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Whistleblower complaint describes White House cover-up on Trump-Ukraine scandal


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10 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Evidence is being collected.  The dots are being put together.  It's too voluminous for me to post.  Take that as a cop out if you want.  I don't care.  But as I said, bias breeds ignorance.  Bias forces you to see only what fits the picture you want to see.  All information to the contrary is either ignored or discounted.  And much of the information that is able to make it's way into the narrow horse blinder view becomes misinterpreted, distorted and tailored to fit that desired picture.  So sad for the people who allow others to spoon feed them their information and narratives.


If you're interested in knowing, Becker, all the information regarding spygate is out there.  Dig it up, my friend.


Edit:  BTW, I would trust Wikepedia as much as I would trust the Times, the Post, Newsweek, and the rest of the MSM.  And just to be clear, their definition of spygate is totally wrong.

How much of that evidence is coming from "Q"? Cause I don't trust the rest of 'em.

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10 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

There was a time when a president like that would have resigned.

And there was a time when he own party would have thrown him out.

But those times are obviously over. Amazing USA. RIP

usually Potus who resigned had balls....does this one has  any? I doubt

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

Mahugre "I believe the whistleblower and the inspector general have acted in good faith throughout," he said, also referring to intelligence community Inspector General Michael Atkinson, who determined that the whistleblower allegations appeared credible and were of urgent concern.

the inspector general did a great job and determined the matter to be of urgent concern and instead of going to the congress Maguire went to the 2 people (Trump and Ball) named on the matter and all of a sudden the case disappear and was not longer an urgent concern.... and this is the guy that he's the head of the intelligence community and we should believe him, come on give me a break, he was trying to cover up

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2 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Forget Q.  There are reams of hard evidence.  Documentation which can't be disputed, refuted or spun.


Laugh all you want.  Your choice, my friend.  Not mine.

So link it. If it's unrefutable, undisputed and unspun surely it will make us all base Trump supporters?!

If you don't I'm just gonna assume that you're referring to some nutty conspiracy theories believed only by those who have a tenuous grasp on reality (to be kind).

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Spygate is a wacko far right wing CONSPIRACY THEORY. 

This topic is not about Spygate.

Pushing obvious conspiracy theories is against the rules here in general.

I'll acknowledge there can be grey areas on the definition of what is a conspiracy theory, but Spygate makes the cut.

Please consider NOT FEEDING any members here trying to play the tin foil hat conspiracy theory game. If they're ignored, they will probably eventually stop.




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10 hours ago, Skallywag said:

The only way to remove trump is if he can be brought in front of a Federal Grand Jury and charged with a felony.

This is unprecedented for the POTUS, though believe Nixon resigned as this was about to happen to him.


I read this from a lawyer a couple years ago and it has not been pursued.  The perennial goal of impeachment seems ludicrous as can never happen with the Republican majority in the Senate


I read yesterday the democrats know very well what you just say, the purpose of this story is not to get him deposed by the Republicans the goal is that he's much less likely to be re-elected. So not ludicrous at all

Edited by Tchooptip
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4 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Dr. Samuel Johnson said " Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel".

it is only a personal opinion but I find this sentence absolutely shameful and terribly insulting to all the young soldiers who died for their country

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1 hour ago, Peter Denis said:


Thanks, I was blind and deluded.

But your strong arguments and the abundant evidence convinced me.

President Trump was only trying to further drain the swamp.

Instead of being hoaxed into an impeachment enquiry he should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Maybe we should consider the Nuclear Option to Make America Great Again.

Thanks again for opening my eyes.


More Ignoble than Nobel.  Besides, given this is about the Ukraine, he should be nominated for the Chernobyl Toxic Cloud prize.

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3 minutes ago, Farangwithaplan said:

Only if you read it out of context.



The sentence being:  "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel". It does not need any "context" such a sentence is sufficient to itself out of all context I maintain therefore

 that I find this sentence absolutely shameful and terribly insulting to all the young soldiers who died for their country, while not forcing anyone to share my opinion.

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I’m wondering how this debacle will affect billey Barr will he be dis barred or perhaps put behind bars?he is obviously derilect in his duty as attorney for the United States his job should be to protect us from this kind of malfeasance sad

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1 hour ago, Tug said:

I’m wondering how this debacle will affect billey Barr will he be dis barred or perhaps put behind bars?he is obviously derilect in his duty as attorney for the United States his job should be to protect us from this kind of malfeasance sad

He seems to have been rather cautious, and apparently did not make contact with Ukrainian authorities. He's obviously ready to cover up Trump's activities by using all possible interpretation of the law, as he did before. However, he's not stupid enough to risk being charged by involving himself.

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16 hours ago, DoctorG said:

Still doesn't alter the fact that he operated on hearsay and from media reports. I did not say that he operated in bad faith though. Zealots and patriots are overly ready to believe what they want to believe. 

Please point out the portion of the whistleblower's complaint that was based on "media reports".  Apparently that came to you in a dream.

Edited by gamb00ler
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Ukraine's former Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has categorically rejected claims by Donald Trump concerning Mr Trump's Democratic rival Joe Biden.

Mr Trump has alleged, without evidence, that Mr Biden pressed for the sacking of a Ukrainian prosecutor to protect a business that employed his son.

Mr Klimkin told the BBC that the prosecutor was sacked for corruption.

A number of Western bodies, including the EU, had pushed for the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, to be sacked, he said.



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15 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Dr. Samuel Johnson said " Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel".


I agree, but change last to FIRST!

Go back to the descent down the escalator in 2015. 

Flag hugging?  Do people really fall for that?


I feel the same way about people who are a little too declarative of their faith without prompting.



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