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As options narrow on Syria, Trump prepares to drop sanctions hammer on Turkey


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16 minutes ago, Tagged said:

And who had to pay for the richer to get richer? 


Americans, at the same time jobs dissapeared to South America, India and China. 


Well done

I meant job well done, as in they did what they wanted to do. However I do not approve in any way. I see it as pure evil,

Edited by canuckamuck
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Trump will probably put some mild sanction on Turkey to calm down his opponent and save face. Sacrificing the kurds was the right decision for US interest. The kurds were the stupid one to ally with the US in the first place.



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Turkey a member of NATO,kick them out fast!!!Will not happen,endless talk and mean while the bodies pile up.

Now Erdogan saying he will release 3.5 million refugees into Europe,yes too late the damage in the Middle East has been done.



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2 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Are you able to explain exactly why the US army and taxpayer dollars should be used to enforce the Turkey/Syria border(on the other side of the world), yet should not be used to protect the US/Mexico border(at home to protect Americans and the American lifestyle)?

What would you have the soldiers do?Shoot at poor people?Amazing you can even think of something like this.

I am telling you the US army is in Syria to protect the American lifestyle!!!

If it was not about making money they would not be there.

Have you send money to the wall already?

The way you think amazes me.

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So the Kurds have been sending rockets at Turkish towns in  retaliation. Can we now expect NATO partner Turkey to invoke Article 5? Will the Americans then be  obligated to run bombing raids on the Kurds.? This just keeps getting better.

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Before Trump applies sanctions, it might be a good idea to remove American nuclear weapons from Incerlik. Might be a good idea to shut down and evacuate the entire base and any other American facilities, too.

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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

I was pro war in Iraq when I was being fed lies and didn't know much about the bigger issues.

I realize now that it was part of a bigger plan to destabilize the region, sell weapons and profit from war. And job well done I might add. It is time American's stopped feeding the war machine. It is a horrible legacy they have created.

Well, it's a credit to you for saying that. Harper is still trying to convince people that he would not have joined Blair and Bush. At the time I was a tradesman on the prairies so had no shortage of conservative workmates to argue the merits of that war. Personally I chose to believe the weapon inspectors and Uncle Jean's judgement. I don't think any of us expected the cluster ~#\\  it turned out to be.

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“But now what I hear is that nobody should get into a well with an American rope. Even last year, when McGurk was still serving, Kurdish leaders in Syria were telling the Americans that if support for them and deterrence against a Turkish attack was not going to continue, they needed to make a deal with the Assad regime and Russia for protection.

Brett McGurk, who resigned as the presidential special envoy to the coalition against ISIS last December

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5 hours ago, steven100 said:

yes …. I tend to agree with that statement, as it seems when sanctions are enforced the country and it's people just carry on as normal and the sanctions are normally suppose to punish the government or leader and in reality it doesn't affect the leader one bit, only the pubic suffer who have absolutely nothing to do with the conflict. eg: Iran, N.Korea



The problem with sanctions is that they only work if everyone is on board. China is still propping up the regime despite saying otherwise.

It's the populace that is suffering.


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10 minutes ago, jany123 said:

There is very little equivalencies to Vietnam, so the same cannot be said.


in Vietnam, the communist backed forces kicked the pro democracy forces in the nuts so hard that they landed on their evacuation transport and fled, tail tween legs. They were defeated


in the Mid East, a handful of troops were keeping the peace. A handful. Keeping them in place whilst alternatives could be discussed and arranged... alternatives such as UN peacekeepers perhaps... would have been in the best interest of the region and the world at large, including those long term interests of those divided states.


but.... the worst deal maker in history.... the worst president in history... has failed to keep promises made, in this, perhaps he can finally say “promise kept”, despite the insanity and cost involved in keeping that promise.



Just like in Vietnam the American presence is stopping the region from resolving the issue. The real problem began when the Kurds lost their homeland. Is America able to give it back? 

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6 hours ago, Tug said:

A totally unessary fiasco created by Donald trump he continues to bring us shame and disgrace creating new enemies every day what’s happening now kinda makes me feel like I did when we learned about the me liae massacre deep shame


Please tell us what clever solutions the Democrats would've implemented?

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"Monumental failure" about sums up US foreign policy for the past two decades. Bush's asinine decision to fight the "war on terror' is an expensive, open-ended, idiocy with no exit strategy.


Trump, I believe is genuinely trying to exit the past failures, but the warmongering House and Senate will never be appeased. Like drug makers never want to cure people but to make them take medicines for the rest of their lives....the US Congress is so in hock to War industry lobbyists that they want perpetual war....

And apart from a brief hiatus after VietNam this is exactly what America has given to the world, perpetual war where they profit from every fighter plane, missile and tank sold. War is just another business to the psychopaths that run the US. And the citizens are so dumbed down by a poor quality education system and endless Pentagon propaganda supporting war as the natural state to be in.


Putin, once again, has shown the way. He nailed Obama's butt to the wall by going in and exposing US support for ISIS and the hypocrisy of the whole venture.

Now he has done a deal with the Kurds....that deal is essential if the country is ever too be reunited again.


The knock on effect from the perceived Trump treachery will resonate in the future making it harder for Americans to do deals. I say perceived treachery because I actually support his decision. There was no answer to the status quo that would bring down Assad or unify the country. Of course the US does not want a unified country.....it wants to see another failed state like Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, that become US vassals.

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3 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Yes, I'm sure that the Poles, Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Czechs, Hungarians, and Romanians just can't wait to get back to the wonderful times they enjoyed under Russian occupation and Putin's KGB.

Before you say anything more, take a good look at Usa as a normal middle class cutizen, and an normal middle class citizen of russia. I guess you would be surprised. 

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8 hours ago, Tug said:

A totally unessary fiasco created by Donald trump he continues to bring us shame and disgrace creating new enemies every day what’s happening now kinda makes me feel like I did when we learned about the me liae massacre deep shame

President Trump did exactly what he promised get the hell outta Obama's war. Now I have great faith in our Military but to think 50 troops would've made a difference is hilarious.

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5 minutes ago, MAGA 2020 said:

President Trump did exactly what he promised get the hell outta Obama's war. Now I have great faith in our Military but to think 50 troops would've made a difference is hilarious.

1000 + Coalition logistic

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Trump's plan is going well. He invites Turkey to attack U.S. ally Kurds, he then imposes sanctions on wavering NATO member Turkey, thereby pushing Turkey further into Russia's orbit of influence. Result: Scratch key NATO member in eastern Med. Oh wait! Trump is not that smart. Of course it was Putin's plan all along. The Donald is just carrying it out. Turkey likely is in on the gag, too.

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2 hours ago, MAGA 2020 said:

President Trump did exactly what he promised get the hell outta Obama's war. Now I have great faith in our Military but to think 50 troops would've made a difference is hilarious.

Obama war 


Oh, yes, of course it was! 



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Turkey's (and its proxies) attack and capture of Afrin should have been seen as a warning sign, and  should have been a call to action against Erdogan ; and, sanctions (real tough ones) by the West (not just by US) should have happened right then. If that had happened, the chances of this new attack happening would have been very slim.


But, the international community sadly just accepted the Afrin situation !

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4 hours ago, MAGA 2020 said:

President Trump did exactly what he promised get the hell outta Obama's war. Now I have great faith in our Military but to think 50 troops would've made a difference is hilarious.

What's hilarious is the fact that you don't realise the strategic importance of that small contingent of soldiers.

Now that's truly hilarious!????


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13 hours ago, Tug said:

A totally unessary fiasco created by Donald trump he continues to bring us shame and disgrace creating new enemies every day what’s happening now kinda makes me feel like I did when we learned about the me liae massacre deep shame

Huh? Who sent our troops to war in Syria to begin with? And Trump getting them hell out is the problem? Wow!

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2 minutes ago, Becker said:

What's hilarious is the fact that you don't realise the strategic importance of that small contingent of soldiers.

Now that's truly hilarious!????


No, you're wrong. I'm aware of how awesome our Special Ops people are. I'm also aware there are plenty of countries in the region with a vested interest who can and should easily pick up the slack. We should have never been there in the first place.

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