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Cross Generational Back Talk -- Is 'OK Boomer' OK with you?


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I'm probably slow about this but I've recently become aware of the put down phrase 'OK Boomer' used to diss people of the baby boomer generation (including me). 


Personally it doesn't bother me much. I suppose as a generality our generation deserves it. On the other hand it presumes negative things about many individuals that aren't actually true. It's devastating in its way as the basic message is that the baby boomer generation has messed up the world, but on the other hand it's pretty mild.


I remember phrases from my youth such as -- Don't trust anyone over 30 not to mention 'Die Yuppie S--m'

Not so mild!


So open to all generations of course -- what do you think about OK boomer?






Baby boomers (also known as boomers) are the demographic cohort following the Silent Generation and preceding Generation X. The Baby Boom generation is most often defined as those individuals born between 1946 and 1964.[1]

In Western Europe and North America, boomers are widely associated with privilege, as many grew up during a period of increasing affluence[2] due in part to widespread post-war government subsidies in housing and education.







OK Boomer

"OK Boomer" is a catchphrase and internet meme that gained popularity throughout 2019, used to dismiss or mock attitudes stereotypically attributed to the baby boomer generation. It is considered by some to be ageist.



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The hoo-ha around this expression will likely die down over time, but the underlying sentiment will always be there. Someone's got to take the blame for the current state of the world, I guess, and we boomers are the obvious target. Chloe Zwarbrick in the NZ parliament certainly let that be known when a boomer MP didn't agree with her views. I'm not concerned about it personally, but I fear it could foster a lot of misguided antipathy in the long run towards us boomers who as much as anyone else are a product of our times.

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I get some flak from the kids and grandkids, but it's mostly just meme's on FB.   I have a list of causes I will leave my money to, instead of them.   They are all causes they HATE!!

I think it's normal for the younger generation to do some blaming of the older generation.   I am kind and gentle to them, because I did grow up at a time when life was pretty fun, reasonably easy and goals were achievable.   


They face a lot more difficulty achieving what my generation could obtain rather easily.   They seem to have slightly different values, ideas, and dreams.   



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Like so many kinds of identitarian politics the phrase is rooted in the politics of envy and hate. However, if that put down represents the rhetorical skilks of generation pantywaist of space and matches their critical thinking skills we have nothing to worry about. They deserve their zero hour contracts, their safe spaces, lack of freedom of speech,  thought and action, lack of decent jobs and pensions and their fear of life.

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35 minutes ago, fusion58 said:

Are you arguing that only people who identify as politically liberal use the epithet in question and/or exhibit ageist attitudes?


If so, then by what evidence?


Yes, people that use that term are mostly left-leaning liberal whiners of the millennial variety who are so tone deaf and hypocritical that they say things like this un-ironically without even seeing how stupid it is. 


Didn't think this was a debatable point but such is the norm with liberals and the bored argumentative posters of this crusty forum ????





But “ok boomer” has quickly evolved into more than just a comeback. It also appears to represent a broader left-leaning ethos of anger, if not rage, over the daunting circumstances that young Americans have been born into.


Boo hoo. How horrible. 


And Im a millennial too. 

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21 minutes ago, Thainesss said:

broader left-leaning ethos of anger, if not rage, over the daunting circumstances that young Americans have been born into.

If these kids want to see daunting circumstances into which someone has been born go to Khlong Toei. Or watch a rickshaw being peddled in the heat by an 80 year old guy with a fat Westerner in the back. For $3. 

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11 minutes ago, fusion58 said:

I, personally, have encountered any number of American right-wingnuts (Gen X and younger) on the Interwebs who blame the boomers for all the world’s ills and, not infrequently, for their own individual, unfortunate lot in life.

They aren't real conservatives then. True conservatives do something about their lives other than whine.

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7 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

If these kids want to see daunting circumstances into which someone has been born go to Khlong Toei. Or watch a rickshaw being peddled in the heat by an 80 year old guy with a fat Westerner in the back. For $3. 

Way to set the bar for America. 

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25 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

If these kids want to see daunting circumstances into which someone has been born go to Khlong Toei. Or watch a rickshaw being peddled in the heat by an 80 year old guy with a fat Westerner in the back. For $3. 

Correct..and then some. They dont know how lucky they are. They have never had it so good.

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11 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Its not anecdotal - the term was literally coined by and used by and made into a 'thing' by millennial liberal crybabies. The whole point of the thread is the phrase "OK Boomer".



Now here is where you change the statement and intent of my post into something you just made up that has nothing to do with what I said. 


Liberal millennials coined and use the phrase "OK Boomer" yet are the overbearingly loud proponents of Tolerance™ Inclusion™ and Diversity™ unless it's of course anyone who's older, makes more money, or disagrees with them. Then its name calling and disrespect. Be the same as saying "Ok Jew" or "Ok Asian". 


The hypocrisy is the point, bud. I can make the statement "OK Boomer" (Which I would never do because its dumb) and not be a hypocrite because I'm an American right-wingnut who is free to dislike people/opinions/attitudes as I see fit. 

You are correct .Liberal diversity is about exclusion.

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I find the best approach is to plunge both thumbs into their eyes and then  boot them really hard in the nuts or whatever they've got down there, then ask, you didn't really think we were called boomers because we were born in a certain era did you?


Now get up, stop crying and get a job before I do it again. And by the way, those tattoos look like you threw up down yourself.

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Must be an American thing. I've never been called an "OK boomer" or any other kind of boomer. I didn't even know I was a "boomer" until I read the OP. So sad to pigeonhole people. Put people in your little boxes and you will never understand them. Certainly not me.


Refering to me as a "boomer" says absolutely nothing about me.



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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

Or watch a rickshaw being peddled in the heat by an 80 year old guy with a fat Westerner in the back. For $3. 

Who charged you $3 to watch a rickshaw being peddled in the heat by an 80 year old guy with a fat Westerner in the back?

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these young people have a point, we should be using all old people as labour then fuel to be fed to biomass gasification plant and biogas production for the wet bits.


boomers are scum just look at the orange one those us <deleted> voted in.


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Pet peeve. I've been spreading avocado on toast for longer than "millennials" have been alive. It's been common in California for hundreds of years. But I never called it avocado toast and wouldn't think to pay 10 dollars for toast with anything on it. So I share a bond, the love of avocados, but they freakin' did NOT discover it!


But of course the perfect retort to the above mini-rant is -- OK BOOMER.


So boomers, we can't win on this.


So enjoy the global warming!

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