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Thailand tourist arrivals may drop six million this year due to coronavirus - tourism authority


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Soon they will realise that the virus doesn't transmit easily in hot countries like Thailand.

Second phase transmission is minimal and will get less as the hot season comes.

It will not get out of control. 

To hit their tourist number targets they need to.....    erm too late. 

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42 minutes ago, Mattd said:

I suspect that these figures quoted may well end up being on the low side, I have had two friends send pictures from the airport (air side) over the last couple of days, both saying it is like a ghost town, both at different times on the same day.

Yeah but how about pics of the Immigration lines ? That would tell the real story ! ???? 

(Of course Immigration could just cut the number of IOs manning the counters so that the lines remain as long as ever, despite having fewer people arriving/departing.) :whistling:

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37 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

But some government wiz kid at the TAT just said the figures were up for January !

January hotel occupancy rate


This shows that the hotel occupancy rate was down about 5%, there is worse to come of course. If the crisis lasts until the early northern summer as many expect (even though it could be worse) we may well see numbers down by a lot more than the current speculations. Wouldn't even call it speculation as the current government doesn't communicate, they just make noise.

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Also remember that it was the same Tourism Authority (and Minister) that claimed the number of arrivals would double in the last half of the year and that would make up for the the reduced number of arrivals in the first half of the year ! 

So instead of 3.25 million arriving per month (on average, based on last year's numbers), they think there will be 6.5 million arriving per month for the last 6 months of the year !

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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

may fall by 6 million this year to 33.8 million

The usual optimistic BS from TAT. I think the 6 should be a 12 or more and the 33.8 down graded accordingly. Let's see what they say a month from now. I have my suspicions.

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If you are an arrogant man who thinks they don't need to take care of themselves and smokes cigarettes or an old coot with pre-existing conditions like CVD, diabetes, COPD and high blood pressure from eating bad food like a pig and not exercising---YOU are at risk of dying from COV-19.


Wise decision not to come to Thailand, ya <deleted>. ????

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14 hours ago, Yorkshire Tea said:

Drop by 6 million?  And the rest...

Drop by or to ... The drop will for sure increase throughout the year - this is just a temporary and optimistic update ... :thumbsup:

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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

That was downgraded from last month’s forecast for 35 million visitors this year, down 12% from last year’s record 39.8 million.

Keep downgrading, Thailand will have to admit to the true Corvid 19 figures soon, that'll screw up the rest of the year!

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you will see a spin, that thailand is contributing to less pollution because of this


they will find a way to save face


who in their right mind would go travel FOR FUN right now with the risks involved ?


I am a "tourist arrival" against my will, 5 times a year because of some stupid visa

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