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Expats' relationships: 50% say it's true love but only one in 7 gets anywhere near to daily sex!


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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

In the UK I was getting sex once a monh (if I was lucky).

When I first arrived in Thailand I was having sex 3-4 times a day.

At 64 I've slowed down a bit to maybe 2-3 times a week.


I wonder how many 64 year old pensioners in the west have sex that often?

(I'm only counting the times I have sex with a woman, doing it alone doesn't count IMHO))

I am single and back in the States, but am older than you. And I can say the women here suck big time. Mexico is ok but they want to get married. Thailand, even at my age was 2-4 time / wk. I am thinking of either picking up a Mexican woman or heading to the Phillipines to get my groove back on... haha

S.E. Asia will spoil you in a good way, and make you really hate dating in America IMO.


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12 hours ago, garyk said:

I am single and back in the States, but am older than you. And I can say the women here suck big time. Mexico is ok but they want to get married. Thailand, even at my age was 2-4 time / wk. I am thinking of either picking up a Mexican woman or heading to the Phillipines to get my groove back on... haha

S.E. Asia will spoil you in a good way, and make you really hate dating in America IMO.


Do you date females in Asia or are they prostitutes ?

If so, why cant you find prostitutes in USA ?

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53 minutes ago, madmen said:

The married couples I know no longer have sex and morphed into co depandancy. Most couples have nothing in common starting with buddism


rent rent !

IMHO the only reason to get married at all is indeed to have a co-dependency. Why else would you bother? It's a legal contract for sharing resources. The romance BS is quite new.

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13 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Do you date females in Asia or are they prostitutes ?

If so, why cant you find prostitutes in USA ?

Nope never been with a prostitute in the States or Thailand. 

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Daily? I wouldn't want it that often and I am only 30. A few days to recharge makes for a much better 'ending' I would say ????


We have been together eight years and married for a few years, but the sex life is still great. 3 times a week is the perfect amount I would say. That is usually once during the week and then a few times on the weekend. 

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6 hours ago, swissie said:

Seems to me that Farangs in their late 40ties/early 50ties having married a Thai-Lady "their age" must have ended up in the 12% bracket.

Fast foreward 20 years: The Farangs still have their sweet/sour look on their face. But not completely detached. On the other hand, their (same age) Ladies display a facial expession that includes boredom, discust, discontent, taking solace in operating their smart-phones and talking to female Thai Friends nearby. (not going into their outer appearance), while the Farang-Hubby tries to maintain his sweet/sour look on his face.

To avoid such an unsatisfactory situation: It's imperative that a Farang marries a Thai-Female that is at least 15 years younger than him.

Of course there are exceptions to the rule. But few and far between.

It is only a question of hormones when the woman does not want or can no longer procreate ceases or diminishes much of wanting sexual relations in general. The breed does not count

So I will confirm what you said about minus 15 years, better if you found a sexy bomb????


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Not much info on how survey was conducted: was it a true random survey or more along the lines of a Fox phone in survey? Without randomness, seems angry responses "not gittin any" and bragging responses "any time I want it" would skew and distort.

Are there expat women in survey? Yes, there are such folks.

Was it done over phone, in person? Geographical spread? Makes a difference. Dewey was picked to beat Truman due to error of using phones. Many Truman supporters didn't have phones (1948).

The sample size v population size is a tad low even if other factors were taken care of. Could be off 10-20% (guessing here, been decades since studied stats).

Fun topic to "discuss" but don't bet the farm on accuracy of results.

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16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

In the UK I was getting sex once a monh (if I was lucky).

When I first arrived in Thailand I was having sex 3-4 times a day.

At 64 I've slowed down a bit to maybe 2-3 times a week.


I wonder how many 64 year old pensioners in the west have sex that often?

(I'm only counting the times I have sex with a woman, doing it alone doesn't count IMHO))

Sounds like its with bar girls then, such a hero

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10 hours ago, garyk said:

I am single and back in the States, but am older than you. And I can say the women here suck big time. Mexico is ok but they want to get married. Thailand, even at my age was 2-4 time / wk. I am thinking of either picking up a Mexican woman or heading to the Phillipines to get my groove back on... haha

S.E. Asia will spoil you in a good way, and make you really hate dating in America IMO.


My last few years in the USA i only dated Asian women. A big improvement! However they become Americanized eventually too. They also have a lot of choices there!

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16 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

but only one in 7 gets anywhere near to daily sex!

Guess I'm lucky, then...

Is that when the neighbours do it?  I am living in a multi residence building and I guess it might be true for me now.  Oh, hang on. They all have young kids now.  That usually ruins it.  That, and wife working full time.  555

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