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Another kind of Thai racism


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15 hours ago, Why Me said:

Probably not racist. A simple explanation would be that the sponsors of the 100B voucher are tied with an Indian tour group or promoter.


E.g., never used it but I believe my AIS Serenade card can get me discounts at some places. Obviously, AIS is paying for this for their customers.


Same thing. Think of Indians not as a race but as a class (of clients). See no more racism.

People look for racism in every possible place and every person. It makes them feel superior to point it out even where it doesn't exist. 

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We can change from racisme to discrimination and THAT is something running around the globe 

any time with anybody. SO this so called "targeted marketing" is a way of discrimination.

With this you dont need a race, just anything will do. It's even worse then racisme.

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I'm Asian American born and raised in the States. I've experience racism like many others here this is racism just not in the form we are common with. I understand many opinion that this isn't racism it depends on where you come from?


I've live here for near 15 years and I will be the first to admit I'm not traveled all over the world like many but for myself I've never been more discriminated than here in Thailand and double pricing isn't what I'm talking about.


It should surprise no one, a government who just pass a law allowing government hospitals to charge foreigners higher prices, then you go events where Thais dress up in Nazi uniform their education doesn't provide them with any history outside their own country!

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Now think about it: nobody would have considered it racism at all if it were just targeted at Brits instead. Then it'd be wise marketing (FINALLY!), a nice little first step to encourage the great Golden Egg Layers, the legendary Big Spenders to whom Pattaya owes everything, to return after being ignored and mistreated for all these years. Dead Pattaya might resuscitate, "favorite places" no longer be in danger of closing, and the real mainstay of the economy--beer bars and fleabag hotels--crowded again.

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23 minutes ago, soistalker said:

If you find something you like, grab a passing Indian and bring them to the till with you. Then turn around and hard haggle the price of the voucher with your Indian until you get at LEAST 60 baht for it.

As written: I don´t care about the 100 Baht.

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Easy, we only need 15 Indians willing to pay 100 baht each, then they can collect the 100 baht voucher. That would give them an extra discount of 7 baht each.  

I am sure we can do something similar to welcome the Chinese tourists. 


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On 12/28/2019 at 7:33 AM, Gweiloman said:

I don’t consider that racism but targeted marketing instead. Racism would be to say that a certain race of people are not welcome, much like what a Western nation did in China a long time back (Dogs and Chinese not allowed into parks). 

You are correct. It's "discrimination" but not racism.

For all the OP knows Indians may be involved in the marketing.


Perhaps the easily offended might consider it's racism against other races that miss out on the deal of the millenium.

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10 hours ago, Deerculler said:

All Asians can buy property in western countries but westerners cannot buy property in Asian countries.

Is that racism????

No. That's Asians being sensible. Westerners are stupid for allowing foreigners to buy up property and pricing their own citizens out of owning a home.

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12 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

Same same?



Don't farangs get an automatic +50% on almost everything that can be bought in Thailand, and foreigners all get to pay more to go and see pathetic waterfalls or silly theme parks. Thais don't have a problem with this, get used to it. 

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I don’t like to admit this.

Western countries colonized not just asian countries for a few hundred years and took everything for nothing plus treated the natives like rubbish <deleted>.

Maybe it is pay back time or karma.

All those years that it happed, did the western countries think it was racism.

Like it or not that is fact.



Edited by Deerculler
Wrong word
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Let modern rich enter to the wonderful world of american consumerism! And the next one will be 500 mln africans. ????

Don't be angry, you're just born in the wrong era to be westerner, white, male, heterosexual etc.

When your thai girls will follow chineses, indians, and africans you will realize how westerner societies and weak christian religious destroyed us. 



I don’t like to admit this.

Western countries colonized not just asian countries for a few hundred years and took everything for nothing plus treated the natives like rubbish.

Maybe it is pay back time or karma.

All those years that it happed, did the western countries think it was racism.

Like it or not that is fact.

Correct. But, what do new generations have to do with bastards from previous centuries?
I believe that Western peoples have been brainwashed, creating an endless sense of guilt for everything in previous centuries has been perpetrated by vile beings. 
We pay close attention to this phenomenon which can affect the psychology of entire peoples.

Edited by zhounan
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14 hours ago, Deerculler said:

I don’t like to admit this.

Western countries colonized not just asian countries for a few hundred years and took everything for nothing plus treated the natives like rubbish <deleted>.

Maybe it is pay back time or karma.

All those years that it happed, did the western countries think it was racism.

Like it or not that is fact.



But we left their countries in a much better state than we found them and when we left, they just trashed them again. No gratitude.


I can remember many years ago living in a former French colony. Visited a very wealthy local who lived in the former Portugese Ambassador's house. A virtual palace. I visited the bathroom. black marble and gold plated fittings. When I went to flush the toilet, it didn't flush and I noticed a very nice brasss bucket filled with water which was obviously there to flush the toilet.


Out of curiosity I lifted the cystern lid and saw that the link between the handle and the syphon had become detatched so I reconnected it and flushed the toilet. The owner was astounded as he had been emptying buckets down the toilet for 2 years.


They're not fit with anything, we really shouldn't have bothered.

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1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

But we left their countries in a much better state than we found them and when we left, they just trashed them again. No gratitude.


I can remember many years ago living in a former French colony. Visited a very wealthy local who lived in the former Portugese Ambassador's house. A virtual palace. I visited the bathroom. black marble and gold plated fittings. When I went to flush the toilet, it didn't flush and I noticed a very nice brasss bucket filled with water which was obviously there to flush the toilet.


Out of curiosity I lifted the cystern lid and saw that the link between the handle and the syphon had become detatched so I reconnected it and flushed the toilet. The owner was astounded as he had been emptying buckets down the toilet for 2 years.


They're not fit with anything, we really shouldn't have bothered.

Not sure i completely agree for the first paragraph, but the story about the toilet is hilarious.

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On 12/28/2019 at 3:14 AM, CNXexpat said:

Nonsense. It´s also no racism when I as a German can enter Vietnam without visa for 16 days, but my Thai wife can stay in Vietnam 30 days without a visa.

Yes but nobody likes Germans do they?


Thai women on the other hand.....



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On 12/28/2019 at 1:38 AM, CNXexpat said:

Racism means, that one group gets an advantage or disadvantage. Like "Black people have not the right to sit in a bus, but they are allowed to stand".

Quite wrong, nothing whatsoever to do with groups.

And as for the OP, quite ridiculous, will you boycott everywhere that gives a special offer to the elderly?

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