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Transport Minister considering equipping vehicles with GPS during manufacture


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It's easy just cut the wires or flood them in water ,job done.

But I don't think it will happen, just more hot gas.

The best is put a James bond micro GPS into all the new babies. 555

And I thought I had moved to Thailand not Russia. 

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1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

The Transport Minister visited the GPS Transport Management Center and the Public Passenger Protection Center to deliver his work policy to the Department of Land Transport, calling for urgent development of public transport systems and voicing support for the use of digital technological solutions, such as mobile applications.


Is this what inspired the minister?

It has gone so well in decreasing the toll of busses, mini-busses and trucks. Maybe he should check to make sure that restricted system works to spec before expanding it to the rest of the vehicular population.

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12 minutes ago, MRToMRT said:

Considering that Thailand has the highest road fatality rate in Asean and the ninth-highest in the world, losing 32.7 people per 100,000, something drastic needs to be done.

These are some of the worst drivers (across the whole spectrum) I have seen and whilst testing and education are the 100% priority, the results will not be seen for a generation at least. 

I say do whatever needs to be done, if this saves one life then all the better. Enough of the Thai bashing, at least he is coming up with ideas.

The German economy was bad in the 30s...People said to Hitler do what ever needs to be done....Well... At least he was doing something....

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I cannot understand how this would work. OK, if you have an accident, the authorities could check the GPS to see if you were speeding, but that won't make the driver any better. So how does having one fitted reduce accidents?


I also suspect that removing or disconnecting would nullify any insurance one had. More about tracking the population I think.

Edited by phetphet
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The gps may well check one’s location and speed but it’s got nothing to do with preventing/avoiding accidents ! Thorough lack of knowledge to say the least ????????‍♂️ Surely another way to make money by selling/installing such device. The other reason is to check and infringe on everyone’s  privacy !

it will definitely not prevent any accidents, why isn’t anyone with a bit of common sense and knowledge talk to whoever made this nonsense decision ?!!

They must train the dangerously blind sleepy so called thai motorists with proper driving training at birth ???? 

The police should be present and actively stop and fine these criminals on the wheels but sadly I don’t think they’ve been instructed to do so to thai people, since they literally  get away with a murder on a daily basis..

Disgraceful really ☹️


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Too much data to process and monitor.  What can we do?  I know.  Skip fitting to motorcycles, there are too many of  them.  Cars and pickups are also a problem.  Don't fit to them.  Many people will not be able to afford the GPSs.  So that just leaves us with the pesky foreigners.  No problem at all.  No GPS, no extension of stay.

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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The Transport Minister, Saksayam Chidchob, has floated the idea of making global positioning systems (GPS) a factory standard for personal cars and motorcycles in the interest of traffic safety, and expects a decision within a year.

Complete nonsense GPS adds nothing to traffic safety.

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The only motorists who need these devices are Bangkok taxi drivers, many of whom couldn't even find their own aholes without a periscope.


For the rest of us, it's just another move to facilitate the Big Brother surveillance state, due to be ushered in with the launch of 5G next March.

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What could be done is to have all new cars fitted with a dash cam and universal plug in. 

All public vehicles should have them. In the case of Inter City buses 2 way cameras and monitor so that those (farangs) who are not asleep can watch the drivers face. 

In this day and age why must we always wonder WHY the bus crashed? 

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