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Pattaya: Thai maid savaged by Rottweilers in shop - is this breed really gentle and loving?


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5 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

we get this nonsense on every dog thread, of course their are bad dogs, these include the ones who attack people like these vermin. Most dogs are sneaky devious creatures that will attack when they think they can get away with it and more likely when there is more than one. Some breeds of course like 'rotties' 'staffies' and 'pitties' just need eradicating completely

You're sick.

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8 hours ago, glennb6 said:

shoot the dogs and fine the <deleted> out of the owner along with having him pay all medical bills, and how about a deep public whay and grovel.

    glenn .... I think you got that the wrong way around !

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5 hours ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

First person to receive a face transplant was a french woman who's face was torn off by a Golden Labrador.

a mate in the US had the same happen to him last year with a labrador, he was going on holidays and bent down to pat it and say goodbye, you never know. I have a bang kaew, she is beautiful and great with us but doesnt like anyone else near us or our house when in the yard but when we take her for a walk she is pretty good with others, I still would not let anyone else try to pat her or approach her, they are bred to act as guard dogs and that whats she does but all the staff at the local animal hospital dont bother her at all and she gets on well with them all. Its all how you raise them and train them, thais dont train their dogs or treat them very well in a lot of cases which is why many thai dogs have bad attitudes

Edited by seajae
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Are the dogs really the problem or the owners of those dogs?

What's the point about arguing which breed is more aggressive and attacks most?

I am sure if you put any dog under constant pressure he will attack - that's nature.

Careless owners should be severely punished.

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Just now, OneMoreFarang said:

Are the dogs really the problem or the owners of those dogs?

What's the point about arguing which breed is more aggressive and attacks most?

I am sure if you put any dog under constant pressure he will attack - that's nature.

Careless owners should be severely punished.

But it could be argued that I would sooner be attacked by a Toy Poodle than a Rotweiller.

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This dog safety trainer in Florida once had to repel an attack from 3 or 4 Rottweilers that were allowed to run in a compound, unknown to her.  Having trained championship attack dogs for a living, she knew the pack psychology and managed to pick on the weakest dog that led the attack.  Messed with it's legs or something.  Managed to get out in one piece.  Being bigger and meaner than the dogs might have helped.  :angry:


She would generally use a Malinois or Shepherd for demos.  The Rotty and the Dogo I saw were not used to chew on the volunteers from the audience.




image.png.86e9eaaf0451df678f736fdc5de86fd9.png   image.png.9d465d4683e10e14d04665e82f7ba379.png

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11 hours ago, BestB said:

It is a large size , powerful dog, an attack by a large powerful dog does lots of damage . If golden or any of the large breeds attacked , results would be the same.


  • Labrador retrievers: 13.3%
  • Pit Bulls: 8.4%
  • German Shepherds: 7.8%
  • Rottweilers: 3.9%
  • Chows: 3.5%

Labradors lead the pack with the most number of attacks, which is a surprising discovery when taking into account the mild nature of the dogs.

Is that based on per head count or just bites, because I think it's safe to say there are probably more Labradors than rottweilers in most places - and looking at 2019 fatalities, 50% appear to be pit bulls

Edited by RichardColeman
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12 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

No, because they're totally unpredictable.

Generally speaking they’re not. I used to own a Rottweiler for 10 years and he was the best dog ever. He loved people. It’s all about how you raise a dog.

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I just wonder, I have stayed next to this building where this attack happened but I never seen Rottweilers within 3 years....

So I assumed that this owner never take them outside... not for walks or anything. I've seen huge pitbull coming out of that building couple of times. 

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11 hours ago, poohy said:

Yes i have had Rottweilers

Rottweilers are big and strong and from my experience like all big dogs ,clumsy boisterous and playful not dangerous

However if they have been trained to be they will be!


So you've had Rottweilers and therefore don't believe they are dangerous? I don't believe the young girl who was savagely attacked by 3 would agree, and the rest of us won't either. Judging by the blood and injuries, you'll have a hard job convincing people they are playful, unless biting girls is considered play. We could have been discussing the death of a girl here - she was lucky.

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9 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

Well , we have 2 Rottweilers ourselves ( in our walled in property of 5 rai ) , yes , they are gentle and loving and loyal and protective to the owner ... but not to strangers . Rottweilers are work dogs , they need to have a 'job ' something to do ... if they don't they naturally protect the owner and his ( or her ) property .

If that maid got bitten by the Rottweilers , that simply means that they took her for an intruder .

The owner is at fault there , as he should have presented the maid to the dogs first to teach them that she represents no danger .

If that woman would have worked there before , the dogs would have known her and would not have bitten her .

So , there is something wrong with this story .

I think , it was the first time that they encountered each other .

Unfortunately, the people that own them make mistakes, and when they do, other people get hurt, or in some cases, are killed. They should be treated like loaded guns and only be used in high security situations. At the very least, there should be a warning sign on any property housing these savage beasts.

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10 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

I think it is only because there are a lot more Labrador retrievers owned around then world that Pit Bulls.... 

Yes, but the maid would not have sustained such serious injuries from 2 Chihuahuas!  

As I stated, "Dogs are dogs. Any breed has the potential to attack. As predators, it's in their nature. It's just the some are better at it than others."

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7 hours ago, AtlasAus said:

Have you ever owned one ? Clearly not. I have owned 5 during my lifetime, amazing dogs, very protective of their family.


None of us were there, you don't know what went on. From my personal experience with very large dog breeds I can honestly say I never feared for my children as they grew up, they were taught to respect the dogs, they are not play toys. We never had any issues. 


Same can't be said for the pool cleaner salesman who open my back gate even though the dogs were clearly upset by his presence... After all that is their job. Or the seven day Adventists who thought it was a good idea to come through my gate when I was mowing. The dogs let them in, but they weren't leaving... I have many examples of stupid people... It's too easy to say it was the dogs fault...  


[they were taught to respect the dogs]...  because if they didn’t they may have been bitten... So you taught your children to respect the dogs because you knew the consequences of not treating animals respectfully, we read these consequences in the news... 


Funny how we don’t read the same ‘comments’ of cats or rabbits.... i.e. we taught our kid to respect the rabbit / cat... the reason being if a kid innocently mishandles a rabbit or rabbit they won’t get mauled. Thus, such comments about treading ‘dogs with respect’ are open admission  of the potential risk a dog may present. 



[It's too easy to say it was the dogs fault...  ]... I agree, it's never the dogs fault. When ‘trigged' they are just doing what comes naturally.


Each situation is individual, breed, quality of ownership, environment etc but even the ‘perfect’ family dog could be triggered which is why I’d never leave my child alone with any dog no matter how placid it seemed. 










Edited by richard_smith237
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14 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

Look, any dog can bite no matter how well trained and sweet they are. 

@RotBenz8888, I must disagree with you. "My girl is different" (sound familiar?).

She absolutely would never bite a human. Chase a squirrel, skunk, cat, bird or any critter out in the open, yes. But a human, no.

The breed is Brittany, a bird hunting dog. In this picture she is seen to be "onto" something; there were birds nearby. She has never been allowed to bite or kill anything!

But as for this thread, I personally would never own a vicious dog.

image2 (13).jpeg

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7 hours ago, sirineou said:

In the US We have a rottweiler and a Wiener. The Rottweiler is the most loving dog I ever had and I had a lot of dogs,  

She is a big baby !!! All she wants to do is sit on my lap, she does not realise that she is too big and heavy, she gets very jealous when the Wiener sirs in my lap. she really does not know that the wiener is a lot smaller than she is. They are best friends and don't know they are different sizes;

 .If I pet the Wiener the Rottweiler comes running and tries to push her out of the way, and visa versa, When the whiner sits on my lap the Rottweiler brings a toy drops it by my feet and looks at me with sad eyes, I feel so bad for her I let her sit on my lap even though it kills me. 

 In our US house , we have ADT alarm system, with the dogs there may a times we don't even set it when we go shopping, I pity the fool who comes into our house . 


In the USA, I often dog sit for a family (Farang/Thai wife). Big, overweight male Labradoodle and a tiny female poodlish thing.  The little one rules. It's interesting, especially since I'm a cat person. But I can't figure out why the little female always tries to hump the huge male dog. He doesn't understand it either. 


I took care of the dogs for a month a year ago when they went back to Thailand, 3x per day.  Had to stay over for several days during a big snowstorm, but he had a good stock of craft beers, so all was well.  I did some baby sitting for the two girls, too.






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7 minutes ago, Damrongsak said:

In the USA, I often dog sit for a family (Farang/Thai wife). Big, overweight male Labradoodle and a tiny female poodlish thing.  The little one rules. It's interesting, especially since I'm a cat person. But I can't figure out why the little female always tries to hump the huge male dog. He doesn't understand it either. 


I took care of the dogs for a month a year ago when they went back to Thailand, 3x per day.  Had to stay over for several days during a big snowstorm, but he had a good stock of craft beers, so all was well.  I did some baby sitting for the two girls, too.

I don't think dogs know their size relative to other dogs.

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1 hour ago, neeray said:

@RotBenz8888, I must disagree with you. "My girl is different" (sound familiar?).

She absolutely would never bite a human. Chase a squirrel, skunk, cat, bird or any critter out in the open, yes. But a human, no.

The breed is Brittany, a bird hunting dog. In this picture she is seen to be "onto" something; there were birds nearby. She has never been allowed to bite or kill anything!

But as for this thread, I personally would never own a vicious dog.

image2 (13).jpeg

Who wouldn't fall in love with her?

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11 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

You're sick.

Not deluded though like the doggie lovers who no matter how horrendous the latest horror attack by these filthy mutts spring to their defense with nonsense like there are no bad dogs etc. It's not just the stories in the headlines, look up the dog bites treated in hospital in the USA alone it is in the hundreds of thousands a year, must be a lot of 'bad owners' there. The sickos are the ones who post material of their babies on YT playing with killers like pitbulls and 'rotties' - and claiming they would not hurt a fly, until they leave the kids alone with them one day! In my experience the people who want to own vicious dogs are a little on the inadequate side and will always claim they have them to protect the property when it's more often to boost their own egos.

Edited by Orton Rd
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22 hours ago, webfact said:

When police and rescue medics arrived the owner would not let them in.

I thought police were the ultimate authority in all things.  How can this dog-loving <deleted> deny them entry?

The dogs must be immediately destroyed and the insensitive owner smacked hard in the wallet.

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