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Thai court to decide on dissolution of opposition party in January


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In a land where the system is already rigged so no one else can win it's great to see that the future party is scaring the elites so much that they contrive every law against them... so it now comes down to a judge deciding is a source of a loan was a 'questionable' source??? it doesn't get any more absurd than this.. And the logo a secret illuminati symbol??? we must disband this party at once! because they want to rule the world!!

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2 hours ago, Jester69 said:

And the current Thai Prime Minister isn't corrupt??? Someone here has double standards!

Thailand will never progress with the current controllers and the regime governing the daily movements


Corrupt, possibly


Unethical and immoral, YES YES YES.



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If this is true then this is a serious turn of events in Thai politics ................ Thai's accept most things but the tiger is awakening. Most people here are volatile by nature & this is the start to the lighting of the "blue touch paper". Sadly only a real strong political uprising can resolve matters here .......... hopefully peacefully, but don't hold your breath ...... fact.

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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

The current regime of military personnel haven't a clue what to do about this guy, ban him, ban the party, jail them... it will bite them back!


Just like it did after they banned a democratically elected government? There hasn't been a peep out of the Red shirts since, nothing at all.

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7 minutes ago, Daveyh said:

If this is true then this is a serious turn of events in Thai politics ................ Thai's accept most things but the tiger is awakening. Most people here are volatile by nature & this is the start to the lighting of the "blue touch paper". Sadly only a real strong political uprising can resolve matters here .......... hopefully peacefully, but don't hold your breath ...... fact.

Yes but lets' hope it's not a copy of the red / yellow violence and destruction.


This point worries me and I have little doubt the paymaster, no stranger to marketing, strategy, forming his own violent army will be watching and scheming how he could take advantage of this current situation.



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11 minutes ago, Daveyh said:

If this is true then this is a serious turn of events in Thai politics ................ Thai's accept most things but the tiger is awakening. Most people here are volatile by nature & this is the start to the lighting of the "blue touch paper". Sadly only a real strong political uprising can resolve matters here .......... hopefully peacefully, but don't hold your breath ...... fact.


They tried an uprising in 2010, remember? If not, Google it.

Red Shirt Protests 66.jpg

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8 hours ago, webfact said:


The complaint alleges the party's triangle logo resembles a symbol of the Illuminati

Plus it on a RED background which might show connections to Communism,

that's how tenuous the allegations are.

regards Worgeordie

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"Let's see." 


The EC was appointed by the military government and jury-rigged the election by added small parties to win a majority. The Constitutional Court was appointed by the Thai Military. The Senate is 100% appointed by the Military. Talk about a stacked deck!


The FFP and Khun Thanathorn and the FFP, have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the case. Thai democracy and justice? lol


Problem will come after it happens and it will not be pretty. Everyone needs a Plan B that can be quickly executed.

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1 hour ago, Wavel said:

So sad that The paranoia of the present government wants to quash all opposition. The lack of freedom that the Thai people have, will only do more harm to this wonderful nation than good. Why oh why can’t the present government see that their actions will hinder future foreign investment, & eventually bring about their own downfall.

most Thai's don't know or care what freedom is. 

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4 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I would imagine that the dissolution of the opposition for a Logo by a basically Junta led government will not been seen in the best of lights by the rest of the world. 


As for Illuminati - isn't their thing ruling from the shadows ? As opposed to plastering the fact they are about and active as a political party.


Pure nonsense

End of your first sentence ......."will not been seen in the best of lights by the rest of the world".

Some posters on here have previously said something to the effect of "the rest of the world don't care", "Thailand means nothing", "only money counts".


I can only hope that such an undemocratic, corrupt act as this will get world news attention.

That is, if the Junta are stupid enough to pull this stunt. I am hoping not.


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52 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

Nail on the head; YOU do not understand ? what that the election was rigged ? or what democracy is ? 

He hasn't a clue about much by reading the same <deleted> he comes out with.  Bla bla thaskin

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