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Diary of a farang in Isaan

owl sees all

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1 hour ago, bluesofa said:

We do it just do make it difficult for Americans. When they get the hang of it, we'll change the pronunciation again.


I went to see Blondie (Debbie Harry) in concert at the DeMontfort Halls in Leicester in the seventies.

When she said to the audience, "It's really good to be here in Lei-ces-ter," there was a lot of booing from the auditorium.


Fair enough, we developed Aussie idiom to confuse the Poms. Although I'm sure they are confused enough already, Welsh, Scots, Irish and even Northumbrians.

I'm puzzling over your moniker, is it referring to furniture or a music genre?

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

Fair enough, we developed Aussie idiom to confuse the Poms. Although I'm sure they are confused enough already, Welsh, Scots, Irish and even Northumbrians.

I'm puzzling over your moniker, is it referring to furniture or a music genre?

All I'm prepared to say is that it's furniture related. I can't go any further due to it being a national security issue.

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Red number plate is a temporary one that you get with a new car, and switch over to the black and white one, which is the formal registration plate, when it is ready at the car sales place. Supposedly, you are unable to go on expressways or use the car at night if it is still on red plates, but seems everyone ignores the rules anyway.  

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9 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Your baseball/cricket ball quote had me wondering ..... “ hmm , I would have said that the baseball is bigger ???? “.




Seems like a baseball is slightly bigger ????

Looks like it. Bigger than a cricket ball eh! How could those sloggers ever miss.


I was thinking the girl's game; rounders. Which everyone knows is the inspiration for baseball.


Now you have me thinking. What is the biggest, a snooker ball or pool ball? I think the snail was the same size as a number 9 pool ball; or slightly bigger.


Anyway. Thanks for the info' Andrew. If I do catch the snail I'll measure it; I'm sure to recognise it.

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2 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Looks like it. Bigger than a cricket ball eh! How could those sloggers ever miss.

Difference is less than 1/10th of an inch diameter - also ...


In baseball the pitching mound is only 20 yards and 6 inches from the batter.


In cricket crease to crease is further - 22 yards, so the ball appears smaller.


I can remember when British golf balls were smaller than the USA ones. But the holes were the same size (4.25 inches diameter) - I can never work out whether that was an advantage or not.


I just realised that I need to get a hobby.


Oops, just realised that it's 22 yards from stumps to stumps.


Buggery - that's thrown out all of my calculations.




Edited by chickenslegs
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51 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Seems like a little dig at our cousins over the pond there Owl ??


I’m all for a bit of friendly banter ????


Worked a lot with Americans ( worked for an American company for 31 years ) and me and my colleagues would amuse ourselves with some sarcastic banter at their expense, it usually went straight over their heads !!


But the easiest way to upset an American was :

I lived in Brazil for many years and worked with many Americans, those who p1ssed me off ( and there were many ) I would drop the following phrase into the conversation “ of course Brazilians won’t let the world forget that they invented the aeroplane !! “

This usually set the Americans off into a rage and I would drag a Brazilian into the conversation while I sat back to watch the fireworks !!


Google Alberto Santos Dumont and you will see there’s some truth in the story , certainly 210 million Brazilians believe him to be the inventor of manned air flight and are oblivious to the name “ The Wright Brothers “, as Americans are to Santos Dumont !



How could the Americans get it so wrong?


Rounders into baseball.

Rugby into Am' footy.

Horse racing into trotting.

Netball into Basketball.

Saturday night brawling into wrestling.


One day they might dominate the world of soccer; just like us English.

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15 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

Difference is less than 1/10th of an inch diameter - also ...


In baseball the pitching mound is only 20 yards and 6 inches from the batter.


In cricket crease to crease is further - 22 yards, so the ball appears smaller.


I can remember when British golf balls were smaller than the USA ones. But the holes were the same size (4.25 inches diameter) - I can never work out whether that was an advantage or not.


I just realised that I need to get a hobby.


Oops, just realised that it's 22 yards from stumps to stumps.


Buggery - that's thrown out all of my calculations.




Not to worry about the few inches one way or t'other. What's important is to enjoy! Who would want to win, if it wasn't enjoyable?


Can a baseball be pitched into the ground and be legal? I'm gonna check. Cause a cricket ball does not have to touch the ground.


It doing things that we enjoy that makes us happy.


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6 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Alberto Santos Dumont and you will see there’s some truth in the story , certainly 210 million Brazilians believe him to be the inventor of manned air flight


Well, I'm amazed; things I didn't know, I didn't know. ????


Then of course, Leif Ericson gets a rise from them


I worked for a US company for many years, & yup some jokes aka Blitish humour did go over their heads. Decent lot though - a few on here, but they do think Hershey bars are ok. ????





Edited by faraday
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26 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Some of these lovely creations look like the ones that they float on the water. Might be wrong there. Not the right time of year. But what do I know? Nothing about any religious practices; apart from what I have gleaned from living with believing ladies. Fatima was a Muslim. Kath a RC. Loraine a 7 day Adventist and Mrs Owl a Buddhist follower. 


Had a friend whose wife grew flowers for Kham Chanod. Before the C-19 kicked in, there were thousands of visitors each day. Many from China. Dozens of places where these trinkets could be bought. All gone now.


Me, Mildred and DinL at Cham Chanod about 9 years ago.



Nice picture. You would have had a handful with those religious ladies. My current girlfriend is a bit full on sometimes. I used to go out with a serious catholic who wanted to wait till marriage and all that..

These ones don't float but if she's in Australia in November she'll make the floating ones for Loi Krathong 

Edited by Fat is a type of crazy
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15 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Some of these lovely creations look like the ones that they float on the water. Might be wrong there. Not the right time of year. But what do I know? Nothing about any religious practices; apart from what I have gleaned from living with believing ladies. Fatima was a Muslim. Kath a RC. Loraine a 7 day Adventist and Mrs Owl a Buddhist follower. 


Had a friend whose wife grew flowers for Kham Chanod. Before the C-19 kicked in, there were thousands of visitors each day. Many from China. Dozens of places where these trinkets could be bought. All gone now.


Me, Mildred and DinL at Cham Chanod about 9 years ago.



Bit of an age difference between the two kids.  ????

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27 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Been busy trying to finish my Chainsaw mill thingy with height adjustable legs to plumb the blade. 


First turn these things into adjustable thingies






Then add a few bearings and a goose neck from a bicycle and bingo.Complete with anti kickback mechanism.




Then plumb up the blade.









Fantastic work FFF.


How does it work? Does it cut legs off?

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