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Thailand: Land of a thousand generals


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5 hours ago, Pilotman said:

This is no different to many Military forces the world over.  Far too many top end hangerts on. UK is terrible in this respect, just as bad as Thailand, if not worse.  

But the Thais have these ranks in their "police" force.

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People high up in the tree like to give each other nice job positions. If you are connected you get a position high up. Many if them combine multiple jobs, being part-time general, part-time CEO, commissioner etc. Filling their pockets and many off then being incompetent at their jobs. But networks aye.. no wonder that Thailand is the most unequal country in the world. And these people high up use their power, including fancy military toys, to keep the population under their control (internal 'threats'  such as pro democracy and human rights organisations, commies the lot if them these generals claim..). It's a sad, sad thing. Thailand is being sucked dry by Khon Dee people.

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4 hours ago, tifino said:

angry chooks at that!  wasting 3x more scrambled eggs on their heads, than the US... 


... really taken the Category of General Duties officers, to the extreme


GD - a common term for referring to failed pilots   



and, what about their Admirals, and Air Marshals?

What???? No Field Marshals? Somebodys slipped up somewhere.

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4 hours ago, johnmcc6 said:

They may pour over social media sites seeking people who criticize the government ? Living in a military controlled country should make one caeful of what they have to say publicly . As a guest here we should be polite and mind our own business. 


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40 minutes ago, GalaxyMan said:

Under the constitution, the armed forces exist to protect the monarchy, national integrity and sovereignty.


That pretty much says it all. Nothing to do with the people, only a few HiSo elites. Very sad for the Thai people.

In the 'Loyal Oath', taken by all UK Military Officers and reiterated on the Commissioning Parchment, no mention is made of 'the people', or of Parliament.  The sole and only loyalty taken at that point is to the Monarch.  In that respect, Thailand is no different. This distinction became the subject of informed and widespread debate within Military circles during the 1960s Wilson Labour government, when Wilson was suspected of being a Soviet Spy.  Lord Mountbatten, as Chief of the Defence Staff was reported to be heavily involved in this debate. 

Edited by Pilotman
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6 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Thailand: Land of a thousand generals.

Yes, all these Lt/Gens, Maj/Gens, Lt/ Cols etc, etc, are really full of themselves, how nice they look in their nice uniforms,  medals, ribbons etc, all these British Prince Charles types rolled in to one.:cheesy:

No need to shout!

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1 hour ago, chainarong said:

Thailand certainly has made a rod for it's own back , there's no-way these Generals will relinquish power without a fight. 

WHY...................... BECAUSE.................... THEY bought and paid for those promotions to  Generals......(unlike other countries WHERE you must 'earn and deserve' promotions.....

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39 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

WHY...................... BECAUSE.................... THEY bought and paid for those promotions to  Generals......(unlike other countries WHERE you must 'earn and deserve' promotions.....

Sadly, I know from personal observation that you are right. Of course I don’t really know how pervasive this practice of buying a promotion is, but it’s a sad blight on Thailand just the same. Will these patronizing officers acquit themselves well if an aggressor should ever attack, defending their kingdom to their final breath and take good care of the soldiers, airmen and sailors under their command?  There’s the rub...

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23 hours ago, Khun Paul said:

Come on we all know, in Uniform Services you always get promoted to the your level of incompetence, which means there are a lot of Incompetent people in the Thai Militaryt and judging by the current Government seems to be true. 

Another way of putting this...we climb through the ranks to reach our zenith of mediocrity.  More so here perhaps. 

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On 1/1/2020 at 11:55 AM, fulhamster said:

They would never be expected to actually take part in military action.

I would agree. Even UK forces it becomes less likely to be involved up the sharp end if ranked higher than major. In some of the more specialised units Colonels may get involved but that's tied to specialist training and experience.

Coming through the ranks to reach comm' off' status it's also unusual to climb higher than major. Positions above that are usually filled by Sandhurst production systems and the old boy network meaning you fit into the 'forward, he cried from the rear' system.

UK I think now had about 80ish total Brig's and Gen's

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On 12/31/2019 at 5:57 PM, Samui Bodoh said:

"...The question of whether the military is fit for its main purpose -- national defense -- is moot in the absence of any credible external threats..."


This is the most relevant sentence in the article.

...and we all know the correct answer!

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On 1/2/2020 at 12:57 PM, overherebc said:

I would agree. Even UK forces it becomes less likely to be involved up the sharp end if ranked higher than major. In some of the more specialised units Colonels may get involved but that's tied to specialist training and experience.

Coming through the ranks to reach comm' off' status it's also unusual to climb higher than major. Positions above that are usually filled by Sandhurst production systems and the old boy network meaning you fit into the 'forward, he cried from the rear' system.

UK I think now had about 80ish total Brig's and Gen's

I think the UK also has more Admirals than ships, so not only top heavy here in Thailand

Edited by maxcorrigan
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