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Anutin changes tack: Health minister who blamed farang says masks are not necessary after all


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2 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

He did apologise

Did he ? my apologies must have missed that.....


2 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

he did not say that those not wearing masks should be "hunted down".

I'll have to find that video again..

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If he had any sense of honor, he would admit that he was unqualified by his own words and actions; and step aside to work as a silent volunteer treating the sick. However, such a virtue is absent in these parts.

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10 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

he did not say that those not wearing masks should be "hunted down".

Yes your right  he said  Thai's should help, if you find anyone like this ( ie refuse face mask)  then kick them ("mun" it)

out of the country..not exactly hunted down but.....

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The usual face masks used by health professionals are mainly for preventing the patient from catching anything....the EU norm is the FFP2 or FFP3 masks that protect the wearer against the virus...the classical paper masks either in green or blue do not protect the wearer.

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4 hours ago, sungod said:

The guy is a dick, first of all when there were no masks he said they were not necessary.


He then got his hands on some for a photo shoot, and said they were.


The masks have run out and now they are not necessary again.


Can anyone see the pattern here?

IQ of 72?

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The Chief medical man in OZ has been saying this all along , masks don't help , the P95 mask are the only ones any good and  are only used by medical staff and not av to the public,  most on the street are wearing dust masks which are absolutely useless.

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The minister is absolutely right. He made the same mistake as every fool who (99.99%) believes masks will protect. They won't, simple as that. Pity he had to have a go at the farang. The only people deriving any benefit from the masks are the traders. Despite the fact that they are useless, I fear that K. Somchai will not listen, continue to waer his mask and put his faith in amulets. 33000 people a year die on the roads in Thailand every year and 85 percent of those deaths are preventable. The Covid 19 hype is a disgrace. 


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5 hours ago, sungod said:

The guy is a dick, first of all when there were no masks he said they were not necessary.


He then got his hands on some for a photo shoot, and said they were.


The masks have run out and now they are not necessary again.


Can anyone see the pattern here?

RE - Can anyone see the pattern here?


???? Nya - Don't do as I say - Do as I do ... :thumbsup:


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So, not just a loud, fascistic, xenophobic , foul-mouth but an incompetent moron into the bargain!

Quick! Someone find a superspreader to sneeze on him, for heaven's sake. The country has enough over-reactive hotheads already, without promoting them to such responsible positions...

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2 hours ago, RobertH said:

I've met Anutin. I know people who've known him a long time. He doesn't hate foreigners. So, he lost his temper. He's actually a pretty good guy. I'm sure just about everyone posting here has said worse things about Thais on many more occasions than he has said about falangs on one occasion. You just have to read the posts here on any given day to see what absolute racist dicks most ThaiVisa posters are. i hardly ever comment here because ThaiVisa is such a disgraceful <deleted>hole full of Thailand-hating <deleted>.

I see.


do you agree that he gave false and misleading advice to the population of Thailand without first briefing himself on the correct way to avoid being infected with covid19, and has yet to apologise for that?


losing ones temper is one thing, misleading people about how to avoid contracting a deadly virus, or at least minimise the risk, is another. For that, he deserves every insult thrown at him.

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And here was I thinking that Thais are pretty good at keeping up appearances, never mind the substance.


But no, it turns out that the guy whose job it is to manage the crisis can't even make himself look good.


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1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

From your linked thread...

"He apologised to reporters for his strong language".

The only ones he could apologise to as the foreigner was not known or identified.

For his strong language, not for the intent and meaning of his words. In other words, “I was right but should have used softer words to say the same thing”.


not much of an apology



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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Now he has changed tack entirely saying that the wearing of masks is not necessary if you are not sick from Covid-19.


People come from foreign country bring coronavirus into Thailand. 

Many people get sick, one guy die who work with foreigner. 


I think it good he ask the foreigner at the airport to where the mask = will not give Thais and expat the coronavirus. 

Safety first. If every new foreigner where the mask, me and you will not get coronavirus. 


* bad to say ai farang. But he just talk about two people.

Surprise so many care what he say. Everyday TVF criticism Thai people. But angry if thai criticism the farang?


Edited by Yinn
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This is what you get when have square pegs in lucrative round holes. Anutin's background is in engineering, not medicine, which probably explains the face-mask fiasco.


He flirted with numerous political parties, including Thai Tak Thai, before becoming leader of the Bhumjaithai Party and subsequently landing his plum posting in the Prayuth government. 


If he got the boot tomorrow, Anutin wouldn't need to get begging bowl out. According to Wikipedia, his personal wealth amounts to 4.2 billion baht.





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