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Thais told: If your young kid dies after letting them drive - YOU'VE MURDERED THEM!


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20 hours ago, Chelseafan said:

I agree with you but there's no transport to get them to school other than the motorbike.

You may well say that it's up to the parents to drive them there but mum and dad are working in the fields at silly-o-clock.

I'm actually surprised that there's not more fatalities in the sticks.


Most Villagers I see have Schools and Temples aplenty.

This excuse is bull<deleted>e. Yes some have a little way to go but every day you see multitudes of young lazy kids riding.

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16 hours ago, Chelseafan said:

My soon-to-be wife's kids live 5 miles from school. There is no school bus/ Songthaw and there's no way they can walk as it's a bendy country road. Might have buses in some villages but not all of them.


I already know who's gonna pay (in pounds) if those kids cause an accident....????

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11 hours ago, jackdd said:

Ever heard of a bicycle?

Obviously you are a city dweller with little or no knowledge of rural Thailand.


Have you ever traveled/ridden a bicycle on rural roads in Thailand?


Fortunately my son either catches the school bus or I will drive him the 13 km to school and back. It is easier than the last school he was at as that was 65 km away in Khampaeng Phet, Try riding a bicycle that far each way daily and tell me how easy it is.


He used to leave home at 05:30 on the bus and return home around 18:00. 5 km of the journey is on the route 1 major highway. If he were to use a bicycle he would have to leave home around 03:00 in the dark and he would get home around 19:30 every school day whatever the weather.


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"Thais told: If your young kid dies after letting them drive -

You've murdered them" 

How right this headline is, the streets and the main road going through my town is riddled with

underage motor cyclists. They should all be rounded up and their parents charged with manslaughter.

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21 hours ago, webfact said:

Young people are just not equipped with the necessary skills to drive.


Many grown-ups are also not capable of driving.


As for murdering own kid/s, that's the parents' prerogative. It's innocent people getting hurt (or killed) by these gits (parents and/or kid 'drivers') that is unnecessary.


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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

What parent in their right mind lets their 12 year old kid drive a pick up truck? What gives here? Where is the common sense, and desire to protect one's offspring? And where is the law enforcement? Such astonishing indifference. The police are as much to blame as the parents. 

I do not think the lowest rank police officers have the authority to stop underage motorcyclists, it has to be the Lt/Cols and Maj/Gens, etc who would have the say.

I will ask this, why are there no statistics for the underage death and injured among these riders?

There must be a good few of them killed or injured every week in Thailand, so why is it never reported in the news?

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2 hours ago, BobBKK said:

And how many times do we see Police stopping 12 year olds riding around in cars and bikes?  never

I don't think they are allowed to, not the local police anyway, if they did, they would be very unpopular with the many parents who give their underage offspring the motorbike keys.

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22 hours ago, Pilotman said:

Parents are as dumb as bricks. They let their kids get away with far too much and it breeds the lunatics that we see on the road everyday

The misery and the pain this creates is shocking.

So if they charge people for doing this it may do some good

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1 hour ago, jackdd said:

It's scaring how much you know about me.


The previous poster talked about 6km, which is a totally reasonable distance with a bicycle. 13km is indeed quite far if somebody has to do it twice a day.


3 hours for 13km? We are talking about riding a bicycle, not walking.

Maybe you are a very special case and there is totally no public transport option at your place.

But most bigger roads have public transport, so for most people it would be possible to ride the bicycle to the next bigger road, and then take the public transport there if it's too far to do it completely on a bicycle.

It is 6 km to the big village which is where public transport starts from as there is no public transport out our way. There are however quite a lot of school transports (converted pickup trucks) minibuses and even a number of formerly public buses as well.

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So, the Government is passing the bucket on to the parents... easy, hey ! It’s not our fault but yours. The government total inefficiency is the citizen’s fault. 

Bravo, pure Thai logic..  

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30 minutes ago, justin case said:

who pays when he/she kills other people with their dumbness ?


remember that girl, underage, killed 7 people and did no jail ?

...under 12 i think..in Thailand, not criminally responsible for their actions.

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Murder?  I'm not a Thai lawyer, but don't you have to prove intent?


My guess is the parents could reasonably be charged with negligent homicide.


If they could prove the parents knew their child was driving.


If the little car thief nips the key and takes off without parental approval, well that's either bad parental training or you got a psychotic little criminal on your hands. ????


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59 minutes ago, saminoz said:

In Thailand you'll find two hopes with your rose coloured lenses - Bob and <deleted> all!

I am glad my experiences have not left me cynical, but then again perhaps it has been the Thai i have encouraged and been nurtured by as friends

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I'm beginning to see that the Thais are very similar to the ethnic Malays of Malaysia. Although they don't share the same predominant religion, somehow I feel that genes are at greater play here. The Malays have the "tidak apa" attitude, similar to the Thai "mai pen rai". That's why many Malays simply let their young children ride motorbikes or drive cars without licenses, or go racing on a highway in the wee hours of the morning with modified bicycles with no brakes. The ethnic Chinese in Malaysia generally do not have that attitude.

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