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Thais are told: Stop expecting foreigners to clear up your filthy mess!


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My neighbors boy and his friend were walking along our common drive and the friend threw a plastic drink bottle into the vegetation. A big Oiiiiiiiiiii from me and I pointed at the bottle and said pick it up he got the hint and went pack and picked it up and took it into my neighbors townhouse. you just got to speak up.

India is the same trash everywhere they will throw it at the base of a garbage bin instead of in. They expect some untouchable to pick it up for them

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

Can we the foreigner get some positive mileage out of this proclamation like printing it on a large banner and posting it in front of the immigration offices around the country...

First question asked. "Did you have a work permit" ????

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7 hours ago, zhounan said:

Mr.Ooi have a work permit to clean the rubbish around the beach??

(ironic post)


    Deportation awaits, working without a permit .

 We dont want that type of farlang , giving us a good name , nuff said..



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For the married guys on here. Have you ever seen your wife cleaning windows?


  That doesn't seem to matter if you can't see the world outside anymore. Perhaps because the whole world is too dirty these days? 


Last week it was a german, not this guy. We're usually only in the negative press mentioned.


What annoys me and isn't Anti Thai, is the fact that at most of these tables are trash cans.


But too many people are just too lazy to stand up and walk three meters. The same guys then do aerobic or running. 

Edited by Isaanbiker
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1 hour ago, Isaanbiker said:

But too many people are just too lazy to stand up and walk three meters. The same guys then do aerobic or running. 

It definitely appears to be nothing more than laziness, but I've suspected it has as much or more to do with the importance of status and being cool in Thai culture. The rich can leave their mess for their servants to handle, but most Thais don't have that luxury, so heedlessly dropping their trash on the ground for someone else to handle gives them that feeling of having a servant and some higher status. Also, it's just not cool to be walking around with your food wrapper. Imagine the embarrassment if your friends saw you?! ????




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10 minutes ago, poohy said:

Living in the countryside Nearest house to me daughter is a teacher

she has 2 kids  i caught them throwing rubbish on my drive 

Ok  shouted you !!(pick an expletive, they ignored me) simple followed them and chucked rubbish over the fence at them ... they called mommy i called her and her  kids ignorant filthy pigs (and some more colorful adjectives  from memory)

Next step mommy teacher came to complain

Mrs Poohy (BKK born an bred not a fan of country "baanork" people especially this young woman  said  the gist being after swearing at her in Thai  .....Farangs are brought up in clean countries and are clever not like you  dirty stupid country people like you and your family

Not entirely sure any of that that helped but they certainly dont speak to us any more! 


And to cap it all after that Mrs Poohy told me off for upsetting the ******rs i mean neighbours 

I gave your story a haha because of the way you finished -- not because of the frustrating situation you encountered.


Talk about a rock and a hard place! There's nothing right about just letting the little misguided delinquents dump their garbage in your drive, and you can't berate them appropriately without incurring the wrath of the wife. That's tough! It sounds like your mission was accomplished in the end, though, and they'll probably keep clear of you and your property line.  

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My villiage interesting place  They have an area where the rubbish is taken by people who live in the villiage About 20 or more blue plastic bins Wonder ful idea but before everybody gets excited hooray the Thais are trying to keeep the place clean Think again? The thais are so lazy they dont put the rubbish in the bins They store the rubbish in front of the bins or if they are driving a car they just throw it from the car:cheesy:

So all the bins are empty because its a big job you know lifting the rubbish bags and actually putting them in the rubbish bins

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1 hour ago, ubon farang said:

My villiage interesting place  They have an area where the rubbish is taken by people who live in the villiage About 20 or more blue plastic bins Wonder ful idea but before everybody gets excited hooray the Thais are trying to keeep the place clean Think again? The thais are so lazy they dont put the rubbish in the bins They store the rubbish in front of the bins or if they are driving a car they just throw it from the car:cheesy:

So all the bins are empty because its a big job you know lifting the rubbish bags and actually putting them in the rubbish bins

Is it laziness or because of the ancient collection system being manual they think it better to leave them on the ground, to pick up easier?


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19 hours ago, keith101 said:

That's because they expect someone else to do it for them but if rubbish bins are placed close to the tables maybe just maybe people would use them . LOL TIT .

Doubtful, where I live there is a table outside on a grass area where people can sit to eat outside of their room, within 3 meters is a large bin for waste.

I actually watched a a neighbour who lives here walk past the bin to throw her rubbish bag and drink bottle in the hedge that's twice as far?

She sat back down at the table & continued talking with her friend.

I was so annoyed at her polluting where I & she live that I walked down, picked up her bag with her watching and put it in the bin next to her, slammed the top closed so that she noticed.

She looked at me as if to say "what's your problem" shrugged her shoulders & carried on talking.


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Is it possible  to have giang hoovers attache to trucks that sucks the road and payment  dry?


Om serious note does anyone know anything  about  these big rubbish  recycle  machines 


Inam interested in then

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9 hours ago, Inn Between said:

I gave your story a haha because of the way you finished -- not because of the frustrating situation you encountered.


Talk about a rock and a hard place! There's nothing right about just letting the little misguided delinquents dump their garbage in your drive, and you can't berate them appropriately without incurring the wrath of the wife. That's tough! It sounds like your mission was accomplished in the end, though, and they'll probably keep clear of you and your property line.  

Yes but i may point out  she was ruder to them in thai than i was but i still got the blame.

It was about 18 months ago

I do remember the day well and me and mrs p do laugh about it now

Neighbours still dont speak

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14 hours ago, LivinginKata said:


I disagree. I find most Thai are very clean in their personal washing. 

I agree that they are generally personally clean.  Men however, do not wash their hands with soap, and barely was with water after using the toilet 

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We live in a new housing area and when we took possession of our house the builder warned us not to put our trash bin outside our gate on the soi because everyone else on the soi  will put their trash there. We leave the bin inside the gate/fence and have problems.

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3 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

Education, Education, Education, is there education in the villages and jungles?

Simple answer NO

Villages schools provide a very basic education obviously complete with obligatory indoctrination

re litter outside our local school its horrendous the locals, adults and kids......they dont even notice


The so called elite, the teachers care even less


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