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Thai tourism: 40 million tourists won't happen this year - strong baht, trade war to blame


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Oh dear, whatever happened to journalism and language. "40 million tourists won't happen" is more like there will be 40 million fewer tourists (unless you're The Sun and similar rags). To yet again blame the US/China trade war and in the same sentence say that tourists go to other countries where they get more for their money does simply not compute - Thailand is by far and away not the only tourist destination seeing negative effects from US trade sanctions (a.k.a. great idiocy), and more for the money has on the one hand to do with a seemingly incapable national bank, combined with oligarches who have a convenient way to "export" some of their funds at favorable rates, and on the other hand Thailand offering less and less for more and more money. Greed only goes that far...

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1 hour ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

Thai travel agents seem to agree:



These aren't tourist statistics, theese are just stats from members of ATTA, an organization for south east asian travel buros... These numbers have absolutely nothing in common with the tourist numbers.


Guess why no malaysia is in there, because they don't use ATTA travel agents....

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