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PM urges all Thais to stop “bickering” and help build the country instead


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The only way to stop bickering, complaining is to stop access to social media.

Or only allow people on it with their real names...verified by a stringent process.

Otherwise, keep dreaming.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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“Who says politics is about power and vested interests? I don’t want power or vested interests. Why don’t they trust me?” 


I would think that even the simplest Thais with little education can answer that...


Get all politicians and government officials to disclose their interests, double salaries, gifts, free lunches...

Maybe they should work for the average thai wage and see how it feels...

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48 minutes ago, natway09 said:

Not so sure a true democracy (if there is such an animal) is the best thing for Thailand.

History shows the PM's all feathering their own nests

And him and fat boy never have of course. Watches borrowed from dead friends of course! 

People here so naive in to the the fortunes made by Thai military.


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Well, also the PM has not understood his job description. 

He is the primus inter pares and takes orders from the Thai people - and not the other way round ????  But since he is at it, he might want to enquire, why and what exactly this bickering business is all about - just wondering. 

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Doubtful if anybody could stop bickering with a self appointed junta leading the country, at the end of the day you get Murphy's flow on effect what comes around goes around , stop whinging Prayut, if you were't such a good friend of PM Yingluck Shinawattra you would never have made it to military chief, you're lucky to even be where you are.

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On 1/7/2020 at 4:02 AM, webfact said:

to stop bickering and spreading hatred against one another, and make use of the mechanism of democracy to help build the country.

Lets hope so, the words seem fine, can only watch and wish for a developing consonance....????

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Edited by rumak
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I'm 100% sure that all Thai people would love to build the country....the only obstacle to them achieving that goal is, him and the corrupt regime that are trying to deny the people the chance to exercise their democratic rights.

Someone needs to point this out to the moron.

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On 1/7/2020 at 5:36 AM, ezzra said:

I know nothing when it comes to Thai politics but this Future Forward party fiasco where a party of young people gets more than the old guards thought they will get all hell broke loose and FF found themselves facing a slew of chargers in attempt to stifle the movement, if this is not bickering on a grand scale i don't know what is...  

This is what he does when good opposition comes along. More like a dictatorship than Democracy.

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On 1/7/2020 at 10:15 AM, saengd said:

Looking at the issue objectively and unemotionally you can see why some Thai people dislike foreigners when so many of them call for their government to be replaced.  I wonder how we would each feel if foreigners got together on social media and did the same thing in our home country.

If it were a popular government i could agree with you, but not with this lot.


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On 1/7/2020 at 1:34 PM, orchidfan said:

As did the famous Duke of Wellington when he entered politics after his brilliant military career. A life long career of issuing orders and having underlings instantly obey them without question.

You forget that Wellington was a politician before he became a famous soldier, and that he ran the Raj government whilst serving in India. So please do not compare Prayuth the military stand over man, who never fought anybody whilst in command, with the Great Wellington.

Edited by Huckenfell
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On 1/7/2020 at 11:12 AM, yellowboat said:

Oh goodness.  It is difficult to fathom whether he actually believes what he says.   He is the cause of all the bickering and is hated by many.  If he does not know that, he is even more delusional than one can imagine.   Also bickering is also called debate.   Something that goes unappreciated by the poorly educated, entitled crowd.  

The unfortunate reality is that he believes he is doing wonderful things for Thailand by dictating:  what is allowed to happen, how to stop other people being involved in the management and development of the country etc. Also he obviously believes his opinions and policies are correct and don't need to be adjusted and he simply doesn't listen to or respect other opinions. In fact all anti-democracy. 

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Virtually everyone I talk to, anywhere in the country I travel, absolutely despises the army, and Prayuth. And for so many valid reasons. They were more of less tolerated before, and even admired by some. Not anymore. He wore out his welcome years ago. 


Thanathorn is greatly admired and well liked. Also for good reason. He and the FFP are about the only hope this nation currently has. Who else is there? 

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