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Greta Thunberg calls on world leaders to listen to young activists

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8 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

I am sure you not that naive. You don’t just walk into the UN to give speech. She was invited because the UN recognized he movement and the message she was bringing. Like you, Trump and Putin didn’t like her message at the UN too.

Only thing I know that she said at the UN was complaining that we old people stole her dreams. Pity she isn't happier for it.

2 hours ago, alfalfa19 said:

so, did that scientific data come from the 3 percent of the world's scientists who deny climate change?  (and i'm sure it's merely concidence that most of this 3 percent are employed by the fossil fuels industry)

the quality of the facts are top notch,

but it was the lousiest presentation i have seen i think.

never the less i think it should be seen by everyone that has the patience for it

19 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

By the way, could you provide evidence that your Pacific coast sea level hasn’t risen; just to prove your case. 

Stop making things up. I never said it hadn't risen at all. I even included that it's risen approximately 3mm a year.

Evidence is that it's not even a topic of conversation and local council is approving hundreds of new houses close to the beach, and no there isn't a cliff.

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20 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Can't we just listen to the old activists that pull the strings and write the scripts for the young activists?

As if Greta ever had an original thought in her life.

Edited 20 hours ago by BritManToo



You are correct.  You have world leaders listening to a 16 now 17 year old teenager with ZERO scientific credentials.  I wouldn't listen to a 17 year old on what channel to watch on TV lest follow one to spend trillions to transform the world based on "questionable" data. One thing I am sure of is that many people and companies pushing global warming have a financial interest in either wind, solar, or hydro electric power. Contrast her notoriety with that given to John Coleman a meteorologist and founder of the weather channel who rightfully called out the manipulated data.  Anyone who can search the internet can determine for billions of years the earth has gone through glacial periods followed by interglacial warming periods.  The earths orbit around the sun is not exact and over years, it moves closer to the sun and warms and away from the sun and cools.  Also the rotation of the earth is not exact.  It is like a top and it wobbles.  When it wobbles more the poles move closer to the sun. Additionally, volcanoes which include under sea volcanoes spew 200 million tons of CO2 compared to an estimated 24 million metric tons by all human activity.  So unless you can stop volcanoes, a reduction of 50% of all human CO2 will have minimal impact 





Global Warming.JPG


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22 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


Eg wave pumps to move sea water up hill to be released through hydro plants,


The way this reads gave me a laugh. Mankind has been searching for the perpetual motion machine for centuries, and here someone on Thai VF actually believes that it exists! OK maybe that's not quite what you meant.

There is no 100% efficient machine anywhere, check out the laws of entropy.


There are wave machines that convert motion to electricity, they test them in the Pentland Firth, they are getting more efficient all the time. Using wave power to pump water uphill which then comes down again strikes me as remarkably inefficient.


The ultimate answer to most of our power consumption may be nuclear fusion, but we are still left with the problem that if you use energy it is simply transferred somewhere else. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it just gets converted into a different form. Someone with a real science qualification is welcome to correct me here. Your ability to read websites like " thetruthaboutscience.com" does not qualify you.

14 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

So unless you can stop volcanoes, a reduction of 50% of all human CO2 will have minimal impact 

Casting silliness aside of stoping volcanoes, every technology to reduce C02 will be important to prevent the threshold of +2 C increase in global temperature. Reducing fossil fuels that contributed climate disrupting C02 are on-going challenges. Fossil fuels burning in the last 150 years have built up the abundance of C02. 

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18 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

The way this reads gave me a laugh. Mankind has been searching for the perpetual motion machine for centuries, and here someone on Thai VF actually believes that it exists! OK maybe that's not quite what you meant.

There is no 100% efficient machine anywhere, check out the laws of entropy.


There are wave machines that convert motion to electricity, they test them in the Pentland Firth, they are getting more efficient all the time. Using wave power to pump water uphill which then comes down again strikes me as remarkably inefficient.


The ultimate answer to most of our power consumption may be nuclear fusion, but we are still left with the problem that if you use energy it is simply transferred somewhere else. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it just gets converted into a different form. Someone with a real science qualification is welcome to correct me here. Your ability to read websites like " thetruthaboutscience.com" does not qualify you.

That's not quite fair, wave pumps have little or nothing

relating to perpetual motion, a wave is just pure

energy, which can be harvested.

9 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

You've just reinvented the Soviet Union, tweaked

it a bit, scary for some, but it would solve many

problems, Yep, I'd go for that, and I believe there

are Russians that still regret the collapse

of communism. Sign me up Commissar BMT.


Or Britmantoo invented military, which is one of the purest forms of communism. 


It's not a bad way to live, provided those who are in power, are kept in order and not let them to abuse their powers. Soviet Union and many other communist countries failed. China has been doing quite well lately, when they started to mix communism with capitalism. 

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6 minutes ago, TheDark said:

It's not a bad way to live, provided those who are in power, are kept in order and not let them to abuse their powers. Soviet Union and many other communist countries failed. China has been doing quite well lately, when they started to mix communism with capitalism. 

Would they have failed if America wasn't at war with them?

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12 minutes ago, TheDark said:

Or Britmantoo invented military, which is one of the purest forms of communism. 


It's not a bad way to live, provided those who are in power, are kept in order and not let them to abuse their powers. Soviet Union and many other communist countries failed. China has been doing quite well lately, when they started to mix communism with capitalism. 

China succeed in mixing due to Confucianism values and beliefs. 

1 hour ago, talahtnut said:

That's not quite fair, wave pumps have little or nothing

relating to perpetual motion, a wave is just pure

energy, which can be harvested.

In answer to this, I said THE WAY it reads. Wave machines do of course exist, and are promising source of renewable energy. Perpetual motion is not the ideal way to describe it I grant you, but the laws of thermodynamics still apply. 

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, Nigel Garvie said:

The ultimate answer to most of our power consumption may be nuclear fusion

Nigel Garvie,  You are correct. Unlike power plants that can be turned on or off the "green energy" has a transfer problem.  When the wind blows or the sun shines unless that power is immediately consumed it has to be stored.  Batteries are costly, dirty, and inefficient.  Using pumps to drive water to towers to fall on generators has been used but hardly an ideal option.  The action of waves sounds good but where are you going to put those transmission lines and transformers? 


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48 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Would they have failed if America wasn't at war with them?

Who knows. Fear of war or in general tends to bring the worst fear mongers to the power. Had there not been cold war, perhaps the society had developed in other ways. Russians are not stupid at all, but their society has been infected by 'strongmen', who are actually quite weak and fearsome themselves.

1 hour ago, TheDark said:

Or Britmantoo invented military, which is one of the purest forms of communism. 


It's not a bad way to live, provided those who are in power, are kept in order and not let them to abuse their powers. Soviet Union and many other communist countries failed. China has been doing quite well lately, when they started to mix communism with capitalism. 

The major ingredient in China's mixture is intellectual property theft.  Though China has always been a mercantile society.

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10 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

No doubt there are some nutters somewhere who manage to stitch being anti-capitalist and fighting climate change together, but one would have to be unhinged to see this as a general trend.

Those "nutters" include prominent authors such as Naomi Klein, who wrote a New York Times best-seller entitled "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate", so it's hardly a fringe view. Klein may be unhinged, but she's popular.



24 minutes ago, rabas said:

Very few people do! But I would rather follow knowledgeable people with significant maturity and experience over Greta. Old white men scientists and professors come to mind.  Most important are people who are not heavily invested in the outcome. There have been a few good videos of such people posted in earlier threads.


I doubt many prefer under-aged, poorly educated Noble Peace Prize laureates.


FYI you don’t need any level of education qualification to be the chosen as NPP laureate. Malala Yousafzai was 17 when she was NPP laureate. 

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