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I now have coronavirus


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10 hours ago, rabas said:

My wife and I had Influenza-A last year and they did a screening. On hearing type-A I asked which one, they said screening only determined the viral group. flu type-A,B, cold groups, etc. Cold groups include coronavirus and rhinovirus.


So I think they detected the OPs ordinary coronavirus, not nCoN2019.


Also from the Thai Coronavirus Situation report, Jan 18, they report 'other' diagnoses including 1 coronavirus:

"The etiologic agents for other cases were identified as Influenza A virus (6 cases), Influenza B virus (4 case), Influenza C virus (1 case), Adenovirus (1 case), Coronavirus OC43 (1 case) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (1 case). "


So, your safe for a while.

Daft of the medical staff to say coronavirus if it wasn't the one everyone is talking about, talk about misleading and scaring people

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22 hours ago, owl sees all said:

It has just been announced that you can catch the dastardly virus more

than once.


If the fatality rate is 3% and it can get around the world in 12 months,,,, we are all doomed it seems.


Partying might be a good approach to the end of civilization as we know it. Moving to Nth Korea might not seem so bad. Some nice bits of stuff there.

Ridiculous - even going from underestimated official numbers of over 60k cases it's only 2% - but given that the Chinese have admitted they don't have much idea- the real number can be ten or twenty times that, so the fatality rate could be well under 0.2% overall.

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7 minutes ago, ben2talk said:

Ridiculous - even going from underestimated official numbers of over 60k cases it's only 2% - but given that the Chinese have admitted they don't have much idea- the real number can be ten or twenty times that, so the fatality rate could be well under 0.2% overall.

That of course goes for the deaths too. They won't bother doing PCR on corpses.

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1 minute ago, steven100 said:

many folks on Thai Visa forum have Corona Virus ...  they MUST go to the hospital and stop spreading the virus  !!

Going to a hospital is one of the most effective ways to spread the virus. Stay out if you don't have to go there. Hospitals are where people go to die or get infected, vade retro!

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25 minutes ago, ben2talk said:

Ridiculous - even going from underestimated official numbers of over 60k cases it's only 2% - but given that the Chinese have admitted they don't have much idea- the real number can be ten or twenty times that, so the fatality rate could be well under 0.2% overall.

Not to dampen positive thinking but many top experts are now saying a global pandemic the size of the Spanish flu is at least possible. Estimates range from 50% to 70% of the global population.


Now I appreciate living in the only country under 100% control.








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On 2/14/2020 at 4:18 PM, liddelljohn said:

My lady  asked them why I was not addmitted  they said  its better to isolate at home as they dont have room , what ever that means ,, i have medical insurance ,, so its not that they would worry about money.


Let's see how long, if ever, before yours (presumably a farang case) shows up in the new CV cases that the Thai Department of Disease Control is publicly reporting periodically.


That ought to give a pretty good indicator, of the extent to which they may be fudging the real numbers, or at lease delaying them... Though I should note, their own protocol calls for any CV diagnosis, before it's publicly reported, to be confirmed by one of Thailand's couple of national labs in BKK... And presumably, there's some time lag between a local test result and the national labs doing their thing.


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6 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Nobody at this point can say how widespread it will become. "Could" is not "will". It could become a global pandemic. It could also peter out.


Flu pandemics happen every so many years.  Even in worse case scenario this would be nowhere near as lethal as the Spanish Flu was.

The thought occurred  to me after going to the Gym in the US (I Am there now, will be back as soon as we get a handle on the virus thing) and was disinfecting the equipment with a disinfectant spray and wipe, before and after use.

The thought occurred to me "while the virus is a threat, would it be just as important to wear surgical gloves when going out (in addition to washing hands)  as it would be wearing masks?

What are your thoughts on that?

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48 minutes ago, Susco said:

If the OP really had the COVID-19 virus he would not be posting here, but be in isolation.


The OP indicated in his post that he asked about being admitted to his local govt hospital, but was told they didn't have room (perhaps for either a farang or someone with a less serious condition).


Plus, AFAIK, being in medical isolation doesn't mean the patient is deprived of normal communication devices like mobile phones, tablets, etc.  Just put a mask on the phone, and it's good to go!  :cheesy:

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3 hours ago, DrTuner said:

That of course goes for the deaths too. They won't bother doing PCR on corpses.

Precisely! Therefore the mortality rate is still pure speculation.

Good news IMO outside China the severe case rate is low as well as the death rate.

But how does it look like in Thailand??

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On 2/14/2020 at 9:45 AM, liddelljohn said:

went to local hospital Sirikit at sattahip and was seen quickly and tested , temp, heartrate ,  blood taken , sputum sample taken ,by masked nurse and doctor ,, no isolation  area,, they  gave me medication for the cough  and told me to self isolate at home and they would phone me the result , which came  next day  Corona Virus   confirmed ,, My lady was asked to collect some more meds ,, she has had tests  which are negative , I am being monitored

Have you thought about asking the hospital for a copy of the test results? They will have a record. That would clear up what you contracted.


They may be using something called a Respiratory Pathogen Panel (RPP).  A simple one tests for 21 pathogens from a single swab with a 6 hour turn around time. It can find the below pathogens. Note it can identify the common human corona viruses by type.  I have looked but can't find any test for just "corona virus".  So I think the hospital probably knows already.


•Adenovirus types A,B,C
•Enterovirus group
•Human bocavirus
Human coronavirus (229E,OC43,NL63,HKU1 types)
•Human metapneumovirus
•Influenza A - Human influenza subtype A,H1,H3
•Influenza B
•Parainfluenza types 1, 2, 3, 4
•Respiratory Syncytial Virus
•Chlamydophila pneumoniae
•Mycoplasma pneumoniae 


This is probably the kind of test the Thai were using to diagnose their patients under study, PUI, in addition to nCoV2019 testing.


Edited by rabas
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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Let's see how long, if ever, before yours (presumably a farang case) shows up in the new CV cases that the Thai Department of Disease Control is publicly reporting periodically.


That ought to give a pretty good indicator, of the extent to which they may be fudging the real numbers, or at lease delaying them... Though I should note, their own protocol calls for any CV diagnosis, before it's publicly reported, to be confirmed by one of Thailand's couple of national labs in BKK... And presumably, there's some time lag between a local test result and the national labs doing their thing.


A statistic is only worth to believe if you know how numbers are collected.

I fear that slowly the hospitals filling up and a outcry on social media will occur.

I think that most of the mild cases are just send back home as the OP case in hope everything will disappear.

Maybe they have a fast test but in order to be official the known departments must confirm. In that way they can keep the stat low. Just a thought.

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7 minutes ago, rabas said:

Have you thought about asking the hospital for a copy of the test results? They will have a record. That would clear up what you contracted.


They may be using something called a Respiratory Pathogen Panel (RPP).  A simple one tests for 21 pathogens from a single swab with a 6 hour turn around time. It can find the below pathogens. Note it can identify the common human corona viruses by type.  I have looked but can't find any test for just "corona virus".  So I think the hospital probably knows already.


•Adenovirus types A,B,C
•Enterovirus group
•Human bocavirus
Human coronavirus (229E,OC43,NL63,HKU1 types)
•Human metapneumovirus
•Influenza A - Human influenza subtype A,H1,H3
•Influenza B
•Parainfluenza types 1, 2, 3, 4
•Respiratory Syncytial Virus
•Chlamydophila pneumoniae
•Mycoplasma pneumoniae 


This is probably the kind of test the Thai were using to diagnose their patients under study, PUI, in addition to nCoV2019 testing.


That would clear the doubts. The other thing is "they don't have room" is not the first time I heard in the last couple of days.

Another thought if every suspect with symptoms would undergo the mentioned test and everything would be negative would this case then be a "highly suspect" for COVID-19 virus ?

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On 2/14/2020 at 8:47 PM, bert bloggs said:

Strange you should say this as about 2 months ago i had a cold,headache and fatigue as well mad dreams ,i woke up and was convinced i had gone back in time(i kid you not) it lasted two to three days then i was fine ,i also go to Queen Sirakit ,but was there in november for my eye tests . doubt it was Corona Virus as nobody had heard of it then .

Either way it passed within 3 or 4 days, just needed a good day of exercise to exorcise.

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On 2/14/2020 at 10:02 PM, Kinnock said:

From the reports I've seen a runny nose is not one of the symptoms of Covid-2019.  Fever, cough, difficulty breathing, but no snotty nose.


So you have 'manflu' not 'batmanflu'. ????

My understanding is it hits like a cold, then can progress to much more severe symptoms in a percentage of people afflicted.

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2 hours ago, metempsychotic said:

My understanding is it hits like a cold, then can progress to much more severe symptoms in a percentage of people afflicted.

It seems to start milder, but not all the typical cold symptoms.  Then may get more serious, but often does not.


Fever, dry cough, aches - but not a runny nose.


But the situation in China has distorted the picture.  There's 11 million people in Wuhan, 7% elderly, and everyone who has a cold or flu is heading to hospital.  Overloaded hospitals, limited testing available, elderly and panicking population.   


But if we look at other situations, like on the cruise ship in Japan - many are symptomless or only mild symptoms - and healthcare workers in China have a death rate of around 0.2%.


Plus the secondary cases outside China (in countries with effective monitoring) are less than expected.


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9 hours ago, sirineou said:

The thought occurred  to me after going to the Gym in the US (I Am there now, will be back as soon as we get a handle on the virus thing) and was disinfecting the equipment with a disinfectant spray and wipe, before and after use.

The thought occurred to me "while the virus is a threat, would it be just as important to wear surgical gloves when going out (in addition to washing hands)  as it would be wearing masks?

What are your thoughts on that?

I made the same decision for probably the same reasons that you did to leave the los a few months earlier than I had planned and return to the states. I'll try to return to SEA after this pandemic runs it's course and burns itself out. 


Some of the latest youtube videos I follow from dr john Campbell and peak prosperity forecast the virus to arrive in eu/usa within the next 2-3 weeks, and the doubling rate once it has a foothold in a location is ~6-7 days... so I've made preparations with that timeline in mind.


I also go to the gym and wipe down the equipment with Lysol wipes. From what I've gathered, the most important habit is to not touch your face and to thoroughly wash hands as often as possible (at the gym and immediately upon arriving home then disinfecting accessories like earbuds and phone). When coronavirus does arrive here and becomes widespread I will just avoid the gym and do workouts at home until it passes. 


There is too much uncertainty for my liking in regards to how infectious it really is and long term complications coupled with the recent reports of cardiac complications with reinfection. I'd rather play it extra safe until the dust settles on this one.

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9 hours ago, Kinnock said:

But if we look at other situations, like on the cruise ship in Japan - many are symptomless or only mild symptoms - and healthcare workers in China have a death rate of around 0.2%.


And I believe, over the weekend, Thailand reported another new "official" case, that being a Thai health care worker who had been dealing with CV patients... despite presumably taking all the supposed precautions. 


And now also at least one and possibly two CV cases, an elderly American couple who landed in Malaysia, coming from the Westerdam ship from Cambodia that supposedly was all clear... NOT!


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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

And now also at least one and possibly two CV cases, an elderly American couple who landed in Malaysia, coming from the Westerdam ship from Cambodia that supposedly was all clear... NOT!

The Chinese businessman who tested positive in Malaysia crossing from Sadao to Bukit Kayu Hitam hasn't been reported in Thailand as far as I've seen. He arrived in Malaysia 1st Feb for business, took a trip to Thailand on 12th Feb crossing back to Malaysia 13th Feb. Arriving in Bukit Kayu Hitam, Malaysian screening noted he had a fever and sent him to the local hospital for tests, which confirmed he had covid-19.


Where did he go in Thailand?





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Just a question to see if anyone can clear my confusion.

Tourist numbers from China dropped by an admitted 90%.

Hotels in many areas reporting up to 60% drop in bookings.

Small business owners reporting greatly reduced business and big drop in income, 


still claims that the tourist industry will grow by 2% or 3% this year.????

Edited by overherebc
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11 hours ago, gajpaw said:

But still doubts remain. 
a) why 70 million country has only half of cases in comparison with Singapore? (6 million?)

Great contribution interesting post.

Especially 70 Mio people and Govt. doing absolutely nothing in comparison with other countries. E.g. Malaysia is checking upon arrival your travel history; other countries ban / restrict travelers from China.

I don't believe the numbers from Thailand the only indicator I can see is:

1. Tourists return after travel in Thailand and are tested positive this is not increasing yet. 

2. Hospitals filling up...... this number might difficult to obtain hence my question:

You mentioned "On other media some people start to share similar or even worse behaviours:" is it possible to mention this medias? 

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On 2/14/2020 at 4:23 PM, offset said:

Interesting maybe that is why the numbers they quote (33) are so low they only count those people that are in hospital

Once again, believing any numbers put out by the Thai government about anything is laughable. ????

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10 minutes ago, GalaxyMan said:

Once again, believing any numbers put out by the Thai government about anything is laughable. ????

Do you believe Korea with 29?

How about Vietnam at 16?

What about Malaysia at 22?

Why not Thailand at 36?





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On 2/14/2020 at 10:02 PM, Kinnock said:

From the reports I've seen a runny nose is not one of the symptoms of Covid-2019.  Fever, cough, difficulty breathing, but no snotty nose.


So you have 'manflu' not 'batmanflu'. ????

Yep, no runny nose, but I did have blocked ears.

Still got a bit of a cough, but my temperature never varied from 36.2c.

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