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How is life for 3 ex-Expats who have returned to UK?


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On 9/11/2019 at 2:56 PM, Scot123 said:

I returned to the UK 5 months ago with my family after living in Thailand for 9 years. We are all loving being back. We could have remained in Thailand as had enough of an income however the decision to move back was mostly due to immigration attitude and uncertainty what tomorrow might bring (having 6 police vehicles turn up at my house full of police did not help). Last October I started comparing prices and found UK was far cheaper for us. I hated driving in Thailand and now am enjoying driving. The quality of the food is far better here and I do not need to worry about slowly being poisoned and I'm even eating fish here. Utility bills were worrying me but at the moment I'm only paying £50 a month. I don't drive a 3lt suv so my costs are half what I was paying. So happy to be home. Obviously we miss friends and the sun but we have had far more barbecues here than in Thai (dengue twice kind of makes you think twice). Love Thailand shame what they have done to her since 2006. We will go there for holidays only. Oh clothes are cheaper here than Thailand it's unbelievable. 

I suspect however that you will need to buy and wear more clothes than you do in Thailand.

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12 hours ago, BobBKK said:

You think most people do not come for the girls (or boys)?  seriously?  all those old farangs with their young 'new loves'? let alone the ones who 'scatter the seed'?  you are entitled to your opinion, of course, but this bucket does not hold water.

Do you  live in Pattaya ?

100 of people going to Pattaya , go there for prostitution , the people that go to other places are not going there for prostitution , some may indulge occasionally .

  The pick-up bars are empty in most places in Thailand and its quite rare these days to see an ex-pat walking around with a bar-girl on his arm .

  It was quite different 10 years ago though , 30 years ago , the sex-pats were the majority, not these days though

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

If by 'soon' you mean ten years, I'd agree with you.

Many of us came here with thirty plus years of desperation & frustration to overcome.

I don't know whether to use the "like" or "sad" icon, so I'll refrain. A lot of truth in the second sentence.

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On 9/11/2019 at 11:44 AM, cyril sneer said:



not for me thanks

If you attended church a little more often, then maybe they wouldn't shut them down.


Do you have any idea what a Sharia council is and what they do? I'll give you a clue, they 

don't authorise hand amputations or stoning, they largely deal with domestic issues within

a Muslim community.


They hold no power of law and are largely seen as a positive agency by the police and

mainstream council as a way of bridging cultural divides.



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On 9/12/2019 at 5:56 PM, johnnybgood said:

I'm currently lining up my UK ducks after yonks in LOS
here's a coffee break scrible.


friends with provenance
common sense everywhere
weather is fresh 
negligible pollution 
windows open
fewer insects
service people/staff are keen
local government have civility &
know what they are doing
bus pass/library /eye tests etc.etc    free or discounted to pensioners 
choice of public transport everywhere with helpful employees
no mass of mopeds everywhere in the city
pedestrian areas 
leisure walks 
beach walks with   
absolutely minimal plastic washed up
pavements clean
controlled dogs
live football timing agrees with my bodyclock
long evenings + early mornings
bookies everywhere
lots of gamblers
sweet fresh water from the tap
real newspapers
carpets and wooden floors 
reading sunday paper on the carpet
no more infantile chat  
use my own accent 
my local area I always meet an old harigold
conversation with people you don't know comes naturally
most people take care of their reputation as they 
have friends and family to answer to
no smoking means.... 
red light means.... 
parking ticket means.........
not so many smiles  ....but they're genuine
our police really are wonderful no bribery required
police do know the difference between good and bad people
UK barmaids doing their job without tips  
shops and businesses are open AM
people that can walk and chew gum at the same time
coffee bars open early AM
great diverse selection of beer 
great pints at normal prices (witherspoons 74baht for a real ale)
natural blondes
yoga pants 
too much much makeup
fat asses 
bad teeth
good banter/patter
many people on disability
lots of blokes with NHS walking sticks 
haircuts expensive but you still get asked about your holidays
having to do my own manicure/pedicure
things just appear to make sense. 
home is where you want it to be.
I'm looking forward to my retirement there.


Buying things like cheese ,pickled onions , peas carrots , liquorice allsorts , HP sauce etc are NOT luxury items and are a 1/4 the price of Thai supermarkets

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On 9/11/2019 at 5:36 AM, Mike Teavee said:

I suspect you're comparing apples to oranges when it comes to quality,



How much in LOS for a genuine pair of Armani jeans (£100 in UK) or a Jack Jones T-Shirt (picked them up for as little as £5 / < 200 THB in end of season (winter) sales, doesn't matter to me it's 28-34 all year round here so I try to buy my T-Shirts on winter trips to the UK).


Even getting stuff tailored made is no cheaper in Thailand anymore, a (genuine) Hugo Boss suit tailor fitted (OK, not quite tailored made but same-same) in the UK £350, Tailor made suit in Bangkok using the best quality material they had 13,500 THB (£360) - The Boss suit is head & shoulders better quality & a better fit (better cloth = a better drop). 


Oh and the quality of M&S suits for the price is outstanding (wore them for years when I worked in the UK & they lasted for years) 


Thailand is cheaper if you're buying replicas/imitation.no-brand "Wear it a few times then throw away" stuff, but I doubt any cheaper than the stuff you can get in Primark (I wouldn't know, have never shopped there), but is much more expensive for quality branded stuff that's going to last you for years.









True. Also 100 % cotton here in street stalls =80 % polyester 20% cotton

Towels and bed linen are double the price compared to oz pricing

Edited by madmen
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I think the number 1 reason is if your run over by a bus or trampled by a buffalo you won't be thrown into the back of pick up and then delayed surgery while the hospital tries to find out if your insured


I'm guessing probably 50% of expats have no insurance based on people I know . I'm heading back to oz in a few weeks for a 12 month stay while on wait list for a hip replacement and plenty of time to weigh up my long term options

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On 9/11/2019 at 10:03 AM, BobBKK said:

No one misses the girls? wow! that's the main reason most come here but I guess most have taken there's back with them (good luck with that!).


Matt: “I miss the sun, the bars, beaches and markets.”



On 9/11/2019 at 3:18 PM, BritManToo said:

I'm hoping to avoid that by being dead before I run out of money.


THat's pretty much a fail safe plan.

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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Has anyone that moved back mentioned housing costs?

I'm paying 10,900bht a month for my 3 bedroom house in Chiang Mai, if I could rent a house for 36% more (inc council tax) in Surrey or Sussex, I'd go back in a flash.


Looking on Rightmove for Worthing, I'd be paying 1,200 pounds (+ tax) for semi-detached or terraced compared to my current 300 pounds for detached which is 300% more (not 36%).

I took a quick look on rightmove for renting a simple, character house (ie not a concrete shed) anywhere in the UK for 500 pounds.  Seems almost all the results were just for sharing a house with others....


I think I'll stay in my $500 character hardwood house in old Luang Prabang....

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I am reminded of a guy I worked with years ago, we worked rotating shifts in a steam plant each shift was seven days long. Tom had a real problem with the midnight shift as he put it to me one night this is like working twenty eight days. Iask how is that Tom, I get off work at seven thirty go home and drink a pot of coffee and smoke a few cigges. I then law down and sleep two hours and repeat, I do this four times a day seven times four is tewnty eight. I goto sleep and wake up four times a day that is twenty eight days. I asked every thought about cutting back on the coffee and cigges before sleeping, he says nah that is my life. I never had another conversation with him again I figured if he could not see the problem I wasn't going to waste my time listening to him complain. Just reminds me of a few people here always complaining but never seeing what the real problem happens to be

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On 9/11/2019 at 9:16 PM, roo860 said:

I was replying to a poster who said to come to the UK as an illegal immigrant, because you get a free house, money from the government, a free pass for everything you need. I asked for evidence of this. Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app








Local authority (council) housing estates are numerous all over the cities of the UK especially in London. 


Visit any one of them and count the indigenous occupants.


Grenfell Tower was a huge block of flats run by a local council. Few of the 'tenants' worked but lived off the welfare system.


London high streets are thronging with people in the daytime who are obviously not British. Ask can yourself why they're not working and where does their money come from.


The evidence you requested is available but it will require your getting off your backside to go and see for yourself. It's visible proof not merely evidence.


The liberal media won't help with your inquiries because such information is hardly conducive to their multicultural agenda.


Any referrals to this state of affairs are always met with accusations of racism and bigotry. However such accusations do not make it any less truthful.







Edited by yogi100
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Where's your home town? I replied to a poster who said illegal immigrants get a house, they actually don't.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Sorry i was not talking about illegals,but in my old town i knew of 2 people of a certain faith one had 3 "wives" one lived with him and his 3 kids in social housing both the other "wives" had socila housing and kids,no one worked all on social and the other was in the same position ,so 5 social houses occupied by immigrants all claiming.how many more ?

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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3 hours ago, yogi100 said:

London high streets are thronging with people in the daytime who are obviously not British. Ask can yourself why they're not working and where does their money come from.

I always assumed they were waiters/waitress/barmen/maids/night nurses/etc., people that worked low paid evening jobs and could live in London because they were OK living 10 to a room.

Edited by BritManToo
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30 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

Curious, what you would do if they doubled the money you need to keep in the Bank (I'm alright Jack, I can bring mine in from Singapore, crappy USD/GBP rates don't bother me), what if it tripled, quadrupled? at what point would you find yourself packing a bag & heading back home. 

At no point, as there are plenty of other countries in Asia I can live in if I can pay 300USD for the 1 year VISA.

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Interesting thread


I suppose that quite a few sold up in their home country or lost their property though divorce.

I kept my  UK place when I moved out to Thailand. Been rented out for many years.

Not all that great a net return after agent full management fees, maintenance etc.


Although I am planing to reduce my time in Thailand,doubt I would want to live back in the UK  mostly down to what I consider a fairly grim climate ( in the winter anyway).


General grocery prices do seem cheaper.


I looked at that numbeo price comparison site for the European country I am currently in ( Italy ) compared to Thailand.

That site is riddled with errors.

They have restaurant prices at double reality.

Grocery prices, almost all wrong.

Beverage prices also wrong.

 I am struggling to understand how it can be so wrong.



Just 1 example they list apples at 1.73 Euro per kilo.

There are some in my fridge, price was 88 cents,from a small local store, if from a supermarket would have been even cheaper, half of numbeo price.

Many other errors.

Property prices are realistic though.


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8 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

Me, I'd be off to Philippines (Cebu/Davao) in a heartbeat, I still only have 1/3rd of a toe in Thailand so may well just do that anyway (& it won't be because of the finances, it will be because of the other immigration <deleted> that making me feel less & less welcome in Thailand)...

Its always ALWAYS about the money. I don't buy in to the "I'm wealthy but gonna go to Cambo to live cause of immigration "  That's just anonymous keyboard nonsense

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