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The concept of saving for a rainy day


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21 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Simple philosophy, you may not be here next week.

Enjoy while you can.

Not saying I agree, but that's how the many seem to be, in my experience.

I certainly wish I had spent more and saved less, when I was earning in the UK, nearly all the property/savings/investments I made while working were taken off me by my Brit wife in the divorce.

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4 hours ago, SteveK said:

That's one of the things I first noticed about the Thais when I came here many years ago. Most don't seem to think past the end of the day. Obviously in the West we plan everything. I believe the theory is that because of the seasons in Europe, people were forced to store food for the winter, and figure out whether they had enough to last it out. that forced people to build granaries and think about how to preserve foods. Whereas in Thailand, food grows everyday of the year, no need to plan or think about anything too much.

What <deleted>! Ever heard of pay day loans? I have, only in the west though. 

Edited by Gweiloman
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15 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I certainly wish I had spent more and saved less, when I was earning in the UK, nearly all the property/savings/investments I made while working were taken off me by my Brit wife in the divorce.

I wish I'd have the money that foreigners are losing in one day all over the country. Including houses, cars, buffaloes and motorcycles. 

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11 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

You know that 800,000 didn't arrive by magic in your bank account ! Most of us - probably all - would not be here if we had not planned.


Most Thais on the other hand think their families will always take care of them and the bank is an endless stream of porn shops to buy stuff and then return to.


That said, my wife is great at budgeting to save money - you give her 500 baht, she'll come back with enough food for a week and put the change in the pot for a rainy day. She worked as a school teacher, saved money, bought land and built a house, planned ahead. So, yes, some plan ahead, probably the same number as believe in Corbyn's magic money tree



You gave me a good laugh, unintentionally>>> "porn shop" instead of "pawn shop"?  Hopefully, not a Freudian slip! LOL

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

A pal of mine pointed out the difference between 'hiring hookers' and having 'real relationships' to me earlier today, he said 'when you're in a real relationship you just get a lot less sex and spend a lot more money'. 

Ha. Not in my experience. Rather, I find myself 'getting more of the same' and spending less money. ???? That is, in a 'real relationship.'

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29 minutes ago, Solinvictus said:

Ha. Not in my experience. Rather, I find myself 'getting more of the same' and spending less money. ???? That is, in a 'real relationship.'

Plenty of guys lacking in testosterone, wish I was, life would be so much easier (and cheaper).

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On 12/21/2019 at 8:35 PM, bkk6060 said:

No education in Thailand on this topic.

The issue is they end up old and in poverty.

Social security here is 500 b a month.

And, this is mostly why the children end up providing financial assistance and taking care of their parents.

Just a revolving door at this point.


Currently from age 60 to 69 there is a state pension (if you are Thai) of 600 baht per month, 70 to 79 it is 700 baht, 80 to 89 it is 800 baht per month and it goes up 100 baht every 10 years. Whether Thais can claim reduced electricity and water bills I am not sure but 20 baht per day is not a lot to live on if you are that old at 60 to 69 years old.

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10 hours ago, worgeordie said:

The most likely view is the interest rates are so low,no incentive 

to save,the Government wants to do everything for people in debt,

and it's a "I want it ,I want it now" society,never mind i cannot afford it.and not just Thailand.


regards worgeordie

I am trying to explain this to my 15 year old son, though I am not sure I have succeeded yet.

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8 hours ago, Jaxxper said:

Look how many new cars/pickups there are on the road. Somewhere between Thb 600 k and Thb 1,000 k. I would guess mostly on credit. Definitely live for today and worry about tomorrow the day after tomorrow.

Do you think that all brand new cars in any country are bought by people for cash?


I would guess that a fairly high percentage are bought on credit, my daughter bought 

a 4 year old Renault on "finance" and she's born and bred British (sort of, I'm half

Swiss and her mother's parents are both from Mauritius)



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I stayed deep in Isaan on a part time rotation for 8 yrs. Quite often we'd have drinking sessions with Thai neighbors. Sometimes they would lay down 200-300 bht for the next store run which was a day's wage for most or at least a half day's wage. Work a half day cutting rice for 200 bht and lay it down for some beers instead of saving the money for later.


Sa Soi...…..:burp:

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On 12/21/2019 at 7:18 AM, FritsSikkink said:

Not true, that is why people wants to own a house (and land if possible) and use this for a rainy day. Quite a few expats are happy to do this for a bargirl and think they have their love of their live.

You are right, sure.

Got a Falang in your pocket mostly no worries.

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8 hours ago, SteveK said:

I remember the first time I bought a pack of 24 x 500mls bottles of coke at Makro because it was much cheaper. In under 24 hours my wife's two teenage sons had finished them. Which is why I now have my own fridge in the bedroom.

Buying in bulk is a false economy, usually you just eat and drink quicker

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5 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I stayed deep in Isaan on a part time rotation for 8 yrs. Quite often we'd have drinking sessions with Thai neighbors. Sometimes they would lay down 200-300 bht for the next store run which was a day's wage for most or at least a half day's wage. Work a half day cutting rice for 200 bht and lay it down for some beers instead of saving the money for later.


Sa Soi...…..:burp:

Getting drunk is probably the only way they survive the <deleted> world they live in.

It was gin in Victorian times.

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On 12/22/2019 at 12:19 AM, thequietman said:

If i'm honest, I kinda envy them in a way. They buy for the now and I honestly wish I had a little bit of that thinking.


There are a few things that I would like to treat myself and the wife to, but I hold back due to the 'rainy day' thinking.


Maybe, for the new year resolution, I will take a little bit more risk and live for the now a little bit. ????

I don't envy them at all, I respect those who can strive to find courage to work, study, save and invest for their future, not an easy task, but without the will, they have no future and a tough existence later in life. 


I see too many farangs here relying on their pensions to survive, most not taking on the challenges in life, not a good existence for a fair few, that said, spoil yourself within reason, but New Year's resolutions should be for other things, like diets and exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle, so you can live longer to maintain, while enjoying the fruits that you sowed. 


You have my permission to go out and buy yourself a container of ice-cream before the years out, enjoy ????


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3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

New Year's resolutions should be for other things, like diets and exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle, so you can live longer to maintain, while enjoying the fruits that you sowed. 

Perhaps some of don't want to live longer. Perhaps we just want to enjoy our life till it ends without having to do boring exercise and eat boring food.

When I go, I want to have spent it all except enough to burn me. The problem is, unless we want off ourselves, we don't know when the end is, so some restraint is necessary.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps some of don't want to live longer. Perhaps we just want to enjoy our life till it ends without having to do boring exercise and eat boring food.

When I go, I want to have spent it all except enough to burn me. The problem is, unless we want off ourselves, we don't know when the end is, so some restraint is necessary.

There should be a "check out" Hotel, nice drink of whatever you want,  that puts you sound asleep, needle whilst sleeping and that's that. Should have the option, not just wait for it and the often indignity it can bring prior. But that's another topic. ????

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7 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

There should be a "check out" Hotel, nice drink of whatever you want,  that puts you sound asleep, needle whilst sleeping and that's that. Should have the option, not just wait for it and the often indignity it can bring prior. But that's another topic. ????

Another topic indeed, and one in need of having a higher profile. I think lawmakers are afraid to discuss it.

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On 12/21/2019 at 2:48 AM, Elizway said:

I don't think it exists from my observation not only here in Thailand but almost all other SEAsian countries. 

It exists but maybe in a form you have not noticed.....Gold


Do you wonder why there are so many gold shops?

Thai's were not conditioned to trust in bank savings the way Westerners do.....

But they trust in keeping their savings closer in the form of gold.


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55 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps some of don't want to live longer. Perhaps we just want to enjoy our life till it ends without having to do boring exercise and eat boring food.

When I go, I want to have spent it all except enough to burn me. The problem is, unless we want off ourselves, we don't know when the end is, so some restraint is necessary.

I understand what your saying, but from where I am sitting, we are like cars, our exteriors deal with the elements, but our internals have to have premium fuel/foods and oils so that we can maintain a healthy running car, sure exercise can be boring, but exercise long enough, a bit at a time and not only do you feel better because the fat from all of those large corporations poisoning us is being burnt off, blood is flowing better and no need for Viagra and the like, well for me it was a stent, a permanent fixer....lol, as for boring food, well depends how good of a chef your wife is, mine is the best and knows what to add to those clean foods that won't add weight to me through extra carbs, and it all tastes delicious, once a week I can have that home made burger or pizza, it's my treat day and if ever I put on 2 kilo's from lack of exercise or not eating right, I notice it as my clothes get tighter and I feel tired more easily, so it just goes to show, keep it up as you would for a woman ????


I have seen friends depart early, and yes we don't know how long we will be here, but for me, I would like to think moderation is the key, especially with loose women, as I have 5 kids, i.e. one back home, now an adult who will all need a helping hand when I am gone, so if I don't spend it all, which is not my intention, they will get the kick start they deserve, only sorry my parents didn't think my way, as life was a very tough journey for me, but hey, I made it and have been enjoying the ride, suffice to say, I always say to our kids, get ready to stand on your own two feet, so when I depart, they will be surprised, only hope they can stand on their own two feet from there.


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4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

as I have 5 kids,

That's the only reason I'd try to live longer, unless they hated me, and in that case I'd definitely spend it all.

I had an interesting life, went to interesting places, but now that's over, and I see no reason to help some awful rest home get rich at the taxpayer's expense just to park me in front of day time tv.

Rest homes are no longer places to take care of old people- they are corporate money making businesses that exploit their staff to make larger profits. I have friends that work in them.


5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

no need for Viagra and the like,

To need that I'd have to have someone to do the hokey pokey with, and as it's NZ the chance of finding someone I'd actually want to do it with is zero, as I'm not into granneys. I really do miss LOS.


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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:


Rest homes are no longer places to take care of old people- they are corporate money making businesses that exploit their staff to make larger profits. I have friends that work in them.




In the future they will be full of 90 year olds all wanting to die.


Better to choose your own time to die

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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

who will all need a helping hand when I am gone, so if I don't spend it all, which is not my intention, they will get the kick start they deserve, only sorry my parents didn't think my way, as life was a very tough journey for me,

When my parents left me to travel to the far side of the planet, they left me with nothing except goodbye.

I wish my father had been like you.

I did visit my father not long before he died, a sad and lonely man with no family around him. Although I did feel sorry for him he made his bed etc.

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2 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

In the future they will be full of 90 year olds all wanting to die.


Better to choose your own time to die

Unfortunately it's not easy to kill yourself these days and the chance of living but impaired is quite high.

We really need the government to make it voluntary and legal.


I wonder if those that fly in Pattaya consider the chances of hitting and killing someone else when they jump.

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