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'People are terrified': Daily life on hold as Americans face coronavirus threat

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11 hours ago, PhonThong said:

What a load of <deleted>. I just returned from the states and it was nothing like this. Life was going on as normal. Stores were full of product and restaurants were serving customers as usual. I didn't observe any panic buying. The media is just spreading lies.

That is what I am worried about. Life as normal I have been stuck in the states 2 weeks as I decided not to travel this month normal I would be in Thailand or elsewhere. I think there is a going to be a huge problem coming here. People are going out as normal, but panic has set in. Almost nobody has a mask on, lots of low income people, probably no health cover coughing everywhere.   Hand sanitizer has been on short supply for weeks. Toilet paper had been available until last night as far as I saw. I think people joked about it enough then said "lets go stock up" I went into a Mexican Super to get a bottle of water yesterday most people had multiple large packs of TP in the carts.  I think Thailand is safer now. I did get some  Italian Mineral waters 3 for $1.50! How much for one at Topps Market 90 baht? Gotta get outta here..


1 hour ago, Captain Monday said:

Almost nobody has a mask on

The cheap paper masks that most people use will not, IMO and that of many, stop one becoming infected. Only a full hazmat suit would be 100% safe.

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6 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

It is unfortunate that some people continue to remain dismissive of the emotional impact that this event is causing. Some are people who should know better, but who are apparently detached from the ongoing events and some who are in denial; Either due to fear, or ignorance, or arrogance, or political bias, they are in denial.


The undeniable fact is that a large number of Americans are scared and some are indeed terrified. If they were not, we  would not see events like this;


A school district in Memphis, Tenn. announced on Monday that a school employee was in contact with someone who tested positive for the novel coronavirus.  That had some parents at the school wiping down their kids and even spraying them with disinfectant.




Tell me again that people are not terrified, because spraying one's child with disinfectant, under these circumstances is hardly a rational act.


In some areas, store shelves have been stripped of products, and there are  long lines  in the stores. if that was not the case, we would not read articles like this;

By AFP - March 7, 2020 @ 10:24am

LOS ANGELES: Sprinting shoppers, rationed mineral water and not a roll of toilet paper to be seen: panic-buying sparked by the Covid-19 coronavirus soared in Los Angeles, the United States, this week. Two days after California declared a statewide emergency, wholesale stores visited by AFP on Friday were unable to keep up with soaring demand for a range of staple items, as citizens prepare for the worst.

It’s pandemonium – our numbers are double the usual,” said Rene, an employee at a Costco supermarket in Burbank.

“Today has been out of control. That’s why we’re out of toilet paper, out of almost all water, out of hand sanitiser.”

“With the madness here, it’s starting to really set in,” said Lisa Garcia, a 30-year-old retail worker who admitted she was growing seriously worried.




Chiquita Thursby and Yordano Tesfailasce couldn't believe what they saw when they arrived at Costco Friday morning.    "We saw the line around the block and we thought the world had gone mad,'' Thursby said of the crowd gathered outside the store in Lawndale, California.  "Before it was a scare,'' Thursby said. "Now it's real.”

At stores across the U.S., shelves are being picked bare. The coronavirus is spurring panicked shoppers to stock up on products ranging from cleansing wipes to peanut butter as they prepare to hunker down in the midst of the growing pandemic.  "They're acting like this is the end of the world,'' said Lynette Young, a nurse in Los Angeles, who was amused by the rush as she bought ginger ale and cleaning supplies at a local Walmart.


On and on it goes, and the response from  some in this thread, is that no, it is not happening. Do not expect to be taken seriously when you deny events that are well documented.


I see the comments here that the media has  made this up, has invented these events. The recent outburst  by the FOX news host blaming China is an indication, a reflection of the fear, even terror, some Americans have. It is a displaced aggression.  The fact is, much of the media has been trying to calm people. Positive stories are being promoted. Calming fear, often irrational, is appropriate. Unfortunately, such stories which downplay the seriousness of the pandemic, also feed into the  "so what" attitudes of so many and explains in part why some countries are in the mess they are right now.


The US imposed travel ban is not so much an integral tool as it is a measure to calm the population, to show that the government is taking decisive action. Such a measure would not have been taken unless people were scared. (Congress members report that they are inundated with calls from constituents demanding that the government to take action.)


Some TVFers live in their own little bubble.  They do not understand that  for the working poor in the USA, they cannot just work from home or take 2 weeks off to self isolate as they live payday to payday. These working poor are stressed and scared as to what could happen to them.


The epicenter of the King County WA, epidemic is a seniors assisted care facility. The residents are terrified and have said so. The facility is  understaffed and  residents feel abandoned. The local papers and news shows are dominated by this  tragedy. To those who say people are calm, I say go and ask the care home residents or their families. Aside from fear, there is a large amount of anger. Anger that will soon manifest itself unless the fears are addressed.


I have a colleague in New York City, and he is indeed worried. We don't use the word terrified but he is. He has elderly parents and a kid in daycare. He can't care for his parents now because he knows that his child is a possible carrier and he would risk bringing the infection to his parents. His is but one of many tens of thousands of similar  situations. 


To those who wish to deny that a large number of people in the USA are gripped with fear, you have not seen anything yet. Once the  number of infections skyrocket and the dead pile up, particularly those who are poor and in  congested urban areas, you will see fear play out before your eyes.

Americans as a whole are chronically in fear, that's fairly common place, just look at the obscene amounts of psychotropic meds being served up every day.

Those who are proactive and pragmatic about the latest doomsday aren't seeing anything out of the ordinary. Personally, it's everything that I'd expected it to be, weeks ago, I bolstered necessities accordingly. Not everyone is emotionally stable nor able to deal with out of the ordinary realities, I don't think I've seen anyone here deny that. I'm speaking for myself and others I interact with regularly here, no one is terrified. Alert and aware? Certainly, as they should be, with the wu-flu. The elderly and or immuno compromised are going to fall quite ill and or potentially succumb to the wu-flu, I dont think anyone's denying that. A perfectly healthy 10 yr old girl succumbed to influenza last November, locally. Little was said nor did anyone behave any differently. Same, same, but different?

As far as the media's involvement, well most with a functional brain know by now, that they're not required to report based on hard facts, rather what generates clicks and keeps the ad money flowing in. Boring article, or terrifying article, which will generate more clicks? 

I realize  that's a hard truth, for some.

As far as politics, I'm fairly confident they're all scum bags, I don't care which tribe it is. But that's just me.

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This suggests the mood depends on specifically where you are in the USA. 


It's a very big country. 




Life in the U.S.: Startlingly different in some places, oddly unchanged in others


As the outbreak spreads, some people have withdrawn into their homes, separating themselves from contact with strangers. Others insist on proceeding as usual, but even they slam into constant reminders — canceled events, closed schools, shuttered offices, fearful friends — that there is no “as usual” right now.






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I haven’t seen any evidence of panic or terror here pretty much normal but we are prepared to hunker down if nessary 

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... the End (for those typically non-self-sufficient) will be signalled;

when there aren't any Diners or other like-burger junk food outlets remaining open...

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2 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

I did get some  Italian Mineral waters 3 for $1.50! How much for one at Topps Market 90 baht? Gotta get outta here..

Ummm..pssst. $1.50 is better that 270 baht.

On 3/13/2020 at 8:32 AM, lannarebirth said:

Stores closing, restaurants closing, soon schools and daycares. People losing shifts to stay home with kids. No more tips that service workers depend on. Healthcare workers about to be overwhelmed. National Guardsmen will be called up soon. No plan put forward to help any on these people but they found $1.5 Trillion today to prop up the stock market. That would pay for 4-5 months of assistance to every American resident @$1,000/mo.


Well, they didn’t find it, they invented it....took all of a few seconds, just type the digits in and send it, it’s what they call panic quantities easing and it will come at a cost.

trying to “ tweak “ away a problem that’s just not tweakable....all the tweaks in the world won’t stop the resulting of a very physical problem...

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33 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

Hello "stuck in states".  Did you know you can drink water out of the tap in most all 50 U.S. states?  I did for 59 years in Arizona, Washington, and Alaska

Also, you can easily get a 3 way valve for your toilet and install a "bum gun" and reduce your toilet paper usage down to nothing (if you wash then use a towel)


Good luck - big challenges means thinking outside the box




If you install a bum gun in the states, bear in mind average water pressure is much higher than in Thailand and Thai style bum guns don't work well there . Order a "handheld bidet" and one with a ceramic valve, otherwise it will leak.

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16 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


If you install a bum gun in the states, bear in mind average water pressure is much higher than in Thailand and Thai style bum guns don't work well there . Order a "handheld bidet" and one with a ceramic valve, otherwise it will leak.


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1 hour ago, Skallywag said:

Hello "stuck in states".  Did you know you can drink water out of the tap in most all 50 U.S. states?  I did for 59 years in Arizona, Washington, and Alaska

Also, you can easily get a 3 way valve for your toilet and install a "bum gun" and reduce your toilet paper usage down to nothing (if you wash then use a towel)


Good luck - big challenges means thinking outside the box



How does someone drink from a tap when standing at a bus stop? 

I stay in hotels or relatives house so won't be buying toilet paper of modifying the plumbing.

This forum would more useful if people with nothing useful to add

would refrain from the thinly veiled personal attacks  disguised as witticisms.



The original article reported on the  emotional state of some people and referenced  specific examples. There was a wave of anger in the forum: Not true, lies, click bait etc.   When I  supported the initial report, I was ridiculed, insulted and  dismissed.  Then, when I provided some specific examples that substantiate the original article, some angry respondents  doubled down on their insistence that because they do not see it, it does not exist.


No one has said that every part of the USA is gripped with terror. However, there are a growing number of locations, where people are scared and behaving accordingly.  One would not expect locations where there are no cases, no state of emergency declared, to be  as stressed as people in Seattle or Boston or NYC.


I expect that as more cases are reported, more economic loses incurred  and more deaths reported, the deniers here will see many more examples. Let's revisit in 2 weeks.


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28 minutes ago, scorecard said:

And vast numbers are not getting tested because it would bankrupt them and not one peep out of the immoral health insurers who, if they had any morals or social conscience should have by now given some form of support.  

Vast numbers aren't tested because it gives you a mild sniffle. It would be a waste of time to test everybody born.You realize the insurance companies have offered tests for free right? No co-pay.

13 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

Vast numbers aren't tested because it gives you a mild sniffle. It would be a waste of time to test everybody born.

Nooo the testing isent available yet on a large scale even with lots and lots of advance warning some interestes want to keep the numbers low because it doesent serve their interests to know the truth

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3 minutes ago, Tug said:

Nooo the testing isent available yet on a large scale even with lots and lots of advance warning some interestes want to keep the numbers low because it doesent serve their interests to know the truth

The tests are a waste of money. You either die or you don't. It's billions of dollars poured into the sewer.

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10 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I think you're missing the point. You can skip the test, carry the virus, live even thrive, and pass on the virus to hundreds or thousands of others, some of whom may die, because you failed to get tested and self quarantine yourself. People will have died needlessly.

No, I get the point. If you are over 60 and worried don't go out. I understand the point very well. Skip visiting your elders this week, don't infect them.

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4 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I hope you showed a higher degree of conscientiousness, precaution and empathy with regard to the HIV virus.

As a gay man I am sure I have more experience with HIV then you do. So don't tell your Grandma how to suck an egg.

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22 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

The tests are a waste of money. You either die or you don't. It's billions of dollars poured into the sewer.

Sooo tracking and managing the pandemic limiting the death and financial pitfalls is money down the sewers wow dude

  • Thanks 2
2 minutes ago, Tug said:

Sooo tracking and managing the pandemic limiting the death and financial pitfalls is money down the sewers wow dude


Thank God there are people like you still out there. Testing people won't achieve anything. There are millions of infections. Everywhere.

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On 3/12/2020 at 5:35 PM, Berkshire said:

555555....so you saw all this coming.  Then you must have been shorting the heck out of this market, correct?  Made a bundle?  Somehow, I don't think so.

Actually I made enough after the 2008 mess that I retired in 2012 at age 52. Not been back in the markets since...Thanks

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