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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Sorry for asking .

I just wondered why you like being noticed and feel the need for females to be attracted to you .

  I hate all that attention and I prefer the anonymity of being among my own people in my own Country .

  I dislike Females who notice me as their next job/payday , young ladies looking and smiling at me and thinking "New iphone 5" .

  I am not bitter at ball, I dislike all that attention and I just wondered why you liked it, anyway, sorry for asking 




IMO it is preferable having someone smiling at you than scowling at you, irrespective of the motivations one may attribute to them. Which may be true, or completely erroneous. I suppose it depends on whether you are inherently negative or positive about other people. And nobody has to punch the ticket if they don't want to.

I simply don't worry about other females. I have enough on my hands with one. I do enjoy eye candy, which I guess would be in short supply in the UK, unless you like thighs and calves like tree trunks.

If you are saying you are not bitter, you are giving a remarkably good imitation.

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19 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

IMO it is preferable having someone smiling at you than scowling at you, irrespective of the motivations one may attribute to them. Which may be true, or completely erroneous. I suppose it depends on whether you are inherently negative or positive about other people. And nobody has to punch the ticket if they don't want to.

I simply don't worry about other females. I have enough on my hands with one. I do enjoy eye candy, which I guess would be in short supply in the UK, unless you like thighs and calves like tree trunks.

If you are saying you are not bitter, you are giving a remarkably good imitation.

Whilst I do agree that its better to having someone smile at you rather than scowling  , I do prefer it when they do neither  , just ignore me and dont smile or scowl .

   I dont want , seek or like any stranger giving me attention for no reason .

You seem to like the attention of females wanting you as their next customer , whilst I just view them as being annoying and parasites .

  Females in the UK are built like adult females , rather than thai females who have child like bodies (and mentality) 

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34 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Whilst I do agree that its better to having someone smile at you rather than scowling  , I do prefer it when they do neither  , just ignore me and dont smile or scowl .

   I dont want , seek or like any stranger giving me attention for no reason .

You seem to like the attention of females wanting you as their next customer , whilst I just view them as being annoying and parasites .

  Females in the UK are built like adult females , rather than thai females who have child like bodies (and mentality) 

Nothing wrong with being a chubby chaser, enjoy.

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On 11/4/2019 at 8:13 PM, AussieBob18 said:

Ditto.  I understand and accept the crackdown, but it was supposed to be just the bad guys.  They have cracked down on the good guys, and every day the bad guys just ignore it all.  If caught they leave and pay 20,000 Baht fine for over-stay.  If one of them stays 2 years - that means it cost them 10K Baht a year, and no 90 day reports, no TM30s, and no Annual Extensions hassles and costs - a bargain if you dont intend to return.  They have completely stuffed this up - unless what they did want to do was to drive out and keep out as many Farangs as they can (like China has over the last few years).  I could not find it, but there was an article recently by a blogger who has been in China for about 15 years, and their changes for Expats in last 5 years are like those in in Thailand.  Leave the house for 24 hours and you have to report - that is a Communist State.




That blogger was talking nonsense. You have to re-register your address when you leave China and return. No other requirement at all. They say within 24 hours but I've been as late as six weeks.  No recriminations.


Basic rules havent changed in five years. The last big change was that you cant renew a tourist visa within China. You have to go home. At a stroke this removed the illegal workers, mostly unqualified ESL teachers and made perfect sense. My resi permit is three years based on marriage and costs peanuts.  I've had one address check in 13 years by way of the PSB knocking on the door. I dont have to do any reporting at all save if I leave the country.


Now they give transit passengers free 144 hour visa waivers for a spot of sightseeing if they want to. Sounds more progressive than Thailand to me.

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On 11/4/2019 at 6:35 AM, bwpage3 said:

Who can predict what any country will be like in 10 years?


That is just ridiculous.


Thailand is still the third world anyway you look at it. 


Politicians get into politics to control budgets to make themselves rich. Therefore the country never moves forward. Ever!


Depending on who is in charge of the govt, the policies can either favor or hinder expats.


Right now the policies seem to be anti-expat


Currency? No one that retired to Thailand predicted the currency would depreciate so much and are now forced to live with it.


Who knows what the currency will do in 10 years? Might be more expensive than your home country?


The big question is HOW many people would have moved to Thailand in the first place if NOT for the cheap and easily available women, who will marry almost anyone?


Thailand is overcrowded, pollution is getting worse ever year, traffic is already at nightmare levels, flooding, monsoons, heat and humidity, mosquitoes, etc. What exactly is the big attraction about living in all that?


I really think if people had the money required to retire in comfort in their own countries, they would have never picked Thailand. Go to Thailand a month or 2 to play around, sure, but move there and have no bridge to get back? No Thanks.


However, if you want to rent a 1 room flat in your golden years and chase bar girls, this is probably the place for you.


The government can pass any policy they want, increase financial requirements to stay, mandatory insurance, you name it. Their country, their rules.


Thailand has taken such a dive the past 2 years, cannot even image 10 years from now?




Another thing that seems be common is a lot of these guys retired early and took less to come to Thailand early. After that many of them emptied their investments. At one point if you remember well it was so cheap everybody spent all their money.


So it isn't only that prices went up but that sure compounds problems when you spend a decade of what should have been years of earnings and savings to be in country with rapidly growing inflation.

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11 hours ago, Traubert said:

That blogger was talking nonsense. You have to re-register your address when you leave China and return. No other requirement at all. They say within 24 hours but I've been as late as six weeks.  No recriminations.


Basic rules havent changed in five years. The last big change was that you cant renew a tourist visa within China. You have to go home. At a stroke this removed the illegal workers, mostly unqualified ESL teachers and made perfect sense. My resi permit is three years based on marriage and costs peanuts.  I've had one address check in 13 years by way of the PSB knocking on the door. I dont have to do any reporting at all save if I leave the country.


Now they give transit passengers free 144 hour visa waivers for a spot of sightseeing if they want to. Sounds more progressive than Thailand to me.

Thanks for that - much appreciated.  Clearly the Chinese Authorities have a much better approach to treating Expats and Tourists than Thailand - maybe they can pass their wisdom and experiences on to the Thais? 

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On 11/4/2019 at 6:24 PM, sanemax said:

What is the reason and logic behind it ?

Is it because that if there is a crime commited , the Police know where the culprits will be staying ?

Exactly. Before I rob a bank in another city I always file my TM28. Gotta stay legal 555. 

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If one is not impotent.

Likes staying active and healthy playing golf, the gym, etc.

Likes good food and has plenty of money to enjoy this place, it is all fantastic.


Unfortunately, many do not fit so they continue with their depressed, discontent life and due to their insecurities and mostly poor life decisions comment negatively here.  In some way it makes them feel better, but the reality of life is in the mirror..

Edited by bkk6060
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On 11/4/2019 at 8:29 PM, Victornoir said:

The demographic progression...

In response to the OP the imperative condition to be happy in Thailand is to comfortably meet the financial requirements.
Advantages are:
 - Quick and easy access to pretty women, sexy, feminine and cuddly.
 - The low price of rentals and hotel rooms with decent comfort.
 - The prices of all services (restaurant, mechanics, health, various care...) incredibly low.
 - Easy access to western products.
 - Groceries open all night and offering the essentials.
 - Friendly and efficient administration (if you do not cheat).
 - Most often elegant and varied landscapes.


The inconvenients:
 - Invasive plastic waste.
 - Local relations based on money.
 - Local cuisine far below its reputation.
 - The language difficult and repulsive.
 - The price of wine

Cheese! You forgot to mention good cheese. 

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1 hour ago, madmen said:

Its always about the money. I have a chuckle when I read posts " they dont want us here , Im taking my money to Cambodia"   Translated says Im busted arsed pensioner and Im screwed and am forced to leave Thailand

Although the Visa situation is why most have and will be leaving , because theres not much price difference between Camdobia and Thailand 

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On 11/4/2019 at 6:33 PM, mauGR1 said:

I was not aware of it too, until few months ago. I used to spend weeks in my girl friend home, and the opposite.

It's not really enforced, but in theory, if you don't report, you are breaking the law. afaik.

If any law is unfair and you think you can get away with breaking it, then do so. If I obeyed every law in the UK, I would not be in Thailand today.

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37 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

It's not harsh, it's the truth.

Well, i still like to live in Thailand, the weather is great in the winter, compared to home country, and most of the people are lovely, so i don't have a lot of reasons to complain.

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1 minute ago, mauGR1 said:

Well, i still like to live in Thailand, the weather is great in the winter, compared to home country, and most of the people are lovely, so i don't have a lot of reasons to complain.

What you say is true, it is some of the immigration issues and dreadful road behavior that are the problems.

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1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

What you say is true, it is some of the immigration issues and dreadful road behavior that are the problems.

The roads are frickin' dangerous, i used to enjoy lots of motorbike trips, not anymore, it will probably take some more 10 years for the locals to learn to drive like normal people.

As for the rest, what can i say, i am lucky that i have a place to go if i feel like.

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