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How Many People on This Forum Have the Flu or a Cold Now?

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59 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I don't eat in any tourist areas, so that's a start. I do have a slight headache, I'm blaming that on some posters.

Likely headache from lack of MSG...


Had it a few weeks ago, recovered then two weeks or so later got it AGAIN ! 

Just getting to the end of it now.

Started with tightness in the throat, difficult to swallow, then running nose, throat eased off to become cough. Lasts about 10 days or so all together. No noticeable fever at anytime just drained in energy.


Didnt bother seeing the Doctor on second round, knew what it was and "tiffy" & Brown leopard stuff from 7-11 sorted it out ! ????????

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The reason I ask is two hours ago I started feeling sick with a sore throat and slight cough.  

I get that for a couple of days anytime I come back from Europe. It's hot, you sweat, then you stay in your airconditioned car or a freaking cold restaurant.


Watch yourself, stay home if possible and go to a hospital if it lasts.


Good luck to you!


If infected, stay away from TVF to avoid spreading it to honorable members like me ????

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2 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

Some people go 10 years without a flu


Good diet




People on c rappy diets get sick yearly

Mediation? you work for a union?


it can be pure luck you avoid getting the flu

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Have not been on here for ages.


My whole family got sick about three weeks ago. We all got a fever, runny nose, sore throat and a cough. Lasted about three weeks. My wife's brother went to Bangkok and bought this virus back with him. I have been to the doctor twice as this virus moved to my chest but it is better now. I got asked at the clinic if I have travelled and been to any affected Countries. I have only been at home. I was advised to stay at home for seven days and to rest as much as I can. I am okay now but would hate to get the COVID19 virus now after being sick.

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59 minutes ago, fruitman said:

I had it 2 weeks ago, lasted 2 days and was nothing special.

"I got turned in to a Newt!

 - but I got better..."  

  • Haha 2
3 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

Have not been on here for ages.


My whole family got sick about three weeks ago. We all got a fever, runny nose, sore throat and a cough. Lasted about three weeks. My wife's brother went to Bangkok and bought this virus back with him. I have been to the doctor twice as this virus moved to my chest but it is better now. I got asked at the clinic if I have travelled and been to any affected Countries. I have only been at home. I was advised to stay at home for seven days and to rest as much as I can. I am okay now but would hate to get the COVID19 virus now after being sick.

Did they not ask you to do a blood test for COVID-19 ?


I get sick so easy, but in the last 3 months I never felt better. Maybe from all the <deleted> I had my immune system is fighting everything now.

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Nothing this year yet - I'd be mostly worried about people looking at me in alarm any time I sneezed or coughed. However, I remember every year here there's always a lot of coughs and colds about at this time of year, around February or March. 

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1 minute ago, totally thaied up said:

Have not been on here for ages.


My whole family got sick about three weeks ago. We all got a fever, runny nose, sore throat and a cough. Lasted about three weeks. My wife's brother went to Bangkok and bought this virus back with him. I have been to the doctor twice as this virus moved to my chest but it is better now. I got asked at the clinic if I have travelled and been to any affected Countries. I have only been at home. I was advised to stay at home for seven days and to rest as much as I can. I am okay now but would hate to get the COVID19 virus now after being sick.

 If I copped (a Flu etc) I have to bear the Ups and Downs, and Downs, and Downs for up to 3 months before the bog starts to clear (being chronically affected lungs doesn't help) 

If I cop (from the first symptom arisings) it, I know from experience to never sleep flat on my back.

Since 1995, I always (during those Down times) rolled over onto my Front, and remove the pillow in toto; laying head upon a Towel only.


Whatever build up there is overnight'; flows out onto the towel, and not involuntarily emanating back down the back of the throat...  



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7 minutes ago, Tayaout said:

My 2 years old niece has a dry cough. My father in law too but it seems chronic in his case. 

Same with the girls 5 & 10, after 5 days, (yesterday) we took them to the docs for some antibiotics as their sleep and ours was being disrupted at night, and not much we could do for them except give them cough medicine which sort of eased it, but not for long. The antibiotics seems to be doing the job so far, albeit we try to avoid getting them unless necessarily, especially for the kids, as for me, gime, gime, gime, too old to fight off tropical c-r-a-p here and my antibodies are probably all dead because of all the antibiotics I have taken in my lifetime when they used to give them out like M&M's.


I will say this, the doc said stay home, do not travel, do not go shopping, which we replied, already stocked up, holidays cancelled and home is now our hotel indefinitely. The doc is the head of a pediatrics section of a government hospital here who opens the outside clinic an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening, which is always packed.

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The other day... sitting in the Plaza FoodCourt:  ( an aussie shop btw)

watching the HealthyHabits Stall food handlers... 

 she had these same gloves on, for the whole time...

 - doing prep of breadrolls stuffed with meats and salads, cheeses, meats, tomatoo etc in the Rolls

 - all the while, also handling customer cash back'n'forth

 - going straight back to same gloved fingers, massaging the next Rolls contents... 


cycle repeating...

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15 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Mediation? you work for a union?


it can be pure luck you avoid getting the flu

Not luck. Know people who rarely get sick. They have good diets.



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36 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

Didnt bother seeing the Doctor on second round, knew what it was and "tiffy" & Brown leopard stuff from 7-11 sorted it out ! ????????

Give credit where it is due! your immune system kicked into gear and "sorted" it out, with a little bit of help, kinda like it was "designed" to do ????  ????

People seem to be forgetting that most have immune systems that work very well, more so if they are nurtured with good food and rest. ????

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Sounds like the bug I had in January.  Very sore throat 2-3 days that  the AC didn't help at night and that was worsened by the pollution  during the day. Fever that came and went. I did go through a couple  7-11 Tylenol packs.  Over all, it showed symptoms 5 days and was gone in 10.  All this at the peak arrival of our friends from  Wuhan. No respiratory issues though, very little phlegm, so most definitely not the SARS Cov-2.   A brisk walk along the beach for the humidity helped, but not during high sun time as I found that I was very sensitive to the sun.


6 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Interesting article on BBC currently about why healthy people are dying from this virus, they've been analysing the patients and think it's they have other bacterial and viral infections at the same time only detected by further testing

This is already known. If the infection is a direct cause of death, it is ARDS, Acute Respiratory Distress. The lungs become inflamed and the patient literally suffocates.

With others, the SARS-Cov-2 infection is believed to damage the lung or weaken the body to allow opportunistic infections to ravage the body. We are constantly exposed to  bacteria and viruses that our bodies manage to control. When people with damaged immune systems or other types of physical distress (damaged lungs, poor cardiac output etc.) are pushed over the edge the  opportunistic infections take hold. We see this in hospitals now.


 The UK research was directed at those who are most  vulnerable and likely to  have these opportunistic  infections. What they did in the UK was to come up with a fast and reliable way to sequence the genome of the infectious agents. More importantly the premise is to identify the  harmful bacteria and viruses that are present  so that they can be managed. It is a commonsense approach. (Easier said than done and those researchers deserve alot of respect and praise for what they did.) They came up with a way to address a known concern.


5 hours ago, jonwilly said:

About three weeks back the BBC reported that in a normal year approximately 1,000 people in UK die from the ordinary Flu virus.

So 1,000/12 times 2 (Jan/Feb)means at least 166 have passed away this year.

I understand 5 have now passed away in UK with the C19.

I have sneezed, had a runny nose but feel fine, just the normal cool season to warm season event.


This nonsensical approach to cause of death   creates confusion in the general public. 

1000 people in the UK do not "die" from seasonal flu. They die from the opportunistic infections  that occur due to the infection. Seasonal flu in patients with chronic illness makes them more vulnerable to opportunistic infections. Patients who have damaged lungs or impaired cardiac function are at risk if their lung capacity is further impaired. A potent  flu infection can do just that. Yes, the seasonal flu gets assigned as cause of death, but the reality is the patient would most likely have survived had the patient not been in an already weakened and damaged state.  

For example, the principal reason why smokers are told to get  the pneumonia vaccines is because their lungs are  damaged. The lungs are more susceptible to infection by opportunistic infections due to the bacteria that result in pneumonia. 

24 minutes ago, Tayaout said:

My 2 years old niece has a dry cough. My father in law too but it seems chronic in his case. 

Dry cough could be a sign of Coronavirus as this is a key symptom.


The dry cough is pretty mild in the young but a good clue is there's normally no runny nose or sore throat which a cold would give you.


You should get your father-in-law checked out as in older people the dry cough can develop into Pneumonia.


Don't trust the state when they tell you the Coronavirus infection figures. They sound too good to be true based on other countries experiences.



20 minutes ago, tifino said:

all the while, also handling customer cash back'n'forth




I have seen this so many times.


Are Thais stupid or what?



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7 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Sounds like the bug I had in January.  Very sore throat 2-3 days that  the AC didn't help at night and that was worsened by the pollution  during the day. Fever that came and went. I did go through a couple  7-11 Tylenol packs.  Over all, it showed symptoms 5 days and was gone in 10.  All this at the peak arrival of our friends from  Wuhan. No respiratory issues though, very little phlegm, so most definitely not the SARS Cov-2.   A brisk walk along the beach for the humidity helped, but not during high soon as I found that I was very sensitive to the sun.


This is already known. If the infection is a direct cause of death, it is ARDS, Acute Respiratory Distress. The lungs become inflamed and the patient literally suffocates.

With others, the SARS-Cov-2 infection is believed to damage the lung or weaken the body to allow opportunistic infections to ravage the body. We are constantly exposed to  bacteria and viruses that our bodies manage to control. When people with damaged immune systems or other types of physical distress (damaged lungs, poor cardiac output etc.) are pushed over the edge the  opportunistic infections take hold. We see this in hospitals now.


 The UK research was directed at those who are most  vulnerable and likely to  have these opportunistic  infections. What they did in the UK was to come up with a fast and reliable way to sequence the genome of the infectious agents. More importantly the premise is to identify the  harmful bacteria and viruses that are present  so that they can be managed. It is a commonsense approach. (Easier said than done and those researchers deserve alot of respect and praise for what they did.) They came up with a way to address a known concern.


This nonsensical approach to cause of death   creates confusion in the general public. 

1000 people in the UK do not "die" from seasonal flu. They die from the opportunistic infections  that occur due to the infection. Seasonal flu in patients with chronic illness makes them more vulnerable to opportunistic infections. Patients who have damaged lungs or impaired cardiac function are at risk if their lung capacity is further impaired. A potent  flu infection can do just that. Yes, the seasonal flu gets assigned as cause of death, but the reality is the patient would most likely have survived had the patient not been in an already weakened and damaged state.  

For example, the principal reason why smokers are told to get  the pneumonia vaccines is because their lungs are  damaged. The lungs are more susceptible to infection by opportunistic infections like pneumonia. 

Why do they keep changing the name? to confuse people? first it was Corona Virus, then Covid-19 now SARS Cov-2? 

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