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will mankind survive?

ivor bigun

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19 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Careful with the desalinating, the salt leftover(placed back into the sea) would eventually kill life in the oceans as they became too salty for life. The heavier salted oceans would probably change their currents and produce even more climate change. 

Mother nature is gonna knock back the population, how much, many of us will not know.

Where do you think the water that is removed from the oceans through desalination ends up?  Does some end up in a river that ends in an ocean?  What about evaporation that forms clouds some of which produce rain that falls into the oceans?  Typically desalinated water is used locally and will mostly be returned to the same ocean it came from.


Desalination over time will NOT increase the salinity of any ocean except perhaps a small amount local to the water plant.  Currently the tremendous amount of fresh water being returned to the ocean from melting glaciers will be decreasing ocean salinity.


The current trend of dis-believing science will only hasten humanity's descent.

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16 hours ago, CGW said:

Good one, I think below illustration brings some reality to the sheer size of the sun, yet people still "want" to believe that we are on the main influence on climate change.



One of the finest non sequiturs I've ever encountered.

Educating the citizenry has been neglected for far too long.

Edited by gamb00ler
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21 hours ago, Aspaltso said:

The last decade has shown that the world is in the beginning stages of a more dangerous world i.e(climate catastrophes abound, and the refugee crises in both Europe, and at the southern border in the U.S) I cannot see how things can get better since there aren't policies to deal with either one. Instead its looking more, and more like a Dogmatic situation where civility is obsolete and the rule of law is more or less dog eat eat.

In other words humanity will revert what it has been for most of its existence. The strong will rule and the weak will obey.

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4 hours ago, Tagged said:

I aggree the manmade clima crizis is out of propotion, but we do have a huge impact on the earth. If you do not realize that, well then I feel sorry for you and everyone else who feel the same, as I feel sorry for us who believe! Planet earth is a fragile place

If we do not stop reproducing, humanity may well exist, but will anyone wish to?


A clean and green planet is worth it for its own benefit. Would help if they stopped burning the rainforests to make hamburgers and soap.

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As i have said ,i do not think mankind will survive as we have in the past ,personally i dread to think what society will be like in 50 years ,judging by the way it is going now ,as someone said earlier ,the rich will live in gated communities away from the strife on the streets ,but then havnt they always? i bet the luvies like Lilly Allan who cries a river over the poor refugees ,has never actually had to mix with some of those self same knife weilding ,drug dealing poor refugees in her life. while the poor people do so every day .

All i can say is that i am so glad i was born in such a great time ,when we roamed the countryside all day and our parents never worried about us for a moment . Had jobs galore ,cheap housing (well by todays standards) and could say what we liked without the world descending on us .

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4 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

As i have said ,i do not think mankind will survive as we have in the past ,personally i dread to think what society will be like in 50 years ,judging by the way it is going now ,as someone said earlier ,the rich will live in gated communities away from the strife on the streets ,but then havnt they always? i bet the luvies like Lilly Allan who cries a river over the poor refugees ,has never actually had to mix with some of those self same knife weilding ,drug dealing poor refugees in her life. while the poor people do so every day .

All i can say is that i am so glad i was born in such a great time ,when we roamed the countryside all day and our parents never worried about us for a moment . Had jobs galore ,cheap housing (well by todays standards) and could say what we liked without the world descending on us .

Well said. I could have done any job I wanted and was able to do. I was very lucky to grow up in a country with no extremes of wealth ( no one was really rich and no one was poor unless they chose to be ) or racism ( that I remember ). Till the Vietnam war no one would ever have dreamed of protesting about something. It was a golden era from 1950 till 1968 or thereabouts. Sadly, since then it's all turned to doodoo.

Different planet though, from today's world.

However, while we had it good, not everyone on the Earth had a good life. Not a good time to be black or poor in the USA. I try to remember that when I get too judgemental about the youth of today.

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22 hours ago, allanos said:

I didn't say that time travel is the only possible answer, so please don't put words in my mouth.  Albert Einstein, did, however, suggest that time travel, teleportation etc., are theoretically possible.


Indeed, you are quite correct. Science postulates the existence of wormholes, considerably shortening the distances between galaxies and possibly of future use in deep-space exploration, etc

Wasn't quite what I meant. I was a 'strange phenomena' investigator for many years and several of the more interesting reports were objects that could be seen from one orientation but not from another.

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All humans want the same thing: safety, schools, homes, and jobs. A third-world impoverished parent suffers the death of a child no less than a parent in the first world. If we whiteys decide not to have kids, does that create a demographic of way more poor? And is that important?


Personally, I think we've had our ride on this planet. Earth would be better rid of us. But there will be unheralded provation and suffering, an end to quality of life as we know it, for our children (the ones who should probably not have any sprogs).


Doubt I'm wrong on this but the greedheads have effed us with our knowledge, cooperation, and encouragement. Look at how we treat each other; it perfectly matches how we treat the planet!


[I used to be 20:20 but now I'm 2563...]

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On 12/26/2019 at 9:47 PM, colinneil said:


Of course not...all species come and go, and humans are certainly one of the most parasitic and invasive species ever, determined to destroy their host planet, one way or another. Even if we are able to curb our flawed and destructive nature, the sun goes Supernova eventually. It will be lights ON, then OUT. 

Edited by mpyre
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10 hours ago, unblocktheplanet said:

Earth would be better rid of us.


7 hours ago, mpyre said:

humans are certainly one of the most parasitic and invasive species ever, determined to destroy their host planet, one way or another.

the opposite is true, earth has been losing 37k ton of co2 in atmosphere per year

past 600 million years, in just another 2 million years its projected

to drop below 150 ppm, at which point plants & algae dies,

and consequently everything else up the food chain.

humans are the only specie capable of recycle co2 back into atmosphere,

life is destined to extinguish itself without our direct interference


Edited by brokenbone
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11 hours ago, unblocktheplanet said:

All humans want the same thing: safety, schools, homes, and jobs. A third-world impoverished parent suffers the death of a child no less than a parent in the first world. If we whiteys decide not to have kids, does that create a demographic of way more poor? And is that important?


Personally, I think we've had our ride on this planet. Earth would be better rid of us. But there will be unheralded provation and suffering, an end to quality of life as we know it, for our children (the ones who should probably not have any sprogs).


Doubt I'm wrong on this but the greedheads have effed us with our knowledge, cooperation, and encouragement. Look at how we treat each other; it perfectly matches how we treat the planet!


[I used to be 20:20 but now I'm 2563...]

Not unusually you disregard how AI robotics will change everything for humanity.

It has the possibility to usher in an age of prosperity and happiness for all people, but IMO it will be used by the rich to live lives of unimaginable luxury while the masses live and die in poverty and squalor.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Not unusually you disregard how AI robotics will change everything for humanity.

It has the possibility to usher in an age of prosperity and happiness for all people, but IMO it will be used by the rich to live lives of unimaginable luxury while the masses live and die in poverty and squalor.

I think that you have hit the nail on the head ,as i mentioned before ,the rich willjust shut themselves away from the masses ,untill such time the masses tear down their walls ,which eventually happens ,like the French revolution ,then communism begins and it all starts again those at the top with their feet on those at the bottom .

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