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300-400 suspected new coronavirus infections investigated in Thailand every day


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23 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

I wash my hands and use sanitizer, but have not stopped living a normal life.


No one's suggesting you or others should stop leading a normal life. But your prior post seemed to attempt to minimize the situation to the point that people would have no reason to take precautions.


Even if the risk might be statistically small (and who really knows with the (un)reliability of government reporting here), it only makes sense to take common-sense precautions, especially if you're a 60+ person as you indicated you are, since that age cohort is at higher risk of serious health problems if contracting the virus.


In the U.S. the health authorities have been recommending in outbreak areas that older people 60+ try to stay home as much as possible, avoid large gatherings, and practice social distancing (keep 1 to 2 meters distance) from others. 


Masks are another part of that issue, which the Thai health authorities are now recommending be worn by the general public.  From the Thai DDC as of this week:



4. Risk Communication to the Public

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) can be prevented using the principles for respiratory disease prevention, i.e. washing hands, wearing masks and avoiding contact with patients who have a respiratory disease.


People should avoid traveling to China and countries with local transmission, and it is recommended to avoid visiting crowded places and making contact with patients who have respiratory symptoms. If this is unavoidable, people should wear a mask.


• Regularly wash hands with water and soap or use alcohol gel. It is also recommended to avoid using your hands to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth.


• Do not use or share personal stuff with others (i.e. handkerchiefs, glasses, and towels) since pathogens causing respiratory disease can be transmitted to other people through secretions




And in a separate document earlier this week, the DDC summarized their precautionary advice as follows:



3. Advice for general public

Request people to manage their health by doing the following:

1. Avoid going to crowded places

2. Avoid staying close to people who have respiratory disease symptoms

3. Take measures to eat cooked food, use serving spoons, wash hands and wear cloth masks to prevent the disease.



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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13 hours ago, humbug said:

Yes that is a good point and why we all should detest CCP China because if they told the truth mildly, we would probably find out, 3-4 million people were infected with mild cases, 300-400k with severe cases needing hospital care and maybe 100-200k deaths, maybe then the worldwide death rate would be closer to 1%, it’s 3.4% only because WHO China’s PR company are using the fake China and Iran numbers

Why would China and Iran fake the numbers in a upwards direction? Makes no sense.

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Not heard about TB for sometime now, that has slipped under the radar. I remember reading that a WHO investigation in Bangkok found at least one person with open TB in every supermarket they checked in Bangkok, apparently it is endemic in Thailand. Some time ago my missus caught a very resistant strain that could only be treated with expensive medicine from Europe and we live out in the countryside, it took months to clear up, now that is dangerous!!

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

It is a shame - I would like to see Thailand develop to what should be their true potential and the people deserve it

They did reach their potential.

They managed to grow rice for a few decades, then others learnt how to modernise and become more efficient. Now even that is starting to be taken over by other countries who can grow a better strain, tastier, and cheaper!

The only things Thailand produces are commodities for other countries, who built the facilities and trained the staff.
Left alone Thais sit on the front porch and get drunk!

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48 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Why would China and Iran fake the numbers in a upwards direction? Makes no sense.

Now you’re just trolling, Iran and China, upward direction numbers can be easily cooked, the numbers would be in the millions including mild cases, 10% would be serious cases, but let’s all believe in fairies and believe 80k and 2k deaths

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"300-400 suspected new coronavirus infections investigated in Thailand every day"


Looks like they prefer to tell the mumber of the investigated rather than the real number of the infected

Edited by sweatalot
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Over 80 and the mortality rate increases dramatically. Youngsters seem nearly unaffected. See graphs in links below and there are plenty more to peruse, if these are not sufficient. 







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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


No one's suggesting you or others should stop leading a normal life. But your prior post seemed to attempt to minimize the situation to the point that people would have no reason to take precautions.


Masks are another part of that issue, which the Thai health authorities are now recommending be worn by the general public. 


Agreed, of course we should all take precautions.  I was being a bit sarcastic, as I tend to be many times.  

It is partly because I live in Pattaya and I see and read of many behaviors that are to me more likely to endanger oneself than the slight risk of catching a virus.  

And yes, being at risk is disconcerting for me, yet until friends or an extended Thai family member or friend actually tells me of someone who they know is infected, it seems to me very unlikely that the risk of this virus supersedes the many other risks people here face in their daily lives.    At this point in time

Philosophically, am a darwinist, so survival of the fittest is something I can live with. 

An incurable" virus scares the rich people in the world.  This makes it very newsworthy. 

When the best doctors, the best health insurance, and the best hospitals money can buy will not save you, it is very humbling





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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Some interesting reading re: H1N1 epidemic here in 2009.


https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/329808 PDF is freely downloadable.


~ 29,000 lab-confirmed cases, 192 deaths. 


Popped up again in 2014 -- > 


Popped up again in late 2018. I, my wife, and 2 nieces had it out here in northern Bangkok and one young woman not far from here died. That was a monster, my wife had a fever of 400C within 3 hrs of onset, got her to the hospital 20 minutes later and on Tamiflu. Next day I started Tamiflu as a precaution. Later I had a fever of 39.50C but recovered much faster than my wife because of Tamiflu.


So here's the thing. A full blown case of COVID-19 pneumonia is much worse than influenza A-H1N1-2009 and much more deadly. And, there is no Tamiful to save you. So I'll leave it to you to decide which one to prepare for. BTW, I now have a stock of Tamiflu in the fridge.


Edited by rabas
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2 hours ago, rabas said:

So here's the thing. A full blown case of COVID-19 pneumonia is much worse than influenza A-H1N1-2009 and much more deadly. And, there is no Tamiflu to save you.

2 hours ago, rabas said:

BTW, I now have a stock of Tamiflu in the fridge.


Where do you get tamiflu?  I was told doctor has to prescribe here in thailand

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On 3/7/2020 at 4:41 AM, darksidedog said:

The devil of course is in the details. Who are the 300-400 being tested every day? Those returning or arriving from overseas, or average people turning up at the local hospital sick? If the former, to be expected, if the latter, we are all in lots of trouble.

Most viruses don't survive in hot humid conditions. The infected droplets that are coughed or sneezed into the air attach to other droplets of water then become too heavy and fall to the floor. If Covid 19 behaves this way then the 300-400 being tested are returning from infected areas with colder dryer climates.

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22 hours ago, NanLaew said:

If any Makro store rejects just one Covid-19 carrier along with the hot somtam eaters and the perpetually flustered, sweaty farangs (you know who you are!), then in my book it's a job well done.


Spot on , the fat sweaty , bald farlangs ,  carriers sure .

I cycle to Makro daily , however that said , I spend nit noi ..



Edited by elliss
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2 hours ago, Jaggg88 said:

Most viruses don't survive in hot humid conditions. The infected droplets that are coughed or sneezed into the air attach to other droplets of water then become too heavy and fall to the floor. If Covid 19 behaves this way then the 300-400 being tested are returning from infected areas with colder dryer climates.

Okay explain california, singapore etc.  And what about aircon rooms?

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You would think the Web would have hundreds of report from people that have had it and recovered detailing their experience, but there are none anywhere that I can see, not in the press, Facebook, this forum, or P-A, anyone else think that's strange?

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On 3/7/2020 at 12:17 PM, Isaanbiker said:

Thanks. If all superiors in Thailand act like our Thai colleagues at a school, then there's no hope.


Even when they suspected a few cases of the virus on campus, we foreigners were not informed. 


The Thai teachers started to wear masks, and the truth came from an outside source.


Until now, there was only gossip.


Some people say that there are kids who got infected with the virus; some say there aren't any. 




I doubt that  any  honest  and  true physician  would  say  children do not/have not  been  infected  by  C-19. It is  just that they  have never  been a factor  for  medical intervention.

The  issue is that while they may be infected  they remain  asymptomatic which means they  could be  source of cross infection  which is why  viral epidemic advice suggest  school closures as part of community  isolation.

The only practical solution is to limit social proximity. Schools are a realistic target in that strategy because of the often diverse community  origins of the attendants.

But  how  far can such  limitations  be extended  without a collapse  in commercial viability?

And  without  commercial viability ?

In  not  too long the  social/economic impact of this viral reaction is set to become more significant  than the disease  itself.

People in general should  abandon the futile expectations  of  central governments to provide  some magic  strategy when that same strategy  can be  generated from  within communities upwards to  nations.

If there is any real expectations  from  central Government it should  be that people  are provided  with  concise information on  coping strategy.


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On 3/7/2020 at 1:51 PM, crazykopite said:

My local Makro is checking everyone’s temperature trouble is it doesn’t tell you if you have the virus so it’s a wee bit useless to say the least . Has Thailand got testing kits yet ? I doubt it.  ????

Yes and handjell is available there although not many seem to want to use it. However nearby Big C do NOT  provide handjell.

My brother who has just come down from Chaing Mai tells me that free handjell is absolutely everywhere up there.

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1 hour ago, bartender100 said:

You would think the Web would have hundreds of report from people that have had it and recovered detailing their experience, but there are none anywhere that I can see, not in the press, Facebook, this forum, or P-A, anyone else think that's strange?

Yep! I also find it strange that Iran, who have the 3rd most infections are being so open with their information with a "world" that just weeks ago wanted to bomb them to kingdom-come! ????

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7 minutes ago, Huckenfell said:

Does ordinary flue symptoms require a visit to the local hospital ?

I would say it depends if you had any under-lying issues prior to the onset? I have only had flu once in my life, about 45 years ago, I never went to hospital, I slept and perspired for about three days then was fine!

They have stated all along that those with ill health are those most at risk, which explains the situation in China, they are not the healthiest lot, they all smoke and have a $hit diet? Most were probably under medical care any way?

Edited by CGW
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1 hour ago, tlandtday said:

Okay explain california, singapore etc.

Its winter in California, Singapore is AC central, you don't want to accept these "facts" though - do you?

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13 minutes ago, White Christmas13 said:

It's not winter in Australia temperature today is 35 where I live in Perth and we have new cases.

So its rampant then, same as it is in cold weather countries?

"A male in his 70s attended St Vincent’s Emergency Department on the 6 March. St Vincent’s Hospital is in the process of contacting patients who may have come in contact with him. The source of his infection is under investigation as he has had no recent overseas travel.

A male in his 40s. NSW Health is investigating further to determine close contacts during his infectious period. He is known to have travelled overseas recently."

May as well rule out the hot weather kills it theory then!

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2 hours ago, CGW said:

Yep! I also find it strange that Iran, who have the 3rd most infections are being so open with their information with a "world" that just weeks ago wanted to bomb them to kingdom-come! ????

At least with their numbers, no one will want to invade the place.

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