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U.S. House to launch Trump impeachment inquiry over Ukraine controversy

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40 minutes ago, riclag said:

 The WH is sending a letter to Pelosi . The WH,is not gonna cooperate with the radical dems, illegal Impeachment inquiry! 


"Why it matters: By putting in writing the case that Trump and his supporters have been making verbally for days, the White House is preparing for a court fight and arguing to the public that its resistance to Congress' requests is justified"




 Polosi will soon have to have a vote in the house on formal impeachment,give the POTUS due process rights and give house GOP members Subpoena Power in calling witnesses .

It's about time to expose these radical dems who are subjecting America to be further divided! 

Bring it on  





Thanks! I did not know this website and it seems to have good short news articles. The one on Volker's testimony is interesting. 


I don't think they will organise a vote before having made enough interviews, so that they will be able to present a more informed case.

57 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

I watched the video.  Stunning!  The interviewer even questions her remark and she responds with a blatant lie, on national television no less.  She needs to resign.  My feeling is she has as much to to hide as Schiff and Nadler.  Ditto Maxine Waters.  My how she lives a luxurious life on a government payroll.


You think elected officials who lie should resign?  I agree.  No need for impeachment then.

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54 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Scroll down a bit further and you'll see another headline.  NYT: U.S. envoys drafted statement committing Ukraine president to Biden probe


The Dems have bitten off more they can chew.  They've opened Pandora's box.  And it will destroy them.

Why do you think this drafted statement is anything other than further proof of clueless incompetence and/or corruption in the Trump administration?

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes that's part of 45's disinformation campaign and his followers are more than happy to help him disseminate such lies online ad nauseum. Sadly it's a propaganda method that is very effective. Yes, the average person doesn't have the time, energy, or even interest in figuring out what are lies (or in the case of many 45 fans, even caring). 

LOL  What a beautiful example of projection by perhaps one staunchest libs on this thread.

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3 hours ago, Kelsall said:

Also,  Pelosi is now claiming Adam Schiff did not make up his Trump "parody" and that those words were Trump's actual words.  This senile old bag has lost it totally



Is stupidity located in the genes?



Is stupidity a disease?

Yes, it is spread by Fox-News and Twitter.


Are there „weapons“ against this disease?

Theoretically – Yes.

Practically – Not.   If you don't have enough money to buy or silence companies, you cannot stop this disease. Do you remember the story about Trump's extramarital affair with Karen McDougal? The story was bought by Trump-friend David Pecker from the publishing company AMI McDougal for 150,000 § – and NOT published! But you cannot by FOX or Twitter news for „lavish“ 150k § …. to silence them.


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1 minute ago, canuckamuck said:

Translated it means, they say things that conflict with the MSM narrative.

It's a recommendation as far as I can tell.

It does not surprise me you would recommend a site that gives alternative facts

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