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Whistleblower complaint describes White House cover-up on Trump-Ukraine scandal


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1 minute ago, Becker said:

This is the last off topic deflection post I'l  reply to:


Do you really think that if the brown-noser William Barr had thought there was anything to the allegations he would not have started investigations?

You have avoided answering this question before and will likely do so again - no surprise there because it completely shreds your tiresome Biden deflections. 

It is again irrelevant what I think. What is relevant is that allegation was made and there is substance there. 


Dems ignorance on the matter is in line with Trump bashing for the past 3 years. And previous “blinkers” for 8 years. 


If you find it tiresome, you do not need to reply or read it, no one has a gun to your head or a knife to your throat . 

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Just now, Farangwithaplan said:

You sound unreasonable and seem to lack any ability to communicate on a level that is satisfying to me. I love this block feature. I wish I found it sooner.


Of course it’s me, just like it’s always trump. Glad to hear you found the block, use it ????

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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

They are what the Director of National Intelligence referred to (under oath) as credible, in good faith and submitted in accordance with the law.

But Daddy's a Dem so it's ok IMAGINE if Trump's son was on the board? Dems would be APOPLECTIC with rage but now they are silent - funny that.

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6 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Presumably whatever charges that could be brought against Hillary Clinton or either of the Bidens would be federal charges, would they not? Federal charges arise from the US Justice Dept's regional districts. The US Justice Dept is within the Executive branch of the US Govt. headed by Donald Trump.  So, your questions with regard to why none of the above have been charged with a federal crime might be better directed to the Justice Dept.

Did not realise we were pressing charges here but good to know once again how Trump haters think????

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2 hours ago, ballpoint said:
3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

There was a time when a president like that would have resigned.

And there was a time when he own party would have thrown him out.

But those times are obviously over. Amazing USA. RIP

Trump thinks we should go back even further in time.  Seems a rather drastic way to deal with his treasonous activity, but if that's what he wants...


5 hours ago, webfact said:

"You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now."


That's a great idea. I hope they have a life video feed when they hang Donald. I am sure at least half the world will watch and celebrate. 

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8 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Well considering your remarks on biden are false as well as off topic....


His son was not on the board when the investigation started. Ukraine govt requested US help with removing the prosecutor. Ukraine govt voted to remove him.


This was part of official US policy and done in agreement with the UN, EU, other european nations.


The investigation into the company was re opened and found nothing.


Trump, on the other hand pressured a foreign govt to investigate a political rival. Asking a foreign govt to interfere is illegal.


What he should have done is ask his own justice dept to investigate.

How are my remarks false? And off topic ? Who is the cause of this entire saga ? 



Edited by BestB
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4 hours ago, DoctorG said:



I know you hate watching videos but you need only go into this one for 90 seconds to hear that the whistleblower based his action on second-hand reports (hearsay).

This is CNN so you cannot complain that you do not like the source, as you usually do.


Between 35 and 40 seconds

”I was not a direct witness to most of the events”

So much for that.... thanks for the link ????

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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


Because it's off-topic, you're deflecting and seem to think that repeating mis-truths often enough makes them true.


But easy enough to add folks to the Ignore list, so there's always that. BRB.



The trump tactic of repeating falsehoods add nauseam to obscure the truth and wear down opposition relays on the good people tuning out... or ignoring.


if you ignore... you’ve been beaten (unless you fear being provoked to indiscretion... then blocking is warranted... but your posts don’t reflect that level of frustration) 

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7 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

Don't jump the gun just yet, Jingthing.  All the details are not in and there's much more info to come.  LOL

Democrats have been jumping the gun for 3 years and it always comes back and bites them in the ass. They never learn.

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