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Benefit fraud

You commit benefit fraud by claiming benefits you’re not entitled to on purpose. For example by:

  • not reporting a change in your circumstances
  • providing false information

This guide is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).

What happens if you’re suspected of benefit fraud

You’ll be contacted by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the Defence Business Services or your local authority if you’re suspected of fraud.

Your benefit may be stopped while you’re investigated. You’ll get a letter telling you about this if it happens.

You may be visited by Fraud Investigation Officers (FIOs) or asked to attend an interview to talk about your claim - this is called an ‘interview under caution’.

FIOs will gather facts about your case and decide whether to take further action.

If you’re asked to attend an interview

An ‘interview under caution’ is a formal interview that is often recorded. It could become part of a criminal investigation against you.

Get advice on your case (for example from a legal adviser or solicitor).

You can also get help and information about ‘interviews under caution’ from Citizen’s Advice.

What happens after a benefit fraud investigation

If you’ve committed or attempted fraud, one or more of the following may also happen:

  • you’ll be told to pay back the overpaid money
  • you may be taken to court or asked to pay a penalty (between £350 and £5,000)
  • your benefits may be reduced or stopped

Losing benefits if you’re convicted of benefit fraud

Your benefits can be reduced or stopped for up to 3 years if you’re convicted of benefit fraud. The amount of time they’re stopped for depends on how many times you’ve committed fraud.

Only certain benefits can be reduced or stopped. These are called ‘sanctionable benefits’. But if you commit fraud on a benefit that cannot be reduced or stopped, your other benefits can be reduced instead.

Sanctionable benefits

The following benefits can be reduced or stopped if you commit benefit fraud:

  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Housing Benefit
  • Incapacity Benefit
  • Income Support
  • Industrial Death Benefit
  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
  • Industrial Injuries Reduced Earnings Allowance
  • Industrial Injuries Retirement Allowance
  • Industrial Injuries Unemployability Supplement
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • War Disablement Pension
  • War Widow’s Pension
  • War Pension Unemployability Supplement
  • War Pension Allowance for Lower Standard of Occupation
  • Widowed Mother’s/Parent’s Allowance
  • Working Tax Credit

Benefits that cannot be reduced or stopped

The following benefits cannot be reduced or stopped if you commit benefit fraud:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • Bereavement Support Payment
  • Child Benefit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Christmas Bonus
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Graduated Retirement Benefit
  • Guardian’s Allowance
  • Industrial Injuries Constant Attendance Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable)
  • Industrial Injuries Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable)
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • State Pension
  • Social Fund Payments
  • War Pension Constant Attendance Allowance
  • War Pension Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance
  • War Pension Mobility Supplement


If you commit benefit fraud and you get any of the following, none of your payments can be stopped or reduced:

  • Maternity Allowance
  • Statutory Adoption Pay
  • Statutory Maternity Pay
  • Statutory Paternity Pay
  • Statutory Sick Pay
  • Sad 1
  On 1/29/2024 at 12:14 AM, BritManToo said:

It's here Mike, and lists what they can stop, followed by what they can't stop.



Thanks BMT but another poster, one page back, stepped in yesterday evening and posted the same link, just in time I might add. But thanks for your effort, it's appreciated. I'm sure there must be others who, despite reading these pages for decades, have never seen or understood that, which is why the links are importnant. 



  • Thumbs Up 1
  On 1/29/2024 at 12:20 AM, Mike Lister said:

Thanks BMT but another poster, one page back, stepped in yesterday evening and posted the same link, just in time I might add. But thanks for your effort, it's appreciated. I'm sure there must be others who, despite reading these pages for decades, have never seen or understood that, which is why the links are importnant. 




"Just in Time". There are over 40 past pages on this subject, some with links, some full DWP statements, but all ignored, never mind ,soon on page 42,all forgotten, more trotted out rubbish

  • Sad 2
  • Thanks 1
  On 1/29/2024 at 12:14 AM, BritManToo said:

It's here Mike, and lists what they can stop, followed by what they can't stop.



For those who say it's not benefit fraud to claim the state pension increases (which is classified as a benefit) or scumbags that fraudulently claim the heating allowance, please note and digest the first few lines of the link given:

You commit benefit fraud by claiming benefits you’re not entitled to on purpose. For example by:

  • not reporting a change in your circumstances
  • providing false information



A person who knowingly gives false information about your residency at their address is also committing fraud and is likely to be prosecuted more heavily than the non-resident. 
Those who insist that the UK state pension cannot be reduced or stopped once given are correct but........AFAIK it can be suspended while being investigated. 

With the new powers that the DWP & HMRC have regarding people's bank accounts and personal information which can be shared between departments, I can visualise many more cheats being discovered over time, especially if reported! 

Off with their heads!  :1zgarz5:


  • Sad 1
  On 1/30/2024 at 5:13 AM, Madgee said:

For those who say it's not benefit fraud to claim the state pension increases (which is classified as a benefit) or scumbags that fraudulently claim the heating allowance, please note and digest the first few lines of the link given:

You commit benefit fraud by claiming benefits you’re not entitled to on purpose. For example by:

  • not reporting a change in your circumstances
  • providing false information



A person who knowingly gives false information about your residency at their address is also committing fraud and is likely to be prosecuted more heavily than the non-resident. 
Those who insist that the UK state pension cannot be reduced or stopped once given are correct but........AFAIK it can be suspended while being investigated. 

With the new powers that the DWP & HMRC have regarding people's bank accounts and personal information which can be shared between departments, I can visualise many more cheats being discovered over time, especially if reported! 

Off with their heads!  :1zgarz5:





Good information.


Could you now add (for the purpose of perspective) the people who have been taken to court for those who falsely declared their residence - or failed to advise a change to an overseas address.

  • Like 1
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  On 1/30/2024 at 5:13 AM, Madgee said:

For those who say it's not benefit fraud to claim the state pension increases (which is classified as a benefit) or scumbags that fraudulently claim the heating allowance, please note and digest the first few lines of the link given:

You commit benefit fraud by claiming benefits you’re not entitled to on purpose. For example by:

  • not reporting a change in your circumstances
  • providing false information



A person who knowingly gives false information about your residency at their address is also committing fraud and is likely to be prosecuted more heavily than the non-resident. 
Those who insist that the UK state pension cannot be reduced or stopped once given are correct but........AFAIK it can be suspended while being investigated. 

With the new powers that the DWP & HMRC have regarding people's bank accounts and personal information which can be shared between departments, I can visualise many more cheats being discovered over time, especially if reported! 

Off with their heads!  :1zgarz5:



1. Heating allowance, there's no way to refuse it.

2. Suspending Pension, suspect that would be against their own rules, but I have 4 years living expenses sitting in my bank (and less than a 2 year life expectancy) so no potential problem.

3. There are no direct links to my life outside the UK (financial or social), certainly not through my bank account.


Better for me to worry about drowning from sea level rises, which is more likely than my pension being stopped.

  • Like 1
  On 1/29/2024 at 3:03 PM, Mike Lister said:

I only picked up this thread from page 40, I do not go back and read every post in every thread, prior to the point I entered, I start reading from my point of entry going forward. The forum rules are very clear on when links must be provided, let's not have that discussion again!


Would think the forum rules don't demand the same link posted again and again.

I've read it about 20x in the past 5 years in TV and then AN.

  On 1/30/2024 at 5:30 AM, BritManToo said:

1. Heating allowance, there's no way to refuse it.

2. Suspending Pension, suspect that would be against their own rules, but I have 4 years living expenses sitting in my bank (and less than a 2 year life expectancy) so no potential problem.

3. There are no direct links to my life outside the UK (financial or social), certainly not through my bank account.


Better for me to worry about drowning from sea level rises, which is more likely than my pension being stopped.


Thank god for No.1 otherwise I would have to turn down the air con once it warms up here.

  On 1/30/2024 at 5:30 AM, BritManToo said:

1. Heating allowance, there's no way to refuse it.


Yes, there is, stop using a fraudulent address! 

You are committing fraud, pure and simple so stop trying to justify it as a right. As I have said before on many occasions, it's up to the individual to decide to do what they think fit.
The same as many, I firmly believe that everyone who is entitled to the UK state pension should be treated the same, regardless of where they live, so the frozen pension stipulation is wrong and should be rectified. That doesn't give a valid reason to blatantly commit fraud but obviously, it does to some. Thailand doesn't have a social security agreement with the UK so it is what it is.

Will anything ever happen to those who commit benefit fraud in this way? I very much doubt it! 


  On 1/30/2024 at 5:23 AM, hotandsticky said:

Could you now add (for the purpose of perspective) the people who have been taken to court for those who falsely declared their residence - or failed to advise a change to an overseas address.


I know of none so although the legalities are there, they are not enforced .... at present. 

I do know of one person (my next-door neighbour) who inadvertently gave his Thai address on a tax form and was asked to pay back the overpaid amount totalling a few thousand pounds at an agreed £20 a week which was deducted from his private pension amount at source. His state pension remained at the amount when he was discovered to be living abroad and not frozen at the time he first resided in Thailand 5 years previous.  He was not threatened with legal action. Maybe he would have been had he not voluntarily agreed to some payback, who knows!   

  • Thumbs Up 2
  On 1/30/2024 at 5:13 AM, Madgee said:

For those who say it's not benefit fraud to claim the state pension increases (which is classified as a benefit) or scumbags that fraudulently claim the heating allowance, please note and digest the first few lines of the link given:

You commit benefit fraud by claiming benefits you’re not entitled to on purpose. For example by:

  • not reporting a change in your circumstances
  • providing false information



A person who knowingly gives false information about your residency at their address is also committing fraud and is likely to be prosecuted more heavily than the non-resident. 
Those who insist that the UK state pension cannot be reduced or stopped once given are correct but........AFAIK it can be suspended while being investigated. 

With the new powers that the DWP & HMRC have regarding people's bank accounts and personal information which can be shared between departments, I can visualise many more cheats being discovered over time, especially if reported! 

Off with their heads!  :1zgarz5:



If you delve deeper into DWP links( Rules /Regulations) you will find statements from DWP "impossible to commit fraud on your own pension" not all allegations will be investigated" and gives prime examples,  State pension being one, its a good read, ......honestly

You want to read your own links too


Benefits that can’t be reduced or stopped

The following benefits can’t be reduced or stopped if you commit benefit fraud:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • Bereavement Payment
  • Child Benefit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Christmas Bonus
  • Council Tax Benefit
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Graduated Retirement Benefit
  • Guardian’s Allowance
  • Industrial Injuries Constant Attendance Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable)
  • Industrial Injuries Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable)
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • State Pension
  • Social Fund Payments
  • War Pension Constant Attendance Allowance
  • War Pension Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance
  • War Pension Mobility Supplement  

DWP have given prime examples through the press of intended targeting,  Universal Credit, Jobseekers allowance, Sickness benefits (yelp I'm one)  .Notwithstanding I did not qualify ,2 years of the last 3 resident in GB, they just sailed forth and lashed well over a hundred a week, tax free, thank you


   There will be no witch hunt 

  • Sad 2

Not to hog the airways, or bandwidth, there has been many utterly hilarious comments over the years by posters who obviously are bitter, envious/jealous attempting to justify their own circumstance by dragging all and sundry into that frozen pit, shame really, when most could be enjoying an unfrozen pension.


Few of the slayers are now dead, my gawd,did they put the  fear of the almighty into the unfrozen  bunch they encountered " praying to the magistrates for reinstatement of pension" "do not know how you sleep at night"(could say the same but from opposite position),just solid hogwash,but they were good, very very good, but when challenged it all  sank away into a Alice and Wonderland story


Two, few years ago, Id call them Dumb and Dumber,set themselves up see how righteous they were, informed DWP( 5 years after event)  and invited maximum retribution (Dumber) on itself, needless to say, they( DWP) thought a nutter had set forth.......anyway eventually all came out in the wash, a set up


 Anyway ,my cancer has supposedly been controlled, like to come back one day, enjoyed it there, if not early diagnostic there in India Id be dust to dust/ashes to ashes by now

  • Confused 2
  • Sad 2
  On 1/30/2024 at 5:13 AM, Madgee said:

For those who say it's not benefit fraud to claim the state pension increases (which is classified as a benefit) or scumbags that fraudulently claim the heating allowance, please note and digest the first few lines of the link given:

You commit benefit fraud by claiming benefits you’re not entitled to on purpose. For example by:

  • not reporting a change in your circumstances
  • providing false information



A person who knowingly gives false information about your residency at their address is also committing fraud and is likely to be prosecuted more heavily than the non-resident. 
Those who insist that the UK state pension cannot be reduced or stopped once given are correct but........AFAIK it can be suspended while being investigated. 

With the new powers that the DWP & HMRC have regarding people's bank accounts and personal information which can be shared between departments, I can visualise many more cheats being discovered over time, especially if reported! 

Off with their heads!  :1zgarz5:



The Dropbox uk address is easily covered you forwarded mail onto your friend or relative with no idea what was in them. That's not an offence in any universe.

  • Sad 2

Some of you don't get it, do you?

I don't care if you falsify documents, say you live in Timbuktu or use a mail forwarding company etc. as a way to claim your pension increases along with the various other benefits:  
 You commit benefit fraud by claiming benefits you’re not entitled to on purpose. It's that simple.

just because you believe it's wrong for the Gov. to freeze pensions (as I also do) it doesn't mean you have the automatic right to commit fraud. As I've stated many times before,
UP 2 YOU.             Over and out. 

  • Agree 2
  On 1/30/2024 at 1:50 PM, Tiber said:

If you delve deeper into DWP links( Rules /Regulations) you will find statements from DWP "impossible to commit fraud on your own pension" not all allegations will be investigated" and gives prime examples,  State pension being one, its a good read, ......honestly

You want to read your own links too


Benefits that can’t be reduced or stopped

The following benefits can’t be reduced or stopped if you commit benefit fraud:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • Bereavement Payment
  • Child Benefit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Christmas Bonus
  • Council Tax Benefit
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Graduated Retirement Benefit
  • Guardian’s Allowance
  • Industrial Injuries Constant Attendance Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable)
  • Industrial Injuries Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable)
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • State Pension
  • Social Fund Payments
  • War Pension Constant Attendance Allowance
  • War Pension Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance
  • War Pension Mobility Supplement  

DWP have given prime examples through the press of intended targeting,  Universal Credit, Jobseekers allowance, Sickness benefits (yelp I'm one)  .Notwithstanding I did not qualify ,2 years of the last 3 resident in GB, they just sailed forth and lashed well over a hundred a week, tax free, thank you


   There will be no witch hunt 



If that is true - why would any government give a pass to anyone who defrauds?  doesn't make sense.  No repayment?  just 'pay from now on'?  really?

  On 2/7/2024 at 8:33 AM, BobBKK said:


If that is true - why would any government give a pass to anyone who defrauds?  doesn't make sense.  No repayment?  just 'pay from now on'?  really?


Not exactly, not only non sanctionable, but is disqualifying, meaning other sanctionable benefit being received maybe adjusted, not the pension itself.

Not I should think has ever been used, but time expired too


Years ago, poss. 12,DWP took 2 OAP to county court(Barrow in Furness) one to attempt to affix a frozen pension on them,DWP never turned up to hearing that they themselves instigated.

 Lost the link to it, the other one was in Bristol county court, same result


Local paper in BiF now defunct in which was reported






"Some benefits are disqualifying but not sanctionable (Column B) and others are both disqualifying and sanctionable (Column C).

Accordingly, an offence may be committed against a disqualifying benefit but the sanction would be imposed on a different but sanctionable benefit.

Most benefits are disqualifying, meaning that fraud against them would trigger the loss of benefit sanction to all sanctionable benefits the claimant is receiving.

Some benefits are disqualifying but not sanctionable. The reason for this tends to be the reason why the benefit is paid – for example if paid to meet the extra costs of disability or retirement pension. The Department sees these benefits as falling in categories of extra need, for the benefit of others, or protecting claimants that might be especially vulnerable to hardship."

Benefits/credits that are neither ‘disqualifying’ nor ‘sanctionable’ Benefits/credits that are ‘disqualifying’ but not ‘sanctionable’ Benefits/credits that are both ‘disqualifying’ and ‘sanctionable’
Maternity Allowance State Pension Income Support
  • Sad 2
  On 2/10/2024 at 5:13 PM, Tiber said:

Not exactly, not only non sanctionable, but is disqualifying, meaning other sanctionable benefit being received maybe adjusted, not the pension itself.

Not I should think has ever been used, but time expired too


Years ago, poss. 12,DWP took 2 OAP to county court(Barrow in Furness) one to attempt to affix a frozen pension on them,DWP never turned up to hearing that they themselves instigated.

 Lost the link to it, the other one was in Bristol county court, same result


Local paper in BiF now defunct in which was reported






"Some benefits are disqualifying but not sanctionable (Column B) and others are both disqualifying and sanctionable (Column C).

Accordingly, an offence may be committed against a disqualifying benefit but the sanction would be imposed on a different but sanctionable benefit.

Most benefits are disqualifying, meaning that fraud against them would trigger the loss of benefit sanction to all sanctionable benefits the claimant is receiving.

Some benefits are disqualifying but not sanctionable. The reason for this tends to be the reason why the benefit is paid – for example if paid to meet the extra costs of disability or retirement pension. The Department sees these benefits as falling in categories of extra need, for the benefit of others, or protecting claimants that might be especially vulnerable to hardship."

Benefits/credits that are neither ‘disqualifying’ nor ‘sanctionable’ Benefits/credits that are ‘disqualifying’ but not ‘sanctionable’ Benefits/credits that are both ‘disqualifying’ and ‘sanctionable’
Maternity Allowance State Pension Income Support

large font hurts by eyes

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  • 3 weeks later...

Will new DWP power to scan Bank accounts affect UK State pensioners and bank accounts of anyone linked to you, what ever that turns out to mean? (Civil servant and minister not on the same page apparently.)


First 20 seconds and from time 5:20 may be of particular interest, to potential and current state pensioners perhaps...



  • Thumbs Up 1
  On 3/3/2024 at 2:38 PM, UKresonant said:

Will new DWP power to scan Bank accounts affect UK State pensioners and bank accounts of anyone linked to you, what ever that turns out to mean? (Civil servant and minister not on the same page apparently.)


First 20 seconds and from time 5:20 may be of particular interest, to potential and current state pensioners perhaps...




It was not hard to determine that outcome.  I've waited far longer for Freedom of Information request that I made initially from DWP than I was advised , simply the DWP are not going to answer.

 Anyone paranoid use Wise, or drop mail box in Spain, cheaper than UK, you need to receive those pension rises letters making sure they are not returned, but as women states, the blind leading the blind, just receive  happily your nice big rise in another 4 weeks


Like to come back to TH,but the increase in benefits close on £200 a week mostly untaxable plus OAP and public sector pension  puts me in position I'm individually paying  off the public debt, if the 200 a week was stopped Id probably come back, but its just the weather there that's OK ,the rest mmm. Far cheaper here in UK

  • Like 1
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  On 3/3/2024 at 4:11 PM, Tiber said:

Like to come back to TH,but the increase in benefits close on £200 a week mostly untaxable plus OAP and public sector pension  puts me in position I'm individually paying  off the public debt, if the 200 a week was stopped Id probably come back, but its just the weather there that's OK ,the rest mmm. Far cheaper here in UK


Good idea that you stay where you are. One of the reasons I came to Thailand was to get away from people like you! 

  • Sad 1
  • Haha 1
  • Agree 1
  On 2/3/2024 at 12:10 PM, Madgee said:

Some of you don't get it, do you?

I don't care if you falsify documents, say you live in Timbuktu or use a mail forwarding company etc. as a way to claim your pension increases along with the various other benefits:  
 You commit benefit fraud by claiming benefits you’re not entitled to on purpose. It's that simple.

just because you believe it's wrong for the Gov. to freeze pensions (as I also do) it doesn't mean you have the automatic right to commit fraud. As I've stated many times before,
UP 2 YOU.             Over and out. 




  On 3/3/2024 at 11:40 PM, Madgee said:

Good idea that you stay where you are. One of the reasons I came to Thailand was to get away from people like you! 


The ire of it, to wake up on this bright and beautiful morn (but cold)to be met by  a hostile quote, it puts me off (almost) my cornflakes

    Yes ,it must be hard to exist there on ever dwindling worth of State pension, on other hand  mixing with the unfrozen bunch too, must be most upsetting


   Anyway, as your likened near bible bashing quote re.  " getting it"  I can also quote "man should not live on bread alone" Matthew 4.4 ..... add some meat to your diet...go unfrozen

  • Confused 1
  • Sad 2
  • Thumbs Up 2
  On 3/4/2024 at 10:11 AM, Tiber said:



The ire of it, to wake up on this bright and beautiful morn (but cold)to be met by  a hostile quote, it puts me off (almost) my cornflakes

    Yes ,it must be hard to exist there on ever dwindling worth of State pension, on other hand  mixing with the unfrozen bunch too, must be most upsetting


   Anyway, as your likened near bible bashing quote re.  " getting it"  I can also quote "man should not live on bread alone" Matthew 4.4 ..... add some meat to your diet...go unfrozen


I think you need to go back to sleep and repost when either the booze or meds o both have worn off!

  • Thanks 2
  On 3/4/2024 at 10:20 AM, scottiejohn said:

I think you need to go back to sleep and repost when either the booze or meds o both have worn off!


 Understandably the frozen bunch getting together, comfort in numbers perhaps. That frozen pit sure holds unimageable horrors

  • Confused 1
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  On 9/14/2021 at 3:46 AM, fredscats said:

"In respect of pensions, fraud undermines the value of income for people at a time of life when sources of income become more limited, and the chances of financial recovery are reduced."

Now that is some statement   yes/no?  govt funded investigation, so who exactly is defrauding who?   The fraudee,defrauding the fraudster

     I am sure you will agree that money lost by a basketcase is money best in my pocket and not lost to an immigrant



Posted some time ago  govt sponsored investigation into benefits ,Portsmouth university  

  On 3/4/2024 at 10:11 AM, Tiber said:



The ire of it, to wake up on this bright and beautiful morn (but cold)to be met by  a hostile quote, it puts me off (almost) my cornflakes

    Yes ,it must be hard to exist there on ever dwindling worth of State pension, on other hand  mixing with the unfrozen bunch too, must be most upsetting


   Anyway, as your likened near bible bashing quote re.  " getting it"  I can also quote "man should not live on bread alone" Matthew 4.4 ..... add some meat to your diet...go unfrozen


Err, I'm not quite old enough to receive my UK state pension yet so stop your wild assumptions about people's state of finances. 
Cornflakes for brekkie eh..... Go on, you'll be telling me they're Kellogg's next!  Enjoy your (cold) day. 

  • Haha 1

Is my UK pension annuity (with UK pension provider) subject to UK income tax?

I'm a British Citizen living permanently in Thailand for 30 years, coming up to retirement (in Thailand).

Non-resident in the UK for tax purposes, no question about that.


Question: is my UK pension annuity income subject to UK income tax?


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