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

A shame this day didn't come significantly sooner. One of the worst rulers of the last 100 years, and I am sure cause for much celebration in Zimbabwe, sad as it is to see someones death being a happy event, rather than a sad one..

Pity he didnt take his wife Grace with him; she is the worst of the 2.

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44 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Power corrupts - and he was a very good example of that adage. Became increasingly corrupt, enriching himself and his family and putting himself above the law whilst strangling democracy by crushing opponents, critics and fiddling elections. His widow is of the same mold and they did well to block her crude attempt to seize power.


That's Africa.


The land of corruption, rape, violence and murder.

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2 hours ago, thaiflyer1 said:

I was there in 1973 at boarding school when Ian Smith was ousted along with all the farmers who had built the economy up over the years.........it was a beautiful country that went to ruin


What happened?  Did they have a TM30 too?

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2 hours ago, Cadbury said:

I'll drink to that.

It was Malcolm Fraser an Australian Prime Minister who played a big part in having Mugabe installed in power in Zimbabwe. 

He said to Mugabe at the time.... “I am confident that under your leadership Zimbabwe will make great progress in achieving your goals of peace, prosperity and unity.”

Mugabe was to become one of modern history’s most reviled and deranged dictators.

Fraser apparently realised later what a mistake he had made. but the damage had been done.




Yeah but Fraser got his when his hooker stole his trousers from his hotel room hahaha

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And I wonder where is the missing hundreds of millions of dollars, USD and not the worthless Zimbabwe dollars, that must be hidden in a few offshore tax free havens?? 


The corruption of the man and stealth theft from the country, who caused massive food shortages and starvation to his own people.. 

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The world just became a better place, extremely good riddance of this crook-in-chief. Never saw the bench and tens of thousands perished under his genocide rulership - apart from all those white farmers, who lost their entire properties while their workers ultimately lost their jobs. 

Good luck to Zimbabwe and the Zimbabweans, never forget, while it was Rhodesia it was not place as bad as Zimbabwe. 

Next to keep an eye on is his lovely Madame, Grace the super crook! Hope she jumps into the coffin soonest possible as well! 

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6 hours ago, yogi100 said:

He was the founding father of Zimbabwe. To adjust the ruling order in an African country requires drastic measures and he was not shy about adopting such measures.


He simply stood up for his own people in their own country and many of them loved him for it although the white farmers and white residents certainly had enough reason not to have done so.


None of the native population were ever consulted on the subject of white settlers in their country let alone living under white rule.


The Rhodesia/Zimbabwe experience was never going to be a great advert for a multicultural society especially when liberals poked their noses in allowing native Africans to gain the upper hand.


South Africa is said not to be great place either. South Africa has around 20,000 murders a year which is over 50 a day. Thousands of farmers have been killed down there. Hundreds have met a similar fate in Zimbabwe. Little wonder there are food shortages.


The West imposing sanctions did not help either.



He started as a freedom fighter, got to power, next became obsessed by power.

This is the story of POWER.

Taking away the power of previous rulers and handing it to new rulers changes nothing.

And no, I did not invent that theory, it goes back to the 18th century.


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