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Pattaya shots fired: War on drugs claims another innocent life as police sting goes wrong


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7 minutes ago, mikeymike100 said:

Beer does contain alcohol but it is NOT distilled and is a natural process

Alcohol is NOT a hard drug as you replied in a previous post!

The terms "soft drugs" and "hard drugs" are arbitrary terms with little to no clear criteria or scientific basis.


Typically, the term "hard drug" has been used to categorize drugs that are addictive and injectable, notably, heroin, cocaine, and crystal methamphetamine. Marijuana is usually the only drug included within the category of "soft" drugs, although some people include nicotine and alcohol in the soft drug category because of their legal status for use by adults, and their relative social acceptability compared to illegal drugs.


The term "soft drug" is sometimes used interchangeably with the term gateway drug, a term that is equally inaccurate.

Perhaps it would pay you to a little research next time!


Beer comes out of the ground does it?


Natural process? It does this all by itself??


  1. Malted barley is soaked in hot water to release the malt sugars.
  2. The malt sugar solution is boiled with Hops for seasoning.
  3. The solution is cooled and yeast is added to begin fermentation.
  4. The yeast ferments the sugars, releasing CO2 and ethyl alcohol.
  5. When the main fermentation is complete, the beer is bottled with a little bit of added sugar to provide the carbonation.


Took the trouble to edit your post in so that I could reply to it.


Enjoy your ethyl alcohol. I have the best education that public school could offer....and I don't like beer. It's disgusting.

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3 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


Perhaps you missed it, but we are discussing whether it was a proportionate response. 

Now put down that beer...

Oh, please!  This is, as you say, whether it was a proportionate response.  That is, regardless of the perp's crimes, was it the right thing to do by the police, while endangering the lives of the public.


I guess you've had a little too much yourself!

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It is simple, the police just cannot use motor vehicle chases to pursue criminals. There are too many motorcycles, pedestrians, and cars that are double parked. The police probably had been working on the sting a long time and wanted it to pay off. 

It is tragic for those killed and injured. The police just have to get the suspect out of a motor vehicle before they do anything.


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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

I don't mean doctors and pharmacists,  I mean ice addicts, pot heads, heroin users. 



Have you thought about why people become addicted to drugs, including alcohol, tobacco and other substances?

I am not justifying use or the illicit activities which accompany addiction, but some more thought about the PEOPLE behind the addiction.use could show some compassion.

Deaths  (side effects, unintentional overdoses, drug interactions) in western world from prescribed drugs is higher than from illict substances.

Lets look at Fentanyl to begin with, then of course the over prescribed endone, oxycontin.


Edited by RJRS1301
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The principal of the seven "P"s........Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents P*&s Poor Performance........  Bad planning and co-ordination plus reckless use of firearms in a public area endangering life in a completely reckless mindless fashion....... Yeah, sounds about right........ Don't you think it would of been better just giving him a bell with a sledge hammer while he was kipping then shoot him........ ?  Think what would of happened if he'd been tooled up with an AK or something........Oooh yes, meat balls and coppers all round...... Sad for the innocent bystander just scratching a living......RIP.......

Edited by SupermarineS6B
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A sting and a death for 300 grams ? 

Life’s really cheap here .. Now for the technicalities : who’s to blame for the death : a drug lord running away with 300gm, police for over planning and reacting ? I won’t hold my breath.

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9 minutes ago, HHTel said:

Oh, please!  This is, as you say, whether it was a proportionate response.  That is, regardless of the perp's crimes, was it the right thing to do by the police, while endangering the lives of the public.


I guess you've had a little too much yourself!


I have no idea what you are trying to write. Is it English? Either way, you appear to have grabbed the wrong end of the stick.

Just about every here agrees that it was not a proportionate response, regardless of their attitude towards whatever he was selling.

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5 hours ago, Tayaout said:

Sound like a scene from a western movie. 

Western movies were just that "movies" this is a real life screw up big time!!!!

This'll encourage more tourists to come to "family friendly Pattaya" NOT

Edited by hotchilli
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4 hours ago, 4evermaat said:


Shooting out the tires of a moving motor vehicle?  With innocent by-standards around waiting to be hit by the ricochet or crashed vehicle.   So they were filming a live-action cartoon or movie, correct?


Yeah, the latest episode of the "Keystone Cops"

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     I used to want them to get off their butts and get out of their air-conditioned offices and do something but having watched how they totally screw up traffic when they manually operate the traffic lights, how they totally screw up traffic looking for riders without helmets, and how they totally screw up traffic with poorly setup 'safety' road blocks, I'm happier when they stay inside.  Now, with this killing of innocent bystanders with their very poor police training, I am even more convinced.  Maybe they could handle being crossing guards--start there and see how it goes.  

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4 hours ago, robblok said:
4 hours ago, steven100 said:

sorry,  lets agree to disagree ....  drugs are wrong . Having a beer is not. 

If you want to take drugs that's your choice .....  

But beer (alcohol is a drug) a harddrug even classified by all the drug organisations. So you are wrong. 


Its so hard for the older generation that grew up with alcohol so see it as a drug while all the experts classify it as one. Then they demonize the far lesser pot. 




"It is intriguing to note that the two legal drugs assessed -- alcohol and tobacco -- score in the upper segment of the ranking scale, indicating that legal drugs cause at least as much harm as do illegal substances," van Amsterdam and van den Brink write.



Will those that subscribe to the "Alcohol is a drug so either criminalize if or let me smoke whatever I want" school of perpetual gurning, please open their own thread to debate this.


As far as we can tell from the details in the OP and related media articles, no alcohol was involved in this unfortunate event.

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17 minutes ago, DUNROAMIN said:
4 hours ago, 4evermaat said:


Shooting out the tires of a moving motor vehicle?  With innocent by-standards around waiting to be hit by the ricochet or crashed vehicle.   So they were filming a live-action cartoon or movie, correct?


Yeah, the latest episode of the "Keystone Cops"

It's only fairly recently that the hand-wringing, do-gooders of western society have forced highly trained and experienced law enforcement officers to avoid 'hot-pursuit' scenarios for fear of endangering a few innocent bystanders. Thus, in the UK, youngsters high on drugs and alcohol can steal cars for a laugh, race around the darkened streets of weekend towns and cities, knowing that they aren't going to be apprehended.


Maybe there are similar parallels in the original 'wild west' of the USA where everyone stands back and lets them get on with it... until they get in a traffic jam whereupon on average about 23 really hyped-up but highly trained and experienced law enforcement officers proceed to jump on the hood and pump 15 (reload) and another 15 bullets into the twitching, bloodied corpses still inside the stolen car.


Please allow the Thai police to go through this very essential right of passage and take down a law breaker without being disabled by this politically correct sitting on ones hands 'because someone may get hurt' BS. In this instance and like in the 'more civilised' west, the busted drug runner will probably be charged with causing death by dangerous driving on top of his drug possession and NOTHING needs to referred to any nascent police complaints department.


Oh yes, the collateral damage will be compensated per the cultural norms of Thailand that you can't change so there's no need to get your panties in a bunch over that either.

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3 hours ago, Rimmer said:

The topic is about:


Pattaya shots fired: War on drugs claims another innocent life as police sting goes wrong


Please stay on topic

Absoluetly right, there is always some folks that go off on a tangent!

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

You forget alcohol users.. alcohol is like ice and heroin classified a harddruk while pot on the other hand is a soft drug with far less problems as alcohol. 


Shows how arbitrary the laws are. Thankfully slowly they are moving towards free pot use. And yes I am a druggo in countries where its allowed. 


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20 minutes ago, mikeymike100 said:

Absoluetly right, there is always some folks that go off on a tangent!

And how is your post relevant to the topic


20 minutes ago, mikeymike100 said:

Pattaya shots fired: War on drugs claims another innocent life as police sting goes wrong

?Seems we are both off topic!

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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6 hours ago, steven100 said:

I don't mean doctors and pharmacists,  I mean ice addicts, pot heads, heroin users. 



You forgot drunks mate.  Far more people die from alcohol related incidents than drug related ones.  I enjoy the odd spliff now and then so I guess in your book I am a pot head?  I also enjoy my wine which I indulge in far more often.  Maybe that makes me a drunkard too.

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2 hours ago, Eindhoven said:


I have no idea what you are trying to write. Is it English? Either way, you appear to have grabbed the wrong end of the stick.

Just about every here agrees that it was not a proportionate response, regardless of their attitude towards whatever he was selling.

What are you on?

My original post was pointing to the fact that the topic was not about whether alcohol was a drug.

You responded with an argument that we are discussing whether it was a proportionate response while arguing across many posts whether alcohol was a drug or not!!! And told me to put down my beer!!

I agreed with the fact that the discussion should be about the action by the police!

Then you responded with the above post.


English?  Most definitely but your comprehension leaves a lot to be desired.

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7 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

People who use drugs regardless of the reason and the doctors and pharmacists are scum?You must feel vastly superior to the rest us to make such a bold claim.I hope you can withstand the karma headed your way Steven and I hope you never have recourse to resort to such scummy behavior to alleviate any ailments which you may suffer.You obviously condone the loss of life as collateral damage in the dubious war on drugs.Sometimes I wonder just who could be so callous.

Alleviating any ailments and resorting to a daily fix are not the same thing.  Anybody assisting people to join/remain-in the latter group are indeed scum.

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