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UK PM Johnson cannot keep Scotland in union against its will: Sturgeon


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12 minutes ago, cleopatra2 said:

He his wrong on the English having a vote on Scottish referendum.

It is a well established principle of Self Determination.


Imagine the scenario the Scots vote to leave but the Non Scots vote against independence. 


Or the reverse , Scots vote remain Non Scots vote to throw them out.

That is preciously what I think would happen which is why HMG & the majority of Scots (SNP are not the majority) quake at the thought.


We're better off together but this would really call their bluff & if they don't like the result they will only have themselves to blame.

Edited by evadgib
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9 minutes ago, cleopatra2 said:

To include Non Scots the result would not be recognized. 

Simply it would contravene the UN principle of Self Determination.


Would you advocate a similiar position for a colony wishing to determining if it wanted to be independent.

Possibly, but only if it was bolted on to the (single) country it was leaving for 300+ years, cleared it's bills and didn't try to run off with the family silver.

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1 hour ago, evadgib said:

Explained/rebuffed ad nausium :blink:

No, not at all. Only melvinmelvin made an attempt, and I replied to that with some argumentation. All others simply say 'it is different', no reasoning at all.

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53 minutes ago, nkg said:


Speaking of debts, if Scotland want to leave the UK, it is only fitting that they pay their "divorce bill".


The national debt is £1821 billion and Scotland are 8.4% of the population, so ......




That's £153 billion you need to stump up before you can leave, Scotland. And we won't accept Scottish banknotes ????



I am not entirely sure that's how it works...

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58 minutes ago, nkg said:

That's £153 billion you need to stump up before you can leave, Scotland. And we won't accept Scottish banknotes ????

And that's just the start of paying your way yourselves. You'll have to:


Set up and pay for your own health system. No free NHS available to you after independence.


Pay for your own local Government. No more subsidies from the UK.


Set up and pay for your own Social Services system. Again no more UK subsidies.


No more going south for work. As an independent Nation, no more slipping over the border, you'll have to apply for visas under the new points based immigration system, just like people from any other country.


And Scottish pensioners, do you realise the value of any of your pensions paid by the UK Government will be frozen from the day you become an Independent Country, the same as it is for all of us who live outside the UK. No more annual increases from the UK for you........................????


???? ???? ???? ???? ????

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3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


I am not entirely sure that's how it works...


Well, if you don't believe me, here is Scottish former Prime Minister Gordon Brown to explain things:





Independence would condemn Scotland to 20 years of debt misery.


Even the SNP figures show that the economy would suffer following a Yes vote.





Each year, an additional £10billion in debt would be added to our liabilities as, year after year, the SNP borrow more and more money to replace the fiscal support we currently receive through the UK-wide Barnett formula.


After 10 years of independence, Scotland will have a total debt of nearly £250billion – the £150billion or so of legacy debt from our share of UK debt and then new debt of £100billion.


Total debt interest payments would be more than £7.5 billion a year.


That’s money spent on debt interest which is so huge that it is more than half the current budget of the NHS and nearly as much as we spend today on education.




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6 hours ago, stevenl said:

@ melvinmelvin


I'm surprised you did not answer. We don't always agree but you do give arguments for your opinions, so I would be interested in your opinion on my reply.

Of course you don't have to answer. Unless I missed it?


(took me a while to find those relevant entries again,

 this TVF "software" is so much worse than what I was used to use, hopeless case this TVF app is)


Now; some reasons why I didn't comment on your entry;

+ didna detect a question in it

+ your opinion is OK and different from mine, so what? no need to beat that to death

+ hammering on this could easily lead to an exchange of views linked to

   constitutional law and other legal matters, that would somewhat divert from the gist of this thread

+ I made my point, so did you, OK to leave it at that


Having said that, I also think that the last point i my entry is very relevant.


As you say, emotions easily run high when discussing these issues,

(who would have thought pommies were capable of emotions outside of football?)

with boiloing/simmering emotions it often is fruitful to focus on formalities



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34 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Just to be clear, is this the week when Gordon Brown is declared a financial genius? Will he revert back to 'the worst chancellor ever' next week or is his status flexible depending upon the message? 


You don't need to be a financial genius to work out that Scotland will end up massively in debt should they become independent.


Ironic that you are challenging Brown's credibility when he says something that you don't agree with. Obviously I should have quoted a Tory politician instead, maybe George Osborne or Alistair Darling.



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7 minutes ago, nkg said:

You don't need to be a financial genius to work out that Scotland will end up massively in debt should they become independent.

More massively in debt than the UK is now? Can you quantify it?


7 minutes ago, nkg said:

Ironic that you are challenging Brown's credibility when he says something that you don't agree with.

The last time I agreed with Brown, it was in relation to a bigoted old woman.


8 minutes ago, nkg said:

Obviously I should have quoted a Tory politician instead, maybe George Osborne or Alistair Darling.

Please tell me that you are actually not serious...

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3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Just to be clear, are you suggesting that there are no hospitals currently in Scotland or are you proposing that we hand them all back?

I'm simply suggesting that, after independence, the health system in Scotland will no longer be part of, or funded by, the NHS and all of the health system needs to be totally funded by Scotland. Of course you won't need to hand them back.......but the outstanding balance of any prior investment made by the UK should form part of the divorce bill.  

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On 12/17/2019 at 9:19 AM, Laughing Gravy said:

I know so continued to be ruled by the Germans. You must love it????

Better ruled by the Germans, with a strong currency, and a full representation in parliament, as under British rule ( ask the Scots, and Irish) , with an election system in which the person with just one vote more as the competition get the seat, for 650 baronies each ( and all other votes are evaporated), and even one of the two Houses of Parliament being appointed instead of elected ( HoL).

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4 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Is this prediction based upon anything other than petty, small mindedness?


Ah, then you think that Scotland should pay the £150 billion they owe? Somehow I doubt it ????

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