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Labour Party Brexit spokesman Starmer ahead in leadership race - poll


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10 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


Brexit Party: 0

Yes, voters didnt  think that UKIP/Brexit party would make a good government and those that wanted what UKIP/Brexit party wanted all voted Conservative to "get the job done"

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10 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

Blair mk 2, mind you i doubt he could ever be hated as much as Blair is,

Fair's fair, give the bloke a chance! He may find a way!


Whilst he may well hail from the more monied strata of society, at least mummy and daddy, as good socialists, had an eye to the main chance and named him for a pioneer of Labour politics!


Besides, he had a rather better track record as a barrister than Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, man of the people and, you know, a pretty straight sort of guy...


Incidentally, whilst we are on the subject of lawyers - why don't sharks bite lawyers?


Professional courtesy!

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3 hours ago, vogie said:

We don't deserve the causticity or arrogance that keeps getting banded around on here. Would you like to sit down a tell us all about your dislike of other members that don't share the same views as you.

You poor petal. 

I guess it’s only allowed that you throw about the faux Churchillian crossed with wannabe 1984-isms (‘traitor!’) around here. 

As for distain for others, you are showing it in spades, champ. 

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3 hours ago, vogie said:

It's not me or anyone else on here you have to convince, its the voters of the Midlands and the North who chose the Tory party over a weak and dismal Labour shower of misfits, they have let the working class down massively, they (the Corbynistas) are a total disgrace.

When the working class flock to the Tories in their hordes, does it tell you anything, it tells me that the Tories are now the party of the people, sorry if that doesn't fit into your ideal socialist idealism, but that is the reality of the situation.


Enjoy Jon Richardsons take on J Corbyn.


Hubris - that you think the tories are the party for the people. They are neo-Thatcherites with an affable and slightly eccentric leader to sugarcoat things somewhat.


As for the rest of the, I agree. Putting up a failed leader for a second go at government, one who didn’t have any resonance with the electorate was stupidity defined. The Corbynistas were sheep in sheep clothing. Hopefully the Labour Party does a major clean out and comes back to a more sensible centre. Not sure that is possible given the membership base though. 

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Just now, vogie said:

You are being very economical with the truth, why don't you try posting in a civil manner, you may eventually get to like it. 

Check out my next post - I actually agreed with you (quick, buy a lotto ticket)...

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50 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Yes, voters didnt  think that UKIP/Brexit party would make a good government and those that wanted what UKIP/Brexit party wanted all voted Conservative to "get the job done"

But the Hard Brexiteers lost out (maybe) when Boris decided not to die in a Hard Brexit ditch and negotiate a deal with the EU. According to UKIP and The Brexit Party, that wasn't getting the job done at all.

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2 minutes ago, samran said:

Hubris - that you think the tories are the party for the people. They are neo-Thatcherites with an affable and slightly eccentric leader to sugarcoat things somewhat.


As for the rest of the, I agree. Putting up a failed leader for a second go at government, one who didn’t have any resonance with the electorate was stupidity defined. The Corbynistas were sheep in sheep clothing. Hopefully the Labour Party does a major clean out and comes back to a more sensible centre. Not sure that is possible given the membership base though. 

It is not what I think or even what you think. It is what our nation thought in the GE, it thought Labour bad and Tory good. And how can they have a clean out when the have parties within their party, so yes your last sentence makes sense.

I know it must be a bitter pill for you to swallow but the heartlands of Labour now feel more at ease with a Tory government, Boris has more vote appeal than anyone in the Corbyn cabinet.

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1 minute ago, vogie said:

It is not what I think or even what you think. It is what our nation thought in the GE, it thought Labour bad and Tory good. And how can they have a clean out when the have parties within their party, so yes your last sentence makes sense.

I know it must be a bitter pill for you to swallow but the heartlands of Labour now feel more at ease with a Tory government, Boris has more vote appeal than anyone in the Corbyn cabinet.

It’s not a bitter pill for me to swallow - when it comes to politics I’ve always been a realist. The Labour Party thoroughly deserved this defeat and the writing was all over the wall for years. They chose to ignore it and I have no sympathy, but like your video, I feel sorry for the least well off who will never come up on the radar of the Tory party.


And what are we left with? You’ll probably disagree with me on this but it is a reduction of politics to base popularism and government by slogans and marketing.

I’ve always respected UK politics - seeing politicians speak in complete sentences on TV was refreshing - but it’s now followed down the road of Australian politics of government by press release and slogans (helped along by lots of Australians who advise both parties machinery). 


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14 minutes ago, samran said:

Check out my next post - I actually agreed with you (quick, buy a lotto ticket)...

Sorry, you caught me off guard, I was already composing my post to you in my defensive mode by the time I read this. But well done, see if you can keep it up.

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1 minute ago, vogie said:

Sorry, you caught me off guard, I was already composing my post to you in my defensive mode by the time I read this. But well done, see if you can keep it up.

Challenging - very challenging ???? it is thai Visa after all. 


All I ask is you read my posts properly sometimes. I’ve never disagreed with the mandate given to brexit, though I think the move is silly. But what’s done is done - as said early I'm a political realist. 

But the road ahead can’t be boiled down to simplistic slogans, and the reality won’t be easy. To my mind you’ve been sold false marketing on what comes next.

And I’ll continue to talk about it, and defend myself from potshots from those who can’t tell the difference. 

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7 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Being a champagne Socialist is not only associated to your wealth (although Starmer also ticks the wealthy box after 30 years in senior positions in law and politics). If you think he's worth a hundred grand, well... Any reference to his millionaire status was recently removed from Wikipedia when he decided to run for the leadership.




Born and raised in London before being Oxford educated, worked as a barrister before becoming part of the political class. A Europhile who opposes the democratic wishes of the electorate. Part of the Westminster elite, the closest he ever gets to immigrants is probably his Polish nanny or his Romanian cleaner. 


You think northern Labour voters are going to warm to him? Think they'll forget his betrayal of their vote? I'm sure he'd love everyone to forget the last 3 years but people are not that fickle, unfortunately for Sir Keir.

There has never been a majority of the British electorate voting for Brexit.

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10 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:


It appears that many are stuck in the symplistic "Millionaire Champagne Socialist" groove. Times have changed, anyone with a moderately sized house anywhere near the centre of London, is a millionaire. Champagne is no longer particularly expensive (It is just pish water to me, tastes foul, if you want a good bubbly white try Blanquette de Limoux). Socialists are no longer expected to live in squalor to prove how noble and self sacrificing they are. The Tories are awash with millionaires, indeed multi millionaires, many with inherited wealth (Starmer was a hard working top lawyer and DPP, he earned the bulk of his money).

Try removing the beam from your own eyes before making a fuss about the motes in the eyes of others.


"Starmer's problem is that he's a diehard Remainer, and that train has left the station." The train has left the station it is true, but I can't imagine that it will be a big issue in 5 years time. I expect that leavers will by then be wondering how they could possibly have been taken in by Farage et al, as UK plc continues to decline (Overtaken by India already, and about to be pushed into 7th place by France). Why they should blame Starmer anymore than any other person who supported Remain I can't see. If a week is a long time in politics, how long is 5 years? 



When the eu go,'es down the gurgler  watch all the reformed remainer s saying how right it was to leave,how's france?seems the natives are restless.

Edited by kingdong
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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

Yes, voters didnt  think that UKIP/Brexit party would make a good government and those that wanted what UKIP/Brexit party wanted all voted Conservative to "get the job done"

In the glorious people's vote of 2019,power to the people.

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5 hours ago, kingdong said:

When the eu go,'es down the gurgler  watch all the reformed remainer s saying how right it was to leave,how's france?seems the natives are restless.

Hard Brexiteers chanting that old song for ever and ever.

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