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Pattaya shots fired: War on drugs claims another innocent life as police sting goes wrong


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Oh deary me!   To many old Bronson movies have been dubbed in Thai and used to train the gun toting BIB.  A few years ago on Beach Rd outside Soi 9 we had a similar incident with Constable Duffus emptying a full magazine at the wheels of a car.  No deaths back then if memory serves me right. It's sad for the families to see their kin depart to the next world ahead of time.  


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21 minutes ago, Syduan said:

Does that include Queen Victoria, the biggest drug seller in history.

I sincerely believe that she was completely beaten by the American airline company Air America during the war against Vietnam;

I will say no more, some Thai HiSo dead or still alive have benefited

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1 minute ago, robblok said:

Does not make it any less an harddrug. IMHO people should be able to use the drugs they want as long as they don't operate vehicles and bother other people. (and of course pay for the health risks themselves)


Completely agree with you, but here we are going to enter into a philosophical discussion which risks leading us to wonder if an anarchic civilization would be desirable 

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1 minute ago, Assurancetourix said:

I sincerely believe that she was completely beaten by the American airline company Air America during the war against Vietnam;

I will say no more, some Thai HiSo dead or still alive have benefited

A friend of mine had an uncle who worked ay Utapo. The USAF transporters would land full of supplies. rather than send them back empty, they would fill them with heroin. Common knowledge locally.

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11 minutes ago, robblok said:

should be able to use the drugs they want as long as they don't operate vehicles and bother other people.

I agree. The problem is, that people they use drugs like heroine can´t work after a while but need money for their drugs. So they become criminal. Some who drink a couple of beer or wine per week will never have this problem.


11 minutes ago, robblok said:

(and of course pay for the health risks themselves)

Same as people they do sports, drive cars and motorcycles, eat sugar, fat, eat too much, etc., all what´s risky for health?

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

I wonder if the arrest of the this drugdealer warrants the dead of the bystanders. I mean this could have been handled far better by the police. I doubt they officers will get any punishment. 

One bystander killed, 2 injured. 

They seem incapable of setting up a safe sting/ arrest. So often the dealer spots it and runs. 

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53 minutes ago, CNXexpat said:

I agree. The problem is, that people they use drugs like heroine can´t work after a while but need money for their drugs. So they become criminal. Some who drink a couple of beer or wine per week will never have this problem.


Same as people they do sports, drive cars and motorcycles, eat sugar, fat, eat too much, etc., all what´s risky for health?


Why all this misogyny? What have you against heroic women?! ????

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So called 'trained' police shooting out a perp's tyres during a chase through a populated area, not to mention the risk of stray bullets (ricochets) killing/injuring anyone else.  The mind boggles!  Only in Thailand where the police have very limited intelligence.

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1 hour ago, Leaver said:

Try having a beer in Saudi Arabia and see what happens. 


Having a beer is not wrong only because alcohol is legal here. 


Smoke a joint in The Netherlands, no problem.  Smoke a joint here and see what happens.


Alcohol is just as harmful as illicit drugs, if abused, and that includes beer, but "right and wrong" depends on the law of the country. 

The Compounds I stayed in Saudi where an Alcoholics Paradise.

SID was a bit strong though.

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3 minutes ago, norfolkandchance said:

The Compounds I stayed in Saudi where an Alcoholics Paradise.

SID was a bit strong though.

I knew a few alcoholics there, they mistakenly thought they would be safe from temptation there.

Damned sidique, when I was back in the UK I couldn't get a drink strong enough in the pub!

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5 minutes ago, HHTel said:

The prompt at the bottom of the thread says 'Reply to Topic'.

I suggest many of the posters should understand what the 'topic' is.  It's certainly not about whether alcohol is a drug or not.  

Nip this in the bud, mods.


Perhaps you missed it, but we are discussing whether it was a proportionate response. 

Now put down that beer...

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3 hours ago, Matzzon said:

The professionals at work again. These people should not be allowed to have guns.

But they are allowed to have Guns.

And are irresponsible enough to allow their Children to get their hand upon them.

Ref ... Infant age child that shot his mate in School with his Cop fathers Gun

Ref .... Current " Gold Shop Slaughter " situation

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